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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. 25 minutes ago, saminoz said:

    ...and, just to be fair and equal, I am absolutely certain that the Christian places of worship would welcome and encourage Muslim observers to their ceremonies.

    Absolutely we would!


    Muslims would never allow their people to attend in fear that they would convert. They simply must protect their people from infidel ideas. Far too dangerous to expose their people to a real religion. In fact, they have to kill any and all Christian converts. What a perverted religion!

  2. 2 minutes ago, haroldc said:

    In 1983 I received a Master's Degree from the Joint Program in Religion of Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary.  Although my field of concentration was Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, the curriculum required coursework in all the world's major (and a number of minor) religions, including Islam.  At that time, Islamist terrorism had not yet become a global phenomenon.  Nevertheless, after reading the Qur'an, I could only conclude that it propounded and condoned actions that were condemned by every other religion that I had studied.  Therefore, I do not see the horrific events that are now occurring regularly as being unexpected or inexplicable, but rather inevitable.


    As for the effect of Islamic immigration on non-Islamic societies, as another member of this former recommended, listen to Enoch Powell's 1968 "Rivers of Blood" speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MtIF6tw-Io).  Although the migrant populations to which he was referring were, for the most part, non-Islamic, the issues that he raised are equally, if not more so, applicable.

    Excellent Points!


    It's clearly a violent prone religion. In a modern world with nuclear weapons we have a serious problem. Iran cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons or global nuclear war will soon follow. Better to nuke Iran first!

  3. 52 minutes ago, Usernames said:

    It's going to be a permanent bloodbath in the UK until the moslems eventually take over everything and ban all other religions and outlaw alcohol, dogs, and everything else they don't like. Bad future.

    I think you underestimate the rage that is building in the UK against the Muslims. Soon Mosques will be bombed in revenge.


    Indeed, the entire world is becoming feed up with the Muslims.  They have no friends and have managed to alienate EVERYBODY!


    The place to watch now is the Phillipines. Duterte has already killed 1000's upon 1000's of drug dealers. Now the stoopid Muslims are challenging a guy crazier than them. He'll kill them all! This guy doesn't care about collateral damage.

  4. 10 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    I f the West is dead it is because of our own falling standards of behaviour and the unfair distribution of wealth not because of a few nutters running around killing in the name of their God.


    Nonsense, but if you believe this then you lead by example. You can be the first to given your home, money and possessions to a poor Muslim family.


    Now, don't wait.  Let's get going.  Got to stop those attacks!

  5. 5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    There are I believe 3,000 fanatics who are prepared to commit atrocities living in the UK and they have to be monitored by the authorities, In WW2 Churchill ordered that Italien and German citizens, some who had been in the UK for decades and had dual citizenship be interned, 'collar the lot'. Why can't this be done with those strongly suspected of being potential terrorists.

     Now that is a good Idea!  You cannot devote 30 people to track each one of these idiots. Round them up. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    No not give up,ISIL must be destroyed but what would you say if 484 Londoners were killed by the army in order to kill 3 or 4 terrorists, fact is it doesn't matter if it happens outside Europe, that doesn't go unnoticed by the fanatical fringe who after all said and done are just murderers looking for a cause.

    That is NOT true. 1,000's marched today in Kapal in protest over the recent terrorists bombings. Problem is the cowardly Taliban run back to their families in Pakistan.  There, they and their families are safe.


    It's time for saturation bombing of those Taliban camps.  In short, kill our families and forfeit yours! 

  7. 7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    No not give up,ISIL must be destroyed but what would you say if 484 Londoners were killed by the army in order to kill 3 or 4 terrorists, fact is it doesn't matter if it happens outside Europe, that doesn't go unnoticed by the fanatical fringe who after all said and done are just murderers looking for a cause.

    What in hell are you taking about?  


    There are over 6,000 scumbag, cowardly ISIL sh*t-for-brains in Mosel. They should all be fried to a golden crisp.

  8. 19 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    484 innocent civilians killed in a US led air raid on Mosul, what ever you care about this does have an affect on terrorism in the West

    What is your point? ISIL is using their own people as "human shields".


    As you saying we should simply give up, and let the human shield work as a tactic?


    Naturally, no one wants to kill innocent people, but this cancer must be destroyed and if that means some collateral damage ... that's unfortunate, but unavoidable.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    That's a cop out


    My idea has a certain elegant symmetry to it.


    It really makes our revulsion clear


    It makes the communities which shelter these people take some of the responsibility 


    It punishes "religious" leaders for allowing such attitudes to flourish.


    No, it's a balanced reaction.

    I could't agree More!


    Your idea has a lot of merit.  They killed in the name of Islam, their place of worship is turned into a parking lot. They want to worship in a parking lot between the cars... let 'em!

  10. 25 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Of course there are consequences - have you read the number of posts stating their hatred of all moslems on this forum???


    Its unlikely that the percentage of white Brits living in the UK (that feel this way) is any lower.  And this will result in even more Brit born moslems feeling victimised and becoming terrorists....


