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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I remember discussing exactly this with a friend a few years ago, after I had got completely drowned one day riding home in miserable weather. I said that if someone could make something sturdy, functional, safe and cheap they would make a fortune, as every bike would want one. We even got to some preliminary sketches on a design to see how it would need to be attached. I am glad that someone has now done it, and I will be buying one when I see them for sale. I note though the comment that they were good "if you didn't go too fast" which seems sensible given the wind factor.

    ..The Flying Nun ..Sister Patrille comes to mind.

  2. 2 hours ago, mike324 said:

    I bought my android box at an electronics mall in Taiwan, around $100 can view hundreds of channels around the world, hk / taiwan / china / japan / korea / uk/ russia / sports channels / movie channels (hbo, fox) / documentary channels (history, discovery, etc). Highly recommended, better than the ones sold in Thailand.


    Its made by unblocktech, you can search their website online. They don't sell online but can contact them to see where they have distributors.


    There are korean apps you can download, but you will need to know korean to navigate, my korean friends use the free korean apps which has drams and western movies.


    A lot of dramas are also hosted on youtube, but you will need to know such as chinese or another language in order to find it.

    ...plenty of high drama in any ole soi here plus gunslingers.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Mansell said:

    I was there two years earlier and don't remember all the traffic and noise. It was obviously there, but selective memory. A lot more Thai men wearing shorts then. You don't see that much in BKK anymore. There is more of a sense of peacefulness and a slower life besides the cars etc.

    ...less power lines is about all i could pick.

  4. 2 hours ago, Grubster said:

    What is China trying to prove here, I think the US and its military knows that China could shoot one of these planes down whenever they want. I also think we know they never will.

    ..i like the rhetoric.....

    ...fierce criticism, considerably annoyed upgraded to code red very very angry, and, really really pissed off.

  5. 9 hours ago, superdome said:

    Sounds like "thiefrow"...has moved

    ..a few years ago here at the bus station in Chiang Mai a certain bus company was getting several complaints of stolen property from passengers..normal procedure is each passenger places their bag in the cargo hold as the bus-boy/driver stows it in their view.

    After many complaints the company watched as the baggage was being unloaded and noticed one large sports bag was left..it was wriggling..inside was a midget with his haul he had from bags he had opened when the bus was underway..hmm.

  6. 6 hours ago, jeffandgop said:

    Thanks Crossy. My pic is similar to the link as well as the descriptive details. I took it to a field nearby and cut it loose. 

    ..a few years back i was talking to a farang in a mall..we got onto the topics of snakes..he mentioned he caught one in his yard at HangDong..he said he took it with his daughter quite some distance and let it go..he then asked me where i lived and after giving him a description it would appear he let the bloody thing free right near my home..oh well.

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