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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. Tip: Your pick does NOT need to be a POLITICIAN of any kind. thumbsup.gif

    OK, so how about Hillary and Pee Wee Herman?

    Isn't that a match made in heaven? I mean, she's married to a sex offender and ... he is one!

    No, the idea here is to pick YOUR OWN running mate as if you were running for president. Got it now?

    Sorry! That's been my life story ... never reading the directions. Actually, the assembly directions are the first thing I throw away!

  2. Well actually the Brits proceeded with beating the crap out of the Thai even after they could clearly see that their son wasn't even hurt. Plus one more Brit showed up to help them making it all appear more like a gang - what was that other Brit even doing there helping to restrain the Thai ( which by the way may qualify as an attempted kidnapping) - that Brit didn't even see what happened and there he was helping out "his own" in a foreign country during their key ethnic holiday - does it ever get more retarded than that - they are easily the most retarded farangs I ever heard of in this country... They had one of the Thais completely surrounded and they were beating the crap out of him before the other Thais decided to unleash their wrath on them... It's actually a very interesting video, maybe you should watch it again, it's all there.

    It's just really disgusting how the Brits would twist the story trying to make their own thugs look innocent...

    What's disgusting is how badly you want to be Thai that you'd talk like this. You'll always be a farang in their eyes so stop trying to hard.

    The incident started with a Thai pushing someone to the ground over a spilled drink.

    Wellred, you have it almost correct. What you neglected to mention is the cowardly Thai pushed the guy from the back to the ground. That's right he didn't address him face to face. No, you can see it quite clearly at 1/2 speed. He pushed him from the back.

    Now Jblood is more that happy to ascribe all kinds of nefarious intentions to the young frange, but Jblood what did the Thai thug say to the guy's mother? Maybe she slapped him, because he was abusive to her!! Notice, she slapped him face to face.

    Nobody engaged in cowardly sucker punches, but the Thais. Then, of course, they followed that up with kicking people when they were down. Just shows what truly brave fighters the Thais are.

  3. QE and low interest rates will go down history as one of the worst blunders. 30% interest rates here we come.

    You can get high interest rates today in Brazil and Venezuela. Problem is those high rates are NOT available in US$ denominated accounts.

    We must remember that while 19% annual internet seems very attractive, the underlying currency can devalue 20% or more in a single week!

    Thus if you seek those very high rates, at the same time you have to hedge the currency and that can become quite expensive on those volatile currencies.

  4. Because it was way overvalued and commodities are going up?

    Thailand economy is not that bad. Everyone works here unlike the welfare state of USA.

    There is certainly some truth to the US$ being overvalued. In part this was driven by the "Risk Off" trades, where people bought US Treasuries in fear that lower global commodity prices would devastate their home currencies. Recent improvements in commodity pricing has reduced the demand for US Treasuries.

    Looking backwards is easy, however. Where this is going is far more difficult. When demand for Treasuries is low, interest rates should go up, but ... but they aren't! Further confusing things is that China appears to be weaker than thought. A weak China would predict a lowering of commodity pricing and stimulating once again the "Risk Off" trade. We are in unusual times and things are quite confusing!

    My sense the "leading indicator" for Thailand in China. That is, if things continue to go South in China, Thailand will also suffer.

    One thing you don't hear much about, but a real strong trend in the US has been the "re-sourcing" of components form China to domestic producers. China is slowly becoming more expensive and the long suuply chains have become a headache to manage.

  5. So is it official now? British tourists are now allowed to come to Thailand get drunk as usual and go around beating the crap out of people or am I really missing the moral of this whole story?

    No, you have it right. Whenever an old grandma beats a Thai, she should be beaten senseless. If she happens to brush against one, she should be knocked to the ground and then stomped to death.

    If you are disabled and talk back to a Thai, then YES, you deserve to be hacked to death.

    Finally, if are female and happen to have an affair with the wrong Thai, you once again deserve to be beaten senseless by 8 of Thailand's finest.

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