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Posts posted by tandor

  1. Termites very rarely, if ever, attack and kill living trees although they will eat the bark/cellulose from diseased trees but this in itself shouldn't kill the tree, I would therefore look for another cause of the problem. I have over 35 trees in my garden and two of them have seen bark infestation with termites but they are trees that are very old, the trees continue to thrive however despite this. It may be that your mango trees have been seriously weakened because of the protracted drought and were simply unable to recover afterwards, either that or another disease/infestation is at work. Termites love damp condition but because unlike ants, they can't swim, they are easily killed by flooding any nests. It's not difficult to find the nests, especially if you have a lawn mower, termites become hyper active when there's a source of vibration/noise nearby and once a nest is identified, common household bug spray sprayed onto the nest will kill them easily. Another approach is to lay a piece of dead/rotting wood on the ground and wait for a couple of weeks to see what it attracts, termites will often move their nest to colonise a new food source. It therefore follows that all sources of dead wood should be eliminated if you want to attempt eradication, something that is almost impossible to do in my experience.

    ..Sankamphaeng/Bo Sang are historically bad areas..so the locals say.

  2. there are a wide range of toilet designs on this planet, perhaps we are most comfortable with the ones we grew up with.

    i personally dislike 'american' dunnies as your - sorry, MY - dick touches the water while i am having a crap.

    old style german pots are bad, too, with your 'product' drying on a platform before you can flush it.

    modern toilets use a very small amount of water, 3l for #1 and 6l for #2, it is in your and your planets' own interest to minimise the amount of water you waste to dispose of your wastes.

    ..seems your water use would be high if you have to wash your big fella each time...watch out for them pan-snakes mate!

  3. Simply told the landlord the toilet is leaking and needs fixing.

    Like you I assumed a rational approach to a very simple problem. Hench my astonishment at the consistent stupidity of these illogical people.

    Beyond belief.

    ...but its not your toilet and not your house.

  4. Disrespectful jerks. Screw them. I even had one vendor wake me up. I wanted to kill!

    Screw them screw them screw them!

    If they reach out and touch you, break their arm. Maybe they will learn something.

    Anybody that buys their crap should get body slammed for encouraging these low life's.

    Screw them too.

    ..those tiny hinge screws are difficult to replace.

  5. Masterpiece of journalism:

    was making a U-turn when his truck was hit in the right side by the motorbike


    And the picture shows the pickup with an unharmed right side

    ..check out the angle of the stationery pickup..(presuming it hasn't been moved after the accident)..the angle would suggest IMO that he has come from the store obliquely across the first one or two lanes into the U-turn gap...this action would cause the rider of the red bike to have to take evasive action and try to go around the pickup as it cut across them..with nowhere to go they smashed into the pickup..if speed was a contributing factor..which one would say it was..based on the the serious damage to the bike..then they probably slid on their sides into the under sill of the pickup...my thoughts for what its worth...RIP for the deceased.

  6. They never really defined what "reveling" clothes were. Exposed shoulders? Breast cleavage? Knees?

    Excerpt: The code tells tourists of the rules against wearing revealing clothes, touching carvings or sitting on fragile structures, smoking, and entering restricted areas at the temples. It also advises tourists to avoid either giving money and candy to children or taking a selfie with monks.The code also warned that any act of looting, breaking or damaging Angkor, or exposing sex organs and nudity in public area is a crime punishable by law.

    ..as assessed by the ticket sellers/officials/guides..self explanatory.

  7. Excerpt..."the first person who alerted the security officials of the condominium was a 26-year-old liquor shop owner.
    She told police that the tourist was her regular customer.
    But he did not come down as usual last night to drink at her shop.
    She said she felt it was unusual and decided to call the security guards to check."

    1. Not a bar....

    2. Not a bar employee.....

    3. I was not aware liquor shops allowed drinking on their premises (take away only).

  8. What's happening in Thailand,this is the 3rd case in a few weeks,

    where the names of the defective products,or rats running over

    the donuts,have been named and shamed, before the names of

    companies or products would never be named,for fear of been sued,

    even though it was true.

    I remember one time that the health ministry,tested several toothpastes,

    and they found 3 brands contaminated with bacteria,but did not name

    them,even though it was an obviously a health risk.

    regards worgeordie

    ..maybe that dirty rat had a drink too and left his calling card.

  9. Yes, this sounds like what I am after, also sounds like needs professionals, was hoping I could buy it ready mixed & paint it on.

    Guess I could drive around some ne estates in the hope of seeing someone laying it, seems popular with car driveways here in Thailand.

    ..make sure they add an anti fungal to the mix...or else your beautiful pebble/sand wash will be black and shitty in a few months time.

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