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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 1 hour ago, neeray said:

    The pursuit was successful and probably necessary but watching the video made me think of the many high speed police chases that happen in North America to the detriment of innocents who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fortunately, no innocent others got nailed in this chase. Good thing the "drop kick" put a fairly quick end to the chase. That was a pretty neat kick. Probably not his first time!

    ..traffic police and others do it here on foot if a bike has failed to stop..why not lasso them and be done with it...absolutely crazy.

  2. 14 hours ago, manarak said:

    you haven't been in Thailand for very long if you believe summons are effective in Thailand where most people don't even ride their own bike.

    forcing a bike to stop with another bike is again totally unrealistic.

    ..that's why there is a due legal process so as to avoid unnecessary risk of injury to drivers and riders of vehicles..think about it. 

  3. 14 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    Opinions are like ar__holes.......... Everybody's got one....... AND MINE........ Opposite yours.............

    I say, the police should 'protect' GOOD PEOPLE.......... And when you are running from the police instead of stopping...... You don't qualify as 'GOOD PEOPLE' and deserve your 'outcome'

    "totally unjustified to injure the rider", You say .......... BULL Crap.............. But then you would 'justify' him racing on the roads to escape the police........... There is a lot like you around here and seems you are always being 'torn apart' after your comments..................  LOL...........

    ..hmm..torn apart..would you care to elaborate.

  4. 10 hours ago, simon43 said:

    LoL, when I worked in Laos, that was the standard tactic used by the police to stop someone on a motorbike :)

    ..you think its funny !...how come they cant proceed by Summons ?...they got a description of the rider, helmet, clothes, body markings, description of the bike, registration..totally unjustified to injure the rider for whatever reason...they could easily have pulled across the front of him and forced him to a stop.

  5. 10 hours ago, Thian said:

    Every minute i see a motobike (or car) without licenseplate in BKK....and they are not new...


    Also every minute i see motorbikes driving on main roads without any lights, every 5 minutes a car without lights...


    I think the new radarguns will solve this soon....

    ...just more of the above.

  6. 17 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    What a bastard. Glad they got him. Horrible thing to do. I guess the girl saw what a sh*t he was and got rid of him.


    Seems like the Thai Police can actually achieve something when it is a foreigner on the run internationally. Perhaps the team that caught him can give some tips to the ones "hunting" Boss.

    ..they seem pretty good at solving sex crimes but other more mundane matters not so interested.

  7. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Although this berk is firing a scare shot and not at the rider, non the

    less this guy has a sever anger issues and who definitely  should

    not be on the roads driving if such small thing can get him to fire a gun,

    and worst of all THIS madman HAS A GUN....

    ....i saw two shots fired..where do you think those bullets ended up

  8. 5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I presented evidence that you were wrong. All you are putting forth is an ill-informed opinion.


    "To this day, I am not sure how many consecutive nights I spent awake, but it was at least four. Espresso helped me keep going. So did furiously paced, illogical scribbling in a fat blue pocket notebook. As the sleepless days passed, I experienced the increasingly severe psychological effects common with extended sleep deprivation: I hallucinated, rambled, and lost focus. Toward the end of the ordeal, in New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport, my body was giving out, too. While imposing a monologue on my biology teacher—who, I later learned, thought I was tripping on LSD—I blacked out and slumped mid-sentence. This happened more than once on my final day awake. Sleep specialists call these involuntary collapses “microsleeps.” It’s not hard to see why anybody—a high school chaperone, a parent, a doctor—might view a twitching, crumpling, babbling kid like me as some sort of nutcase. But what happened to me could happen to anyone who stays awake that long, voluntarily or otherwise."




    ...poor chap.

  9. 4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    China still militarily occupies Tibet - what are the great sage leader's thoughts on that?


    What are sage Xi's thoughts on gaining control of SE Asia?  Let me guess: build as many rail, highways and ports as possible. Lending money willy nilly.  When the host countries, like Thailand, can't pay the enormous debts, ......simply take the resources and adjoining properties.  Simple.  It can be called; China's land grab by way of lending money for mega-projects.


    The self-appointed Thai gov't (or Sri Lankan, or Laos or Cambodian) can't see it happening, but I can.  Burma sees a little bit of the picture (they said 'no' to a giant Chinese-built dam), but they're still going to be taken over by China eventually.  Vietnam already know about China's insatiable land grabs, so they're better positioned (mentally and militarily) to thwart it.

    ...seems Ive been wasting my time learning Thai.

  10. 1 hour ago, JimHuaHin said:

    I have also had this condition, off and on, over the past 15 years.


    Once you start scratching that is it ... it gets worse.  And as lucjoker notes, no known cause or cure.


    What has worked for me,  in the sense that I have no more intense itching, is:


    1) apply a general moisturising cream to the arms a couple of times a day.  In Australia, I bought a cheap Vitamin E and aloe vera cream at a supermarket for about Baht 40 for 500mls.  Here I use a "Jergens" moisturising cream which you can get at TescoLotus.


    2) at the first sign of itching take an antihistamine.  In Australia I had to experiment with different brands and dosages over several years to find one that works.  Here I use chlorpheniramine maleate, 4mgs,  made by Asian Union Laboratories (Samut Prakan, Bangkok).  You may not be able to get this medication at most pharmacies, I got mine from my local small hospital.  I always carry a couple of tablets with me, just in case.


    I have also found that applying ice or something very cold to the itch area for about a minute reduces the itch intensity.


    Good luck.

    ....if not already stated..dabbing the area with white vinegar usually eases most itches/bites..except a monitor lizard, then your cactus.

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