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Posts posted by tandor

  1. After receiving emergency first aid she was taken to the hospital. The police will wait until she is sufficiently recovered before taking a formal statement and then begin looking for the suspect

    Why wait to look for suspect?....Simple...1...ask boyfriend who his friend is ...2....question friend(not take to police station/arrest).....3......check body/hands for cuts..

    4.......if no confession,go back to victim ..........5......go from there!thumbsup.gif

    ...reporters do not investigate crime.

  2. Minced pork and rice ....... wouldn't the pieces be too small to choke to death on.

    I though you would need something big enough to block the entire throat.

    What about the young girl in the photo, wife, daughter, girlfriend .... or just a very compassionate waitress?

    ..not at all..the oesophagus is only 15mm diameter in average adult..your airway has to shut off to allow food to slide down...so the chances of a food bolus becoming stuck is always a risk..particularly beef..so do what grandma says and chew thoroughly each 'small' mouthful and have some liquids to 'wash it all down'...a terrible way to die.

  3. Evidently you do not.

    You want insults? l can give you insults.

    You don't know what l have assumed. you assume far too much & most of it is pure rubbish.

    lt seems that you are bright enough to distinguish between cows & humans, how perceptive of you.

    Unfortunately TV will not let me tell you what l really think of you, but, you get my drift.

    While we're in the "assuming" mood, which you started, l'm assuming that you have a couple of under achieving "pure" breed children & are stung by the fact that someone else has more intelligent children than you.

    How do you like that for "toilet-seat eugenics", my jealous little friend?

    Of course we are already mixed, you are not stating anything new.

    Don't go away, this is getting interesting♥

    ..seems you didn't inherit the equality gene.

  4. Spray the seat at night with WD40, works for everything else smile.png

    Are you stupid or just downright ignorant? I have specifically asked for no jokes.

    Not stupid or ignorant... Just cause you specifically asked for no jokes doesn't call for rudeness smile.png

    BTW, WD 40 works and you just wipe it off with a rag in the morning...

    P.S why would you catch a rat, drive couple of km and then kill it ? Seems like a waste of fuel to me smile.png

    If I catch the rat in one of these traps I cannot take the chance of it escaping then maybe coming back again, that's why I would take it far away and kill it then.

    It would only be an act of revenge on my part killing it.

    and if you were genuine about the WD40, then I apologise about what I said, I had a similar situation in a previous thread and then had idiots making jokes about it, that is why I was

    concerned about the jokes, to me it is very serious having that damage done to my two bikes.

    ..maybe change you after shower powder.

  5. When I saw old style,I was thinking you were talkng about A hole in the floor,lol.

    ..an hole in the floor...a hole above.

  6. Yea a lot of stupid farangs Think that their Shit don't Stink,,,,

    I got News for them,,,IT DOES,,, all people are Born the same and have Brains

    A lot of Farang kids are as Dump/Stupid/Ignorant as the day they were born

    From my experience EVERY race has Dumb/Smart/Genius offspring

    But you don't(Won't) see that all the time.

    ...so where is the base line..who establishes that one race is smarter, brighter, taller, prettier, stronger, more handsomer than the next..goodness sake remember the Hair musical in the 60s and that song 'One big melting pot'..

    Just accept it and get on with it.

  7. Mongrel vs Pedigree

    What an offensive title and absurd premise.

    should be thanked for improving the human race

    Racial cleansing by any other name smells the same.

    Agree, what an incredibly racist article that defies logic. For instance, if the author believes that his mix kids are genetically superior to Thai kids, then he must also believe that a 100% farang child will always be genetically superior to his mix kids. Is this what he tells his children?

    ..Aryan Super Race..born 1939..still alive apparently...disgusting journalism.

  8. It seems to be the way the Police work here,don't bother going to look for

    criminals,just wait till they turn up at the station,or tell them to turn themselves

    in by next Tuesday.

    regards worgeordie

    ...gives them time to get their stories straight..cause the interviewing officers have them all together..what a laugh at their techniques..guidelines only..just fill in the blanks for them.

  9. Courteous goes a Long way in heavy Traffic and give way to Emergency vehicles where you see them coming..

    I saw an accident about three weeks ago, one car hit another, no serious injuries, six ambulances arrived in quick succession, long before the police.

    ..a leg and arm each...a bit like tow-truck operators in Australia.

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