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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. There is a real problem ending these suicide attacks. I mean, it's hard to punish a dead person.


    There is a solution, however, but it is repugnant. It does work and has been used by the Mafia for eons. The answer is to kill every member without exception of the suicide bomber's family.  In short, you offer them something they fear more than death ... extinction!


    Think about it, a policy like this changes the game and it tells the terrorists:


    If you plan on killing our families, be sure to kill your family first. For if you don't, WE WILL and it will be done painfully without an ounce of dignity for your family.



  2. Sandman, you should ignore all the terrible advice given to you by the crude people on this forum.


    Look, you have a desperate girl here who is threatening suicide. Her funds are exhausted and you have the means to help her.


    Immediately, you should introduce her to Mrs. Anna Banana from Nigeria who has $4.0 million to deposit in her account!  Problem solved and you, Sandman, have helped not one, but two people.


    You solved the funding problem for the desperate Thai girl. Next, you solved the "locked up funds" problem for Mrs. Anna Banana who inherited the money when her husband died. (I cried when I read about her poor husband. He died in a rape attack by a homosexual elephant ... so sad.)


  3. Lots of advice here about single moms. Some people say you must avoid, while others say this is nonsense. 


    My sense is the decision depends totally upon whether you like children and whether you are willing to bond with them. You must remember the most important people in the entire world to a young mother are her children. 


    If your experience is to simply "tolerate" them, but with no emotional attachments, then the advice to avoid single moms is pretty sound. It will end badly!


    On the other hand, if you enjoy kids (and they have this wonderful ability to make you feel young), then I would suggest that early on you demand to meet them. Don't even think about progressing in the relationship unless you enjoy being with her children. To do otherwise is seriously foolish and guaranteed to end badly.

  4. On 3/4/2017 at 10:07 AM, toenail said:


    I will repeat what has been said before... unlike Westerners, Thai owners (investors) will never lower their selling price or monthly rental price. It has something to do with "saving Face" which I find comical. Wouldn't it make more sense to sell a condo at a lower asking price than waiting 4...8 years before you can sell it? And we all know "old" condos or houses are not a hot item in Thailand; whereas, in most Western countries, if a place is maintained and is in a good location, it will appreciate in value (unlike in Thailand where MOST houses or condos depreciate in value -unless you are on the sea. Note: I am not talking about BKK). Yes, I know there are exceptions, but a few.



    One dynamic that Western property owners face is HUGE property taxes. This makes holding on to unused property very, very expensive. Failure to pay property taxes, of course, is equivalent to donating it to the government.



  5. 14 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Unfortunately, the EU is driven by the ideals of people like Junkers who couldn't give a fig about America.



    One of the great reasons for Brexit. The EU is so self centred that it is loosing perspective of the ways of the world.



    Mind you, America needs to amend it's ways as well. A visa waver to the USA only gets you 3 months while a visa waver to the EU gets you 6 months.



    It's about time America started amending it's ways and reciprocating.




    I fully appreciate what you are saying.


    Many in the US look at the attacks in EU and feel like Trump.  That is, we simply must know who is coming into our country. Indeed, just look at the mess the North Korean killers are making in Malaysia.


    Unfortunately the world is becoming a more dangerous place and visas and their ancillary paperwork allow countries better visibility on who's coming and why.

  6. I wouldn't hold your breath. First off requiring Americans to purchase visas for EU just might encourage more Americans to vacation at home. Trump would just love That!


    Next, within seconds of EU requiring visas for Americans, Trump would require visas for all EU citizens visiting the US. Trump wants to know WHO is coming into the US for security reasons. Once again this falls in line with Trump's thinking.


    My sense is Trump wants the EU to take the threatened steps, that way he's NOT seen as taking unilateral action. He be seen as simply responding to EU actions.



  7. 21 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:


    Not many farangs will get a look in with these types of women... too much family baggage and stigma. They mix with Thai men of a similar socioeconomic level.


    There are plenty of good career women with white collar jobs and a good income. More often than not they'll have a well monied family behind them..  You can spot them a mile off on Tinder because you see their job title and "studied at chulalongkorn" or some Western university.


    These are the types of women that Farangs should go after in my opinion. And it is my life goal to settle down with such a lady :D





    Sam, I really don't understand what you are doing now. According to the post above, you desire a long term relationship with a different/higher class of lady.


    At the same time in another post you make it quite clear that there exists NO chance of such a relationship with this girl. In fact, you mentioned you'd stay with her as long as she continue to act as a repository of your sperm.


    Why?  You are wasting your own life and ... hers! Move On! That is, begin the process of disengagement. The longer you stay together the more she will have invested in the relationship and the harder it will become for her to accept the breakup.


    If you've read much here and in other forums, you know that it's NOT uncommon for breakups in Thailand to become violent. Never forget this ... she has the home court advantage!  No matter what, if it gets "messy", you lose!


    My sense, is you need to begin unwinding the relationship NOW!


