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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. 2 hours ago, juice777 said:

    So by that logic if the nutters got there way and wiped out every non Muslim the world would still be a better place.


    No, the world would be a living hell!


    Sunni/Shia war would be conducted on a global scale with nuclear weapons. The complete intolerance so fundamental to the Muslim religion insures hate and war would continue .... forever!



  2. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    A member of the public was saying that they were using automatic fire. I wonder how many rounds hit the targets?

    I guess they were worried about explosive vests being detonated if they didn't kill them fast.


    Not sure who to believe here, because on the news they described the rifles used by the UK police as semi-automatic.  I hope the news report is incorrect! I sure hope they are issued automatic rifles.


    After all, the terrorists used AK-47's in the Paris nightclub attack.  Police should NOT be out gunned in the name of political correctness.

  3. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The Muslim community need to take a quantum leap forward and start to integrate

    You are using logic against indoctrinated belief. The only way to break the cycle is to ban Muslim schools and force all Muslim children ( co ed classes and no veils ) to attend British schools so they grow up as integrated people. If their parents don't like it, send them to a Muslim country without right of return.

    Excellent Points!


    What I can't believe is taxes are used by the UK government to support Muslim schools. How stoopid is that?


    As you say, those schools must be integrated immediately with non-Muslims and made co-ed. If the Muslims pull their kids out, encourage the entire family to move back home.


  4. 3 minutes ago, stander said:

    At some point, the people will have to decide, if their governments are not going to defend them against the invaders, then who will? The logical conclusion is that people will need to defend themselves. Governments, police, and military cannot be everywhere at once. Plenty of historical examples like the formation of town militias to defend against raiders and invaders.

    You forgot to mention the IRA. People in the UK know how to organize if the government chooses to do nothing. Excellent points, stander!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Scott said:

    At this point in the discussion, I think it is best to leave Afghanistan and other tangential topics out of the thread.   Until more information is available on the terrorists, affiliations they have and nationality, let's stay focused.  

    Just remember over 100 people were killed in Afghanistan just two days ago by terrorists bombings.  These attacks are related ... both done in the name of Islam.

  6. 42 minutes ago, saminoz said:

    Maybe if we tell the terrorists that they don't represent Islam, they'll stop?

    Perhaps that's why they also like scoring so many own goals by killing their own religion, albeit a slightly different shade of evil, a la Sunni vs. Shiite.

    I'd have absolutely no issue if they would keep their action "in-house", so to speak.



    Good Point! We could even sell guns and amo to ... both sides!

  7. 59 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    I agree we should stop going to Muslim countries and, in particular, interfering in their internal affairs.  


    With Donald Trump ramping up the rhetoric against Russia, Iran and North Korea, we must not allow our "special relationship" with the American people to be used as an excuse to drag us into yet more immoral wars of conquest and exploitation.

    Krataiboy, we need to clarify a few things, because you went pretty fast there.


    The US got into Afghanistan not because anyone thought it would be a good idea, but because the Taliban in Afghanistan were hosting bin Laden's group. This group killed over 3,000 people in NY.


    Are you suggesting we should have done ... what? ... nothing? You think with bin Laden alive and strong in Afghanistan, London would be safer??  


    Are you serious? Bin Laden hated all of the West and would have planned mega attacks against London as well, and you know It!


    Now, I fully admit we made mistakes. Obama went for a big political gain by attempting to capture bin Laden.


    I would have never risked the lives of our soldiers just for a political win.  Instead, once bin Laden was located, I would have sent our air force to blow him, his 4 wives and all of his children to hell. No risk of US lives and extinction for bin Laden and his family.


    As for Trump, he's trying to convince Russia to work with us on Syria and ISIL.


  8. 1 minute ago, Basil B said:


    Arming all police will not stop terrorists.

    There were armed police on scene within minute. 

    They shoot dead the terrorists and no one else.

    We have one one the best police forces in the world, if not the best.

    Not all police officers want to carry guns, and not all police officers are of the right calibre to carry guns.



    More police

    More police armed with Tasers 

    Problem is the majority of those murdered were killed by a speeding van.


    More police can end the attacks, but until the Muslim community contributes, the attacks will not stop.



  9. 4 minutes ago, saminoz said:

    Nice try at diversion but my point remains.  The intolerance of this sick religion is simply demonstrated in that they will ban Christianity but the converse is not true.

    You, on the other hand, contributed zero and are just trolling, at this point.


    Ruamrundy, has no point.


    It is a sick, perverted religion. So sick they have to kill any of their members who convert to Christianity. Sick...sick ...sick.

