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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 18 hours ago, elektrified said:

    I think the government is collecting them. I passed by about a week ago and some guys from the government were throwing large nets over flocks of them and putting them in cages and removing them.

    ...psittacosis is a terrible disease.

  2. 4 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

    5 to 6 years ago you never saw an African woman in Pattaya...... I suspect they are not here to see the physical difference between the Asian Elephant and the African one......the last round up reported on here was an obvious farce and I never heard of any of them being deported from breaking visa regs.

    ..they leave bigger footprints in the sparkling white sand.

  3. 7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I would say they have called this one fairly accurately. Only a fool would get sucked in to a game of rhetoric with North Korea.

    ..absolute madness for the leader of a world super power to even comment, let alone be drawn into a tit-for-tat with Mr. Ung...Trump has now destroyed the last remaining shred of respect in the eyes of the international community IMHO.

  4. 13 hours ago, OJAS said:

    Hmm, either this change has been made since we did our latest trip to Big C off Highway 36 a week ago or it had yet to reach deepest darkest Rayong at that time. The sales slip with which we were presented still included all those wretched vouchers which account for two-thirds of the length of the slip!

    ...and then you have to wait for your lady to go back in and spend it immediately.

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