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  8. On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Boon Mee said:

    I actually do!  

    Been married to the same gal for >36 years now although I tell her it feels like 96 some times! (joking) :smile:


    An often quoted urban legend is that married men live longer than single men. Well that has been statistically disproven .... it just seems longer!

  9. I guess I am one of those Hillary called "deplorable" and I couldn't be happier. Trump won and you can forget the nonsense about the delegates.  These delegates are selected by the parties. There is no chance that stalwart republicans would ever vote for any Democrat, let alone Hillary.


    As for delivering on his promises, that depends upon whether gridlock will continue in Washington. The two most partisan politicos in Washington, Harry Reid and Obama, will be gone when Trump takes over.


    The Democrats with their terrific loss are in total melt down. So the real question is whether they'll be able to STOP Trump. I can just about guarantee they won't be able to hold their coalition together and here is why:


    In two short years (next mid-term election), the senate contest reverses. That is the Republicans have to re-elect (defend) only 10 senators. The Dems have to re-elect 25 senators. If that isn't bad enough, 10 of those 25 will run for reelection in states that Trump won! Are these people really going to block Trump when their own people voted for him? They might just as well kiss their own ass goodbye. 


    On top of their own people, they'd have Trump to contend with. We all saw how Trump goes after his enemies. He'd personally campaign in each of these states to get the Dem tossed out and the Repub elected.  Notice than if this happens, Trump will have achieved a super majority!!!  The Dems will become insignificant!  That is, they will have schemed against Trump to what end? To end up with zero power and allow the Repubs to do ANYTHING they want?  


    No , the ones who have to play this very, very carefully are the Dems for if they screw this up and act like Reid and Obama, they are toast.



  10. Thailand's PM should pay a great deal of attention to Trump's serious mistrust of China. For a whole host of reasons, Trump will be hammering away at China (Trump blames China for the total mess in North Korea).


    As Trump hammers away at China, assembly type work will migrate OUT. This type of work is the easiest to move as it's generally NOT as capital intensive as manufacturing. Thailand could benefit from this migration, but it must prepare.  That is, the work must performed somewhere and Thailand should make itself competitive.

  11. The Commerce Minster is totally neglecting the potential huge gain in assembly type work for Thailand.  Look, he is correct in that Trump is really, really pissed at China for a whole host of reasons. (At the top of his list is the total mess in North Korea).


    As Trump hammers away at China, assembly work will move out. This work must be performed somewhere. Thailand should position itself to benefit from this situation and look at it as an opportunity .... not a problem.

  12. Certainly, there will be some in the Trump adminstration who will take a dim view of an undemocratic Military Junta.

    Don't forget, however, that Trump is really, really pissed at China for a whole host of reasons (North Korea being near the top). So as Trump hammers away at China, slowly assembly type work will migrate OUT of China. If Thailand is smart, they could benefit from this migration. To do so, however, Thailand must:

    1. Work out a "fair" trade deal with the Trump adminstration

    2. Streamline and simplify the process for opening up assembly plants in Thailand

    3. Put in place protections for intellectual property rights

  13. Trump is a negotiator and simply wants "fair" deals. He could care less about the number of deals racked up. To him it's the quality of those deals that count.

    Now saying that, Trump is also pissed at China. He blames (and I believed rightly so) China for the complete mess in North Korea.

    Thailand's Commerce Minister would be wise to work with the Trump admistration as Thailand could gain significant numbers of assembly type jobs moved OUT of China. As Trump starts hammering away at China, the jobs must be performed somewhere and that "somewhere" will be countries with low labor rates, low nuisance business regulations, and fair trade deals with the US.

  14. My sense is the situation is a little more complicated than the "Muslims don't feel like full members".  Muslims the world over are the first to demand their rights, but these same wonderful people treat non-muslims like absolute dirt in Muslim countries. If you are not a Muslim in these countries, you have NO rights, zero, zip, zilch ....


    Further making consessions to terrorists, breads more terrorism!  Look how Israel deals with terrorists ... there are consequences!   Muslims are evicted from their lands! Consequently Muslims have a vested interest in restraining the terrorists; instead of protecting them.

  15. 10 hours ago, Lokie said:

    So we have the victim, the fruit seller and the grassy knoll...


    obviously the perp was a foreigner as if Thai they would have been teamed up at least 5 onto one... hang on news coming in - they have found some young Burmese workers with a dodgy phone nearby and a garden hoe so it will soon be cased closed.


    OK, my turn. You forgot the Kawasaki. So given all of these clues, I'm guessing:


    Col Mustard, in the Conservatory with the lead pipe

  16. 15 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

     But one thing for sure, they cannot make beer."


    Sad but true, I was a long haul trucker for many years, met many really nice people and was treated well. I can't say that I've drank much of the craft beers so my criticism is of the national brands, they're not very good, never stopped me from drinking them mind you, but Canadian beer is much better.


    John Cleese had a good line. He said:


    American beer is like making love in a canoe ... it's f**king close to WATER!

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