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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 13 minutes ago, Caitrin said:

    Holy crap, I wonder if some of you people even realise how you sound? What the hell is wrong with you?! Have you no humanity or decency left? Have you spent so much time in dimmest, darkest, seediest parts of the human condition you have no soul?


    These individuals are criminals (allegedly), talk about the criminality. Do NOT talk about their validity as human beings or their validity as women, and certainly not the validity of gender non-conformity amongst the kathoey or amongst humans in general. You have every "right," but you also show yourself pitiful examples of humanity by ignoring your social obligations


    Transgender people around the world deal with high rates of poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, criminal behavior, depression, suicide, domestic abuse, hate crimes, and murder. Trans women, especially trans women of color are murdered every day. Why? Because of YOUR behavior. YOU. You glorify the demeaning of transgender people. You show others that transgender identities and lives have no worth and no meaning. You give credence to the thoughts and feelings of those who would seek to make up for their own miserable, pathetic lives by preying on others. You incite violence against them. Every single person who made a transphobic remark or joke. The blood of thousands of trans people are on your hands.


    You make me sick.


    ...really!..we all have to deal with everything you seem only applies to transgender people..by the way 'only women bleed'.

  2. On 8/9/2016 at 8:25 PM, Denim said:

    My wife is also a slow walker. No matter how slow I walk she always manages to fall behind. I sometimes start talking to her only to end up talking to myself with her nowhere in sight as she has disappeared into a shop without telling me. The only way we can arrive anywhere together is if we hold hands when walking. That way with me tugging her on and she dragging me back we move at an average pace that ensures we don't get overtaken by anyone with a zimmerframe.


    ...a baby harness would work...someone told me years ago it originated by walking in single file through the forest and fields..just something they do to this day..i thought perhaps they were not proud to be seen side by side..i laughed to myself when i read yours had disappeared into a shop leaving you to chat away to yourself...who knows..nothing much seems to worry them.


  3. Just buy some gold bullion, then sell it the next day (hopefully at a small profit).

    Take the cash and the receipt to the bank - this proves you didn't obtain the money through illegal employment.

    Do your transfer.

    Pick your toys up off the floor and dry your eyes

    If that doesn't work, use Krung Thai; they're more relaxed

    ...Listen mate...Im sure the OP can choose which bank he wants to use all by himself..and seeing he is in Grade 4 he can choose what other commodity to invest in all by himself.

  4. The guy just registered to post this review? Seems more of an advertisement to me, rather than a genuine review

    ...lay off the OP ..you have to start sometime..until you've been through this ordeal you have no idea...nothing like an extension of your life..a bit like getting the approval for your one year visa extension.

  5. SCB has strict policy that a branch must reach certain amount of target every month. The staff in each branch must get certain number of life insurance as well.

    Just because they ask you for money doesnt mean SCB are having hard time. They are number 1 most profitable bank based on their annual net profit.

    Their staff are well paid if they can reach the target, but there are some who couldnt meet their quota and forced to "pay" for SCB product themselves to compensate for the missing quote. Now you see why SCB is one of the most profitable banks out there.

    ..to you and 'agentsumo'...fair enough..i accept that they number one...another reason why I have with them for some years...however my OP had an exclamation mark at the end of signifying Im making a double surprised remark not only about the hard sell that I alone seem to be offended at...hence me thinking there was a holdup taking place..it all seemed a bit a bizarre over the main counter...if an employee had approached me/us in the main public area of the small branch with a brochure or wanted to sell their products; then that would have been acceptable...ok chaps?

  6. Frankly, the OP should be looking to his wife for paving the way for the hard sell, not the bank for doing what it's supposed to do

    I will instigate any buying of their products or investment at a place that is correct..and that place as I mentioned...is not over the counter..the 'help me please' was in English and directed at me.

    Yeah but, according to your OP, only after the teller and your wife had had their chit-chat

    Like I said, the bank was doing its job - the content of your wife's conversation with the teller resulted in the appearance of the manager

    ...this is not the Spanish Inquisition...wife/teller talking about weather and economy..next thing the manager appears..teller may have alerted him somehow...regardless the counter is not the place for such antics...finished.

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