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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    This has been trumpeted in most national newspapers (coincidentally, the unionist ones) but is completely misleading. Scotland does not have a deficit - how could it? There is no central bank, so from whom does it borrow money to run up a deficit?


    What these articles are designed to do is to scare the populous into thinking along the same lines as you - that we are uniquely incapable of managing our own finances. The fact is, however, that (1) there is only a general understanding of how much the various regions of the UK contribute to the exchequer; (2) the death of the North Sea has been very exaggerated. 


    I repeat what I stated in the initial post - Scotland, like every other contributing region, has to pay to the government to give to the DUP to allow an incompetent PM to cling on to power; there will be no reflective return from Westminster, whether you live in Whalsay or Wallsend. 

    I aint scared fella,  and I hope you get the independence, but it aint going to be a walk in the park.

    Crack on 


  2. 10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    What is the deficit? If you can tell us with certainty, you will be in a very exclusive club of 1. 


    As for the Barnett formula, it was devised to ensure parity of services across all areas of the UK, regardless of the cost of supplying those services. Would you prefer that we ignore those in more  sparsely populated, remote areas simply because the cost of provision was disproportionately high?



    just saying.....you get more so you pay, there nowt unfair about that!




  3. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

    No, your understanding is not correct. Scotland has a block grant with which it spends as it chooses. It chooses to spend money on certain areas and not on others. That the English chose not to have a devolved administration, and subsequently chose a government who does not see fit to help its people with things like college fees or prescription costs is not the fault of the Scots. England could have these things too if it wanted them. 

    does that go towards paying for the billions in deficit scotland has or is that why scots have on average about 1500 quid more spent on them per person by the government, per year?

  4. 47 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    Did you actually mean to write that? I presume you understand that the Westminster you refer to is not a value generator in itself? 


    Assuming that you meant that the UK as a whole, the attached chart is from the UK government's own data,


    Note that Scotland is 4th in terms of contribution to the UK exchequer by region. Also note that this figure excludes oil and gas, which have, since the 1970s, produced more than 330 billion pounds to the UK exchequer. Not that I would grudge that if it hadn't been used to prop up a selfish culture of tory greed and British decline.


    whats wrong with that?  Scotland should pay a lot as it will go towards the rest of the country paying for the free prescription and college/uni fees you benefit from and no one south of the border gets.  You  can't have it all ways

  5. 52 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    Nah bro, I just ain't stupid to go out fighting with peeps I have no beef with just because the government has a hard-on for world domination and oil while they sit comfortably behind their desks sending out peeps to get killed :)


  6. The idiots that ride the moped/scooters and crappy step throughs do not deserve any respect.  Respect goes both ways.  

    Most must have found their licence in a cereal packet and do not have a clue about road safety (or should I say pavement/sidewalk safety), and I am not just talking to Thais, Westerners are just as bad, they to seem to think is perfectly excusable to ride on the pavement, to nearly run you over on a zebra crossing, not fasten the chin strap on the helmet (if they have one on at all).  

  7. 8 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    Where on earth did the metal 58 pattern mug come from? All we had were plastic mugs on the water bottle that held Bacardi and coke.

    You had to purchase them yourself, can not remember where I got mine but places like Silvermans used to do them 

  8. Just now, Celer et Audax said:

    Bacon grill was my favourite even cold!!
    My racing spoon which was from a yank MRE was permanently attached to my breast pocket with para cord
    I binned the mess tins very early on and used a very small non stick frying pan which i kept in my Bergen and if I just had my webbing the I used my metal 58 pattern mug for cooking with hexi blocks and 3 six inch nails to put it on
    Kept the weight down on tabs!! And before I'm accused of walting my number is xxxx0907 the one number you never forget

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Yuck lol, could not do it cold.   Was that the metal black mug with the plastic removable rim on it and when you forgot to remove it it started to melt haha.

    I used to use a grenade tin, one of the small ones, it would just fit in two of the small tins from the old rat packs and you could use it like a little BV

  9. 1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


    Don't know what planet you are living on but millions of Muslims have died in western led wars over the last 17 years and counting...but according to you there has only one attack on Muslims in the last 10 years??????????????



    Can you tell me  why the Muslims have died in the 17 years?  I think you are going to say because we invaded their countries etc etc...Yes we did, now ask your self why we went in to their countries!  Yes I know there were some white lies by the Yank and UK leaders, but overall we went in to stop atrocities, butchering, oppression, systematic torture and killings of people in those countries.  Maybe you are one of these people who think that we should sit back and watch all this happening as it does not concern you?  Or maybe we as so called civilised countries should step up tp the mark and stop this from happening.  

    They just can not help themselves and are only happy if they are killing someone and if its not believers its each other, just a different kind of Muslim, just a different tribe, just a different neighbour.   I see it all the time at work.  

  10. 4 minutes ago, coulson said:


    Yes they can, and do, it's all about management. Making a hard line policy on community diversity and even harder line on enforcing the law seems to have worked.



    Good article but it would not work for all the tree huggers and muslim huggers because it might be too heavy handed for them, poor loves.  Also I don't think Singapore has to take in the dictated  hundreds of thousands of so called refugees every year.  So I am assuming the harmony in the country will be better 

  11. 1 minute ago, impulse said:


    Nothing condones it.  


    But it would be on the 3rd page in the news, confined to the Middle East were it not for our own meddling.  Assuming they wouldn't have worked it out themselves long ago without the colonial boot on their necks keeping them compliant.


    You and I are beneficiaries of centuries of exploitation of the 3rd world by our ancestors, who either didn't see, or didn't give a rat about the long term unintended consequences.  We're paying the price today.


    So you think we should have just sat back and let them get on with the atrocities, butchering, oppression, systematic torture and killing?   Can't have it both ways, we either meddle as you put it or just sit back and let them get on with it.

    You are getting boring with the centuries ago stuff...we didn't live in the centuries ago, we live now in a supposedly civil planet...unless your muslim

  12. 1 minute ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    I expect the same will happen in my country of birth Sweden soon. 2 days ago police were attacked by muslim gangs in Trollhättan:  http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/06/17/swedish-police-attacked-100-masked-migrant-youths/ In the news they did not mention that the attackers were muslims.


    Earlier this year Swedish police officer Peter Springare said that migrants were committing a disproportionate amount of crime in problem suburbs. He said that almost all of the serious criminal cases that came across his desk involved migrants; comments that saw him investigated for “racial hatred”,

    Typical...its only racial hatred when a white says something, but its called freedom of speech if you are black, brown, yellow, olive etc and want to say something.

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