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Posts posted by tandor

  1. It seems that I've touched on a subject that get quite a few people's panties in a bunch.

    Why the hostiliy people.

    I've asked a question in the Education section of Thai visa and am asking for some legitimate reasons and have only managed to get them from Scott, jadee,thesetat2013 and DogNo1.

    The rest of you have been nothing more than whining little b_______s.

    If you people get so upset over such trivial little things i'd hate to see you explode over a more serious topic.

    Chill out

    It's not good for your past heart attacks.

    ...methinks you protest too much Mr. Rayk..maybe you spent too much time on the left fun bag...cheesy.gif

  2. "Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you.

    You’re is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing)."

    Pretty strange that you're upset about some posters' English skills.

    A lot of them aren't native English speakers, some are not using a spell check and auto correct doesn't always work well.

    When I use my mobile (cell) phone it can happen that something is misspelled, but when the receiver understands my point who cares? Oh, sorry, you do.

    Would you see such a mistake in somebody's cover letter applying for an English teaching position, your concern would be coherent.

    But to open up a thread about the use of your and you are ( you're) of TVF members doesn't make much sense to me.

    Don't you have a hobby? Maybe a good book to read, or anything similar? wai2.gif

    ...yeah 'rayk'...see Im not alone..sorry..i forgot another bloody apostrophe..and a lower case 'i'...dunce's hat for me!

  3. ..I just hope you get to read about your families tragic deaths Mr. Gerry Carter by some heartless, sensationalizing, reporter when the time comes...but I doubt it...you would be dollar-driven like the rest of the press ...ghouls..disgusting....with your pathetic attempt at irony and cynicism has all turned to shitt at the expense of the life of a troubled man.

    Why the police never cordoned off the entire block and pushed you pricks back behind the barriers I will never know...saying that; not one of you press persons had the decency to just leave it alone..you had to be the first to see blood...

    Well in my humble opinion you all have blood on your hands, as all of those present contributed to his decision to suddenly end it all in front of you..how do you feel now..where is your conscience and morals? You know nothing about death and how and why people take that path.

    I hope it haunts you, and those other journalistic professionals, the rest of your lives and gives you trouble sleeping..how dare you compare another humans' demise to a television soap opera!

    ..and then without as much as pausing for a short breath; you go straight into football...what is this...your brain editing out the bad/sad content and having a bit of jolly old footy to get your/our mind(s) off the tragedy?

    Shame..shame on you and all those other press persons present...wake up to yourselves.

  4. ..most of us don't care what your you are thinking...you obviously get the gist of what is being said...most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation and grammar...time to let down what hair we have left...go correct someone else's incorrect post.

  5. TRSC specializes on refractive surgery, not applicable in this case.

    I assume by growth on cornea Op means a pterygium.

    I suggest Prof. Chaiwat Teekhasaenee at Rutnin http://www.rutnin.com/eng/ophthalmologist_detail.php?id=12

    He is on faculty at Ramatibhodhi and can also probably be seen at the Ramatibhodi after hours clinic http://med.mahidol.ac.th/qsmc/th/service/premium_clinic-th

    ...it maybe a Pingueculum

  6. Insight to the brains of BMW drivers the pay kiosk is on the rightfacepalm.giflaugh.png

    I drive a BMW and indeed in my brain the pay kiosk is on the right. Where is it according to your brain?

    So i was correct well done as first to reply ,notice the Emoticons ? way over your headgiggle.gif
    It may come as a surprise to you that some of us attribute the use of "emoticons" to people that can't express themselves very well.

    ...wish it would rain..clear the air.

  7. Its obvious from the OP that his dog wasn't bothered, so the other dogs were just showing off rather than being genuinely aggressive.

    The Westerners are just the stereotypical, stupid Westerners who think they know a little of the Thai language and want to show off their 'linguistics' biggrin.png - and its best to ignore them, just as your dog ignored the other dogs.

    Jing lor??biggrin.png

    ...bar...bark...barking...bar king
  8. "So for myself, I am going to try to loosen up my perfectionist tendencies in photography, and focus on just making steady progress, and not being too self-critical, and to be more self-compassionate."

    I wish you would have started with this sentence, it would have saved me a lot of reading. biggrin.png

    ...I lost interest after this sentence...

    [but then again, who is to say that the viewer is “stupid”, “dumb”, or “uneducated?”]

  9. ...ever heard of 'stealing by finding' ?

    In Thailand you have three days to hand it in to the nearest police station..then you've done your duty as a citizen/visitor and can sleep well that night knowing you did it the right way...what you reckon...set a good example for others and hopefully the property will be reunited with the owner.

    To back up my 'wild statement'.......

    Section 1323. A person who finds lost property is bound:

    (1) to deliver it to the loser, the owner or any other person entitled to receive it, or (2) to inform without delay to the loser, the owner or any other person entitled to receive it, or (3)

    to deliver it within three days to the police or other competent official and inform them of all circumstances within his knowledge which may be material for the person who is entitled to receive it.

  10. ....you are what you drink....

    Seems so counterintuitive that you will have a number of sois with all the steel water pipes exposed and it would be extremely easy to replace them with PVC or whatever is used now. But no. When the pipes finally totally fail, they will have to re-dig up everything, including the rain gutters they are replacing now.

    It's just utter stupidity.

    ..oh well..gives the boys and girls on meagre laboring wages a job..moo baans don't have much money in the form of allocation from the amphur to spend.

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