    Hatred with no following actions is a non-consequence. Until the Muslims see/experience real consequences they'll remain complacent, and continue to aid/abet the terrorists.

  11. 2 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    I think you are right. There will soon be some non Muslim anti Muslim attacks. I thought this would have happened in the states first but now I think there are a huge number of very pissed off English people who have had enough. 


    People will only accept so much. You folks could enlist some real experts in the IRA to instill some "recognition" that there is a problem in the Muslim community.

  12. 20 minutes ago, JAG said:

    There will be statements from community leaders, individuals will stand up, but the Muslim community as a whole will remain ambivalent.

    Whether the terrorists have them scared, or whether they just acquiesce I don't know. I must confess that I am starting to consider the latter.

    Right now the Muslim community doesn't care, because there are no consequences! 


    I think we all know where this is going. Eventually their will be bombings in the Muslim enclaves/Mosques in revenge. Then the Muslim community will care, but if course, then it will be too little, too late.

  13. 9 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    While I admire your solution, it's impractical, and the cost would cripple the UK. That's why you never hear of any government statement of the pro-con cost of leaving the EU. mainly because they haven't done their sums.

    You make it sound like someone can figure this out by adding up numbers. Who the heck could possibly know the cost of leaving the EU. New trading relationships have to be negotiated. I know Trump would like to have a deal for "fair trade" with the UK.


  14. 13 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    Yes, it's impossible. So intern them. And then we'll find out where our muslim communities' loyalties lie. And I'm still optimistic that most of their loyalties lie with us. If they show us that they don't, we know exactly what our problem is, and the government will have to deal with it surgically. Or be removed by popular choice to be replaced by a government that does. Being free from the globalist stooge organisation the EU will make this much simpler.

    Excellent Point!  Spot On!


    These are the same folks who criticized Trump for his immigration ban on those Muslim countries lacking any kind of civilian government.

  15. I recommend that all should follow the advice of the Bard...


    Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
    For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
    And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.


    Now, the exception I make to this is immediate family. I believe we simply must help members in our families as after all, these are the people most important in our lives.


    You loaned to a girl friend, whom it seems you like a lot. I find no fault with that.


    Now, one thing you must understand is these poor girls have no idea whatsoever how to manage money. They've never had any, so managing and planning is totally foreign to them. Rather than get all upset, why don't you teach her how to create a budget and record expenses against it? Contrary to common belief, these girls are intelligent and learn fast. What they need is motivation (no more money until you record everything) and a teacher.



  16. On 5/30/2017 at 7:25 PM, simoh1490 said:

    Here's some perspective:


    Resident expat Brits in Thailand = circa 50,000

    UK visitors to Thailand per year = circa 900,000

    UK deaths in Thailand per year = about 390


    Death rate = 0.041%


    UK population = circa 70mill.

    UK deaths per year, roughly 525,000

    UK death rate in the UK = 0.079% (double the rate of Brit deaths in Thailand.


    Conclusion: Brits in Thailand halve their risk of death by living here, over and above living in the UK.



    WOW, simoh, I believe your conclusion could use a little work. First according to your numbers the UK death rate would be 0.75% not 0.079%


    Next, this number reflects death per resident.


    To do a similar comparison in Thailand you'd have 390 deaths per 50,000 residents = 0.78%


    These numbers tell a different story!  They give a higher UK death rate in Thailand than in the UK. Given the average age of expats, however, I actually don't think the death rate in Thailand is all that bad. 


    The statistics that would really interest me is the rate of traffic fatalities. Now, I have no hard evidence, but believe Thailand would do poorly in such a comparison.

    Again this is just a "gut feel".


  17. 21 minutes ago, Scott said:

    One post removed.   Continued hate speech will result in suspensions.   The topic is about the situation in Manchester, not your personal opinion of Islam or Muslims.   

    Yesterday, I saw on the news one of the top police officials (indeed possibly the head of police in Manchester) deliver an address to the media. Like you he seemed far, far more concerned about "hate speech" than the murder of innocent children.


    How can the people of Manchester take these police officials seriously? Their response to this tragedy is to worry about hate speech? British people need to replace bloody fools like that.

  18. 27 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Consider how it would be Palestine was a Christian country and was brutally invaded and taken over by an alien culture and that conflict went on and on, gradually getting worse, causing Christians to feel abused and degraded. Christians the world over would be up in arms against this atrocity, just as aggressively.



    Isn't this exactly what the Muslims did to the Jews? Isn't it strange how the Muslims ignore that the Jews were in Palestine long, long before them.


    Fortunately, I have solution to the Muslim Problem! We have been screwing around trying to prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms. Instead, let's give nukes to both the Sunnis and the Shias.  They are so stupid that they'll kill each other off in a few weeks!








  19. 11 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    Better to have an empty bag than a bag full of garbage.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I have an idea for you. Since you have no ideas, you can use your empty bag to store the body parts of your family once they are blown to sh*t.  I encourage you to sit back and enjoy the show .... in the comfort of your soon to be full bag.

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