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Posts posted by tandor

  1. My tv recently blew up with the last lighting storms we had. We contacted the repair man, he wanted 1000baht for the visit and he said if it was the main board would be 5000baht, but no guarentee, if video board probably another 5000baht. Thought I'd cut my losses and bought another telly. Have ordered the main board off eBay for 800baht, worth a try?

    You may well get lucky, My 5 YO Samsung 40" LCD had the usual backlight problem. If you take the back panel off after you have removed the power lead and type the part number of the damaged board into EBay you may well find used parts for around 700-800 baht, mine came from Bolton, UK so postage was almost the same as the board. If you're not sure which board is the problem take the TV to a TV repair shop most big towns will have one and ask for fault diagnosis. Call outs may be costly and may lead to disappointment anyway. There are also lots of YouTube videos on TV repairs but please do not touch anything with the power on if you don't know what you are doing, death may result!!!

    Apparently one of the most common faults is a blown capacitor(s) which are cheap and fairly easy to replace. (see YouTube)

    Yes the first thing I did was remove the back of the telly to see if I could see any blown capacitors. My telly is a lg 50inch smart and this is all that is located in the back.

    ..unbelievably compact..need a magnifying glass to work on it.

  2. It's not the trolls. I like the trolls. I am with them, they are my spiritual brothers and sisters. They are just like the drunks I occasionally bump into at meetings - I see myself in them, I understand what it is like to be isolated and angry, as one guy once put, it living in a dark room developing my negatives. I lived in that space for many years, too many years, but internet forums didn't exist back in those days .....maybe if they did I might have gotten help sooner! We need to allow the trolls to come on here but we need to challenge their rubbish....in as nice a way as possible, and I am sure you'll all agree I kept my cool and my worst offence was a bit of sarcasm. I have also acknowledged that AA is for from perfect and in one of my recent posts I acknowledged the immense harm 'thirteenth stepping' and other issues has caused to our fellowship. The original post with the reference was made by Johnniey, a fellow AA, who also has broad shoulders and an open mind. You see there are a core group of people here who really don't care how you do it, they just want people to get to the other side.

    I can't talk about my decision to sling. I have been warned. I don't understand the rules and am not really interested in them. I approach these things from a sense of fairness and openess and I play by the rules of human decency and common sense. (reference to Moderation removed by Moderator) . I am not ashamed of anything. But I am out of here because there are consequences these days if people mistreat me or abuse me. You see this stuff is done. (further refernce to Moderation removed)

    Unfortunately I challenge stuff these days, even here in dear old Thailand, and yes, it causes me problems some times, but I am beholden unto no one these days, I do not live in fear, and I do not have to continually be on the look out over my shoulder. Time to move on, dudes. I'll still be going to meetings and hopefully will see folk from time to time.

    Once more, keep well, keep strong and do it one day at a time or any other way that stops you killing yourself.

    ...I bet my life story is scarier than yours..you don't have to tell anyone anything but as soon as you go public your inviting the onslaught..good luck..keep moving...Im sure you made many good friends here too...PM me..i will be your new friend.

  3. I once had to get an IB60 (inkomensverklaring) from the tax office.. and after that they made a letter I had enough income.

    many thanks, but my money will be provided by my pension.

    ...I had recent contact with the Department of Social Security Thailand about another matter...their response was only Dutch Nationals need to prove they have been in Thailand for the past year by getting a Stat Dec from their embassy and bring it to the DSST...they will then arrange your pension payment to you here in Thailand.

    Here is an excerpt from my query with the DSST....

    • I am not from the Netherlands. (Netherlands citizens and the Netherlands Government are the only country that have an agreement called the SVB (Sociale Verzekeringsbank) whereby payments are made to them after they verify they are residing in Thailand for the current year starting October each year. See link to their web-site http://www.svb.nl/int/en/over_de_svb/index.jsp

    The head office of the DSST is as follows -

    Department of Social Security Thailand

    88/28 Moo 4, Tivanond Rd.

    T. Talard/Kwan A. Muang

    Nonthaburi. Thailand 11000

    (Phone: 022481506 or Call Center on 1506. If you are in Chiang Mai 053112629).

    I hope this information is of some help 'colin...'.

  4. Give me a man who actually thinks about the whole experience of the shopping thing.

    Not about showing the cash " Yeah baby, go buy what you want" but a guy who thinks as a woman thinks. That's rare.

    ...not in our best interests to even try.

  5. Every so often one of those spiders climbs into the house and gives as a visit. Although they can nip they are usually more afraid of us than we are of them and always considered them totally harmless. They look large and menacing but in fact are very fragile. One light whack with the old plastic fly swat and they end up in pieces on the floor.

    This is just something to get use to living in Thailand, I don`t even give these things a second thought anymore.

    Some time ago one of those spiders that seems to be all legs with a pin head sized body, the types that make a web on a ceiling and remain there forever, made it`s home on the part of the ceiling above my bed. Every night I used to watch it move from one side of it`s web to the other and catch small insects in it`s web. One night one of those jumping spiders decided to take it on and steal it`s prey from the web. It was battle that lasted for over an hour and my spider won with the jumper walking off in defeat. I actually became very fond of it. Then one morning went into the bedroom and the web and spider had gone. My girlfriend told me she had brushed the cobwebs away with a long broom along with my pet spider. Heartbroken I was, my nightly friend and companion was gone. It reminded me of the film, Cast Away with Tom Hanks when he loses his football he named Wilson and goes into grief, that made me think I`ve been living in Thailand for too long.

    ..is there a 'web-site' for evicted spiders?

  6. So, the van driver thought he would just show that big guy, who was the toughest! Maybe he forgot he had passengers!

    ...consequences...what are they?...there is no deterrent factor here at all...a minimal fine ..they just don't care what they do to other road users..as long as they come out on top..they just smile and walk away...even the fools gathered around the truck can do nothing but smirk, grin and giggle...like a bunch of kindergarten school children...role models..education..they have no idea...when they only regard traffic rules as guidelines...says it all...no neurons firing at all...should be restricted to ox-carts only.

    Look here - https://web.facebook.com/RDNewsCH3/videos/1562057500762393/?_rdr

    Do not know what happened before that Video or if there was something happening before, but the TRUCK deliberately pushed the VAN from the road!!! blink.png

    ...regardless of what you say 'ALF....' my comment stands and applies to all the idiotic drivers and their totally reckless behaviour...if they want to retaliate ...go make a complaint...don't go shoving your big truck into someone's face...payback is not to be tolerated...this is why we have a judicial system...ever stopped to think of the inherent danger these morons create when they play out their frustrations..better off stopping their big truck/pickup/bus by the road side and have a w&nk in the bushes to relieve the mental pressure.

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