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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 4 hours ago, lahgon29 said:

    Poor woman...People with broken legs feel pain...Usually lots of it. Sounds as if she has a spinal fracture...thoracic or lumbar...I'd bet London to a brick that she wasn't treated as spinal when she was extricated. I've had experiences with the medical side of the so called emergency services in Thailand...Cowboys.


    ...the volunteers and rescue service do their best with what limited resources that are available..

    Im sure the Thai government would appreciate greatly your extensive knowledge and skills..they will even give you a letter to allow you to do volunteer work with emergency services ie fire, police, emergency etc if you already have a RV/MV etc....eeeeehaaaah.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Caitrin said:

    Holy crap, I wonder if some of you people even realise how you sound? What the hell is wrong with you?! Have you no humanity or decency left? Have you spent so much time in dimmest, darkest, seediest parts of the human condition you have no soul?


    These individuals are criminals (allegedly), talk about the criminality. Do NOT talk about their validity as human beings or their validity as women, and certainly not the validity of gender non-conformity amongst the kathoey or amongst humans in general. You have every "right," but you also show yourself pitiful examples of humanity by ignoring your social obligations


    Transgender people around the world deal with high rates of poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, criminal behavior, depression, suicide, domestic abuse, hate crimes, and murder. Trans women, especially trans women of color are murdered every day. Why? Because of YOUR behavior. YOU. You glorify the demeaning of transgender people. You show others that transgender identities and lives have no worth and no meaning. You give credence to the thoughts and feelings of those who would seek to make up for their own miserable, pathetic lives by preying on others. You incite violence against them. Every single person who made a transphobic remark or joke. The blood of thousands of trans people are on your hands.


    You make me sick.


    ...really!..we all have to deal with everything you seem only applies to transgender people..by the way 'only women bleed'.

  3. On 8/9/2016 at 8:25 PM, Denim said:

    My wife is also a slow walker. No matter how slow I walk she always manages to fall behind. I sometimes start talking to her only to end up talking to myself with her nowhere in sight as she has disappeared into a shop without telling me. The only way we can arrive anywhere together is if we hold hands when walking. That way with me tugging her on and she dragging me back we move at an average pace that ensures we don't get overtaken by anyone with a zimmerframe.


    ...a baby harness would work...someone told me years ago it originated by walking in single file through the forest and fields..just something they do to this day..i thought perhaps they were not proud to be seen side by side..i laughed to myself when i read yours had disappeared into a shop leaving you to chat away to yourself...who knows..nothing much seems to worry them.


  4. Just buy some gold bullion, then sell it the next day (hopefully at a small profit).

    Take the cash and the receipt to the bank - this proves you didn't obtain the money through illegal employment.

    Do your transfer.

    Pick your toys up off the floor and dry your eyes

    If that doesn't work, use Krung Thai; they're more relaxed

    ...Listen mate...Im sure the OP can choose which bank he wants to use all by himself..and seeing he is in Grade 4 he can choose what other commodity to invest in all by himself.

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