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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 6 hours ago, car720 said:

    Sharks are a truly scary thing but for me they only make up 1% of the reason why I won't ever go back in the sea.  Coming from Australia I can assure you that sharks are the least of the lethal entities that you will or can encounter.

    ...an old saying..more people die from falling coconuts than shark attacks.

  2. 37 minutes ago, electric said:

    hmmm ... perhaps got your oceans mixed up ? I humbly suggest that you may be incorrect.


    The last update for possible MH370 location was released 5 days ago by Oz authorities. They even attached a map.


    "MH370 is in the middle of the Indian Ocean,  south west of Perth (Western Australia)"


    USS Indianapolis went down in the Philippine Sea.


    The two locations are approx 7500 km apart.

    ''their search boat is not that far from the new announced area of interest...i was just joining the two sunken objects and suggesting they head there as they have just had a great luck in finding the battleship..nothing to do with oceans apart and distances ..it would be cheaper to just redirect their vessel to the MH370 area..i realise too that it would all be too hard..so just my brain at work...sad for all the families of the presumed deceased..i bet they're thinking similar thoughts.

  3. 7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    It seems that driving into the moat at Chiang Mai is almost becoming a national hobby. Fair play to the tourists who jumped in to assist though. Helping in these situations is one of the benefits of actually being able to swim, something most of us take for granted, but many of the locals can't do.

    ..same crowd..same crane...glad the occupants are safe.

  4. 15 hours ago, swissie said:

    .....As a starting point: Assets aquired during marriage are split equally 50/50. This applies to Thai-couples as well as Farang/Thai couples. Not really rocket-science.
    If your Thai-Lawyer(s) are not familiar with this, you have definitely ended up with the "wrong"-lawyer(s).
    - Be prepaired to lose 50% of your "investments", but no need to walk away with a 100% loss.

    "I know I am stupid but I could not believe she would turn out how she has."
    You were not "stupid" just "trusting", like many others before you.

    It is not unheard of, that ladies marry Farangs with long term financial goals in mind. Once those financial goals are reached, they may decide that this is a good time to "cash-in" and "bail-out" (mission accomplished!)
    Depending on the "financial-goals", the "bail-out-point" may be reached after 2 years, 5 years or 15 years of marriage.
    OP's wife may have decided, that the time to bail-out has arrived. Again, "mission accomplished".
    Good luck & cheers.

    ..sympathies too to the Op...there seems to be a silent code and support group of fellow women who fill their heads with ideas and 'how to do'...i have a decent Thai lawyer but he is in ChiangMai..sorry.

  5. 6 hours ago, Falcon said:

    Disgusting attack in the young woman, just because it seems that the woman was angry about something and, like a child kicking a chair or table when he/she can't get their own way, she decides to grab the hair and violently pull the young Thai lady to the floor and then proceed to kick her in the head, all for no reason whatsoever. The young thai lady should take this higher than the kao saan police station if they won't do anything and complain to the higher ranks in the police headquarters.

    ..she appeared to me to be off her head on whatever.

  6. 4 hours ago, les Dennis said:

    Why is there so many unknown ?


    ...the Coroner would make an 'open finding' and so call it 'cause of death unknown' which is grouping all those deaths as a result of 'natural causes' plus those deaths where not enough evidence has been supplied for make a definite finding.

    Any inquest can be re-opened at a later date when relevant evidence is produced.

    This is the job of the RTP to gather that evidence.


  7. 4 hours ago, Toscano said:

    Delighted to see the snake released into natural woodland .  I have always had a fear of snakes , but hardly ever see one , I'm always concerned for their safety I would never hurt one unless attacked .  I have lived in Cornwall many years and grew up on Cornish Pasties , I can make very good ones myself if I have the right ingredients .  I would like to bring your Avatar to life and eat it .

    ..at least you got your poultry back, part cooked.

  8. 10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    In response to criticism that travellers to several European countries do not require such a form, the immigration chief said those countries require travellers to apply for a visa before entering, which provides all their details. “Their authorities know in advance whom they allow to enter their countries,” he said. 

    ...well in this modern world so affected by terrorism..why cannot there be a central agency, say UN funded or Interpol controlled who are given access to the passenger manifest and vet all international flights before they arrive..after all the passenger's Passport has been scanned at their departure point and the 8+ flight time would be ample time to know who is who ..my two bobs worth !

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