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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. My browser is the "standard browser" that comes with Android.  The screen showing the threads is an absolute mess! Each word of the thread topic is on a separate line.

    Once I click on a thread, the thread itself is readable.

    I have a number of Android devices and they all have this same problem.  Google's Android is a fairly popular OS, so TV had better repair this problem or risk losing many folks. 

  2. Why do all the women not look Thai.They look somewhat oriental but not Thai. Noses do not seem right,cheeks seem odd etc.

    I think these arenot representative of true Thai beauty Real Thai women are far more beautiful than these women. It also seems the all want to have the same look. Must share plastic surgeon and make up workers.

    Good observations! I have one more to add to yours. They all seem quite tall! IMHO women don't have to be tall to be beautiful. I think the fashion industry has corrupted our notion of "beautiful".

  3. Maybe he could not wait for his 72 virgins..

    Would somebody please tell these stupid Muslims that Allah has run out of virgins. Well, HUMAN virgins that is.

    Fortunately, Allah has plenty of camel virgins for the martyrs. Well ... not FEMALE camel virgins, as there are none left! But ... he still has plenty of male camel virgins for the martyrs to pleasure.

  4. And thee usual scenario is that the Bib will come and pose with a corpse citing....suicide or personal conflict.(if not drunk!)


    I'm sick of people maligning the Pattaya Police. These professionals have a difficult job. Arresting the 80 year olds who play bridge takes enormous resources. Further it's those bridge players who are destroying the reputation of Pattaya, not the Bang Bangs!

    Seriously, you need some "local" help. Go to Retox and share your problem with some regulars. Sometimes just showing bullies that you are not alone will cool things down.

  5. Explicit? Highly doubtful. What did they do...rub up against each other and pretend to kiss? Anyone remember the old Hollywood Rock A-go-go in Nana? Dildos and bullfrog shows...NOW THOSE WERE EXPLICIT! shock1.gifw00t.gifclap2.gif

    Noooo, you've all got it wrong!

    What they were really doing is playing bridge on stage. The problem was they were judged "too young" to play bridge. Except for the one on the end. She went down four at three no trump. Her charge - "butchering a no-brainer".

    Can you imagine explicitly playing bridge in public in Pattaya? Why the shame of it!

  6. Thailand scams a few hundred tourists every year. The US scammed the whole world by selling bad loans which caused a deep worldcrisis.

    Many of those "bad loans" were created due to pressure put on banks to make loans to people who would never, ever qualify. The rules and regs were created during the Clinton adminstration and then when the consequences of those terrible policies caused economic disaster, Obama and the rest of the dems blamed everything on George Bush!

    End result of all of this is when your top government officials (Obama, Kerry, Clinton's - both of them, etc) are serial liars, how can you be viewed as "trustworthy"?

  7. Transgenders should be allowed to expose themselves anywhere they damn well please...especially in toilets frequented by little girls...

    How could/would a transgender"expose" themselves to a little girl? They have separate booths in the woman's toilets. The little girl would have to either climb over the top or wiggle under the door!!!
    This issue becomes far more emotional when we discuss trans genders in school settings where communal showers are commonplace. Fathers don't want people with male "parts" showering with their little girls. I suspect mothers would also not like the idea of people with female "parts" showering with their little boys.

    I suspose we could eliminate school PE classes, but that isn't regarded as a popular solution. Creating separate facilities for transgenders would be expensive for many schools. So I believe this debate will continue for a long time.

  8. hungarian... It's a beautiful language based on Finnish

    No, Hungarian is not "based on Finnish". They both belong to the Uralic language family, but Hungarian is most certainly not derived from Finnish. In fact, the two languages are pretty much mutually unintelligible. English and German are about as closely related. And no, English is not "based on" German.

    Not so fast, there!

    Old English (aka Anglo-Saxon) is a dialect of the West Germanic Tribes. Modern English is a melting pot of Anglo-Saxon as the base, Scandinavian (after the 9th century Viking invasions) and French (after the 1066 invasion). Previous languages spoken in England like Latin and Celtic were pretty much abandoned with the massive migrations of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

  9. I realize this is "old news", but I lost track of how this ended.

    Last I heard the fines were refunded to all of the players, except the organizer. Further, the police indicated they still wanted to proceed in court in order to get an official verdict on the card game of bridge.

    Can anyone shed light on where this currently stands?

  10. Strikes me as being a fair / just sentence.

    I sincerely hope that the Owen's family makes a complete recovery and the sentenece handed down will help them to find closure.

    I agree, djayz. This does seem fair. Not only fair, but FAST!

    Here in NY the defense lawyers would drag this out for months on end. The result of this is the two year sentence would be cut in half for "time served" while their own defense lawyers drag things out.

    There are two big problems with this "slow justice". The time served awaiting trial is NOT hard time. That is, they don't have to work or do anything!

    More importantly when justice is delayed, the other thugs never make the connection between bad acts and their resultant consequences.

    I have to give Thailand credit for handling this unfortunate situation in a fair, and efficient manner.

  11. ^ http://naturalsociety.com/fluoridating-water-dumb-docile-sick-end-it/ numerous other links also, also as to why fluorides were originally added to water! We all have a choice in what we believe - up to you....

    Its generally good to look at websites that attempt to show multiple sides on issues like this.


    One thing you must remember is that other than distiiled water, fluoride will be found in ALL water.

  12. My sense is the Chinese economy is seriously slowing down. Consequently, the Chinese government will much prefer to have the citizens vacation in their own vast country.

    This theory begins to explain why the Chinese news outlets covered the beating of the Brits so extensively and repeatedly. That is, vacation home, where you will be ... SAFE!

  13. "The tourist does not even come close to pushing the guy, he does what many people do is to hold out an arm to keep someone you don't want to invade your private space, it doesn't appear to be malicious in intent".

    In the West yes, in Asia/Thailand, A BIG NO.

    I tell you what, if you're so confident that first push by the son was nothing at all, the next time you come to Thailand I invite you to go to do the same to any Thai male who's had a few, if possible get your mates to film the reaction and when you get discharged from the hospital let us know how it went!.

    Well, you've made a good point and perhaps it's time for Western governments to issue travel warnings to their citizens. Something along the lines of "Exercise extreme caution. When the native Thais consume 'fire water' they become violent and unpredictable!"

  14. After watching the video numerous times; it's obvious the sidewalk in disrepair is to blame.

    I think it's the Bars in the area. Close down the bars, deport all the usual customers - problem solved... no more sad stories to read on TV...

    Close the bars? What sense does that make? If you are serious about solving the violence problem in Thailand, you ban sales of "fire water" to the natives.

    Notice that if you ban the sale and consumption of alcohol in Thailand, the people you want to deport will NOT come to Thailand. Thus no need to deport.

  15. There are two issues that would concern me about Thailand's economy:

    1. government investments - even in a democracy this always ends badly. Just look at Solyndra! Half a billion $'s and NOTHING to show for it. In a dictatorship, the investments tend to flow not to worthy endeavors, but to "friends" of the government.

    ​2. personal debt and government debt - both are growing at an alarming rate in Thailand. The "standard" solution is to inflate your way out of the mess. That is, devalue the currency so that you pay back loans with cheaper, less valuable THB. Notice that doing this will also stimulate tourism by making everything cheaper in terms of Euros and US$'s. There is, however, a downside. All US$ denominated debt becomes very, very difficult to repay.

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