  10. 9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


    I'll take that as a 'yes'....


    Not sure where to start:-


    1) Killing innocent people in support of a cause?  Reminds me of the terrorist attacks.


    2) "First they came for" x - etc. etc.


    Have to admit though that I know nothing about mafia tactics - other than I find them appalling and certainly wouldn't want them pursued by everyone.

    The Mafia tactics are actually pretty simple.


    If you plan to kill our families, kill your own first, because if you don't, we will. It will be messy without an ounce of dignity.


    In short, you threaten extinction. Your family line ... ends! Something terrorists fear more than dying. 


    You cannot punish a suicide bomber, but if he knows his "abandoned family" will be killed, this changes the game.


  11. 3 minutes ago, stander said:

    When you think in the 70's, 80's and into the 90's the IRA had few dozen terror cells in Britain and then compare that with the sheer numbers of Muslims communities in the UK , then almost certainly there are many cells of radical Islamists, who are being harboured and defended within these communities.

    It's even worse!


    I just heard that UK tax $'s are used to fund Muslim schools where hatred for Western Civilization is taught! How stupid is that?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

    Sadiq Khan just spoke on CNN. London  "safest global city". He is completely out of his depth.

    The police response was breaththtaking by the way , if only the politicians would take the gloves off the security forces these thugs could be contained.

    Meanwhile you can't enjoy a night out without being run over or stabbed with 12 inch knives by men committing murder in the name of religion. 

    I just saw him as well and I though he was pretty weak. He didn't inspire any confidence in me.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

    Considering that Christianity, along with the Bible, is banned in the majority of Muslim countries there wouldn't be anything to observe.

    I think you might have missed, that we were talking about observing Muslim schools and Mosques in UK.  Someone said, we should also let Muslims observe Christian ceremonies.


    My observation is Muslims would never let their people observe Christians in complete fear of conversions. Muslims are terrified of their people observing Christianity as they often...  convert!  That's why all converts must be killed. Disgusting religion!

  14. 11 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Mays response will only be a Tsar for terror, nothing is going to be done really and this will risk people taking up arms against Islamist's in a para military way as happened in Ireland. What other choice will there be if she just sits on her hands again?

    Spot On!  Well Said!


    What choice do the people have when the government does nothing?

  15. 10 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I agree with what you said about sleepers.Its the same thing here. Considering the amount of mosques there are now, and soi Nerm Plab Wan, which i believe is called soi Muslim.How many of these Thai converts are waiting for the call to cast out the infidel and turn Thailand over to Allah? In our local market,there is a family who own the Chicken counter. The business is Muslim owned and all 3 of the daughters who work it all wear the head covers. One lady i see every week actually greets me with "Salaam Alekum" and "socran" when i pay her.I just wonder how, exactly, far they are down the road of radicalism.I have always thought that Thai people have a sort of apathetic way of life. It would surprise me if they were able to 'spring into action' if the Jahadi call to war, was ever cried.

    Aren't the Thais being tested right now on their Southern border?



  16. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Now, I don't know what his personal politics are, but referring to the people that talk about redistribution of wealth, they normally mean redistributing rich people's money to poorer people and from rich countries to poorer, not their own lucre.

    IMO and from the poor people I've seen in my country ( not that I know that many ) if they actually cared enough to get an education instead of messing around in school, and got off their butts to go where the work is they wouldn't be poor. I don't profess to make that claim about the poor in the third world, but most third world countries actually have a lot of money, except the rich and powerful steal it all. Soooo, before they take my taxes to give to poor people in other countries, they should sort out the corruption in those countries first.


    However, the countries that these terrorists come from are often wealthy, but have stuffed their own countries up so much that they are unlivable in. Then they think they can run away to a rich western country, but when they get there, they don't like the culture, so they try to change it to the ****hole they came from.

    Excellent points.  Redistribution is no answer when people refuse to assimilate and learn to adapt to their new environment.


    You can NOT give them "happiness". The have to earn it like everyone else.

  17. 32 minutes ago, vogie said:

    And some of us are probably more passionate about our country than others, many people on here are totally apathetic to the idea of these people think they can bomb us, run us over and knife us and we do nothing. I for one am not blaming all muslims, but I am sick to the back teeth of hearing the word Muslim. I am sorry Dick but more action is needed than singing, as in Manchesters case, Wonderwall. 

    Vogue, you made excellent points here. The Muslim community is doing NOTHING to help. They need some encentives.  Perhaps the bombing of a few Mosques to make clear, either begin helping or plan on moving ... OUT.

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