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Everything posted by tandor

  1. ..she needs to hop on a plane a get back home quickly!
  2. ..they musta cranked up one of their super-duper BMs to analyse all that.
  3. ...i reckon he just got off the bus from Bangla.
  4. or 'Monks Behaving Badly'.
  5. your wife is a wise, wise person..i applaud her and her ability to explain it in a sensible way.
  6. i thought the definition also included paying someone to entrap another.
  7. Agent provocateur hard at work here...lawyer's will have a Field Day!
  8. i agree 100%...trying to cheapen healthcare professionals is really out of order.
  9. calm down...settle...your BP is off the scale...dream on!...this isn't the BennyHillShow...555
  10. Boys and their toys...it's never gonna stop! RIP
  11. ...you just described my missus to a T. ????
  12. ...i dare say JP if the deceased was your mother/daughter/aunt/sister, you would jumping up and down demanding all sorts of things. RIP.
  13. it just demonstrates how frequently people die in all sorts of pursuits. Any death is a sad event. By all accounts they were experienced but genetically not strong enough to cope with altitude or cold for any extended period of time. Hypothermia really messes you up. RIP ladies.
  14. ...hands down the front of their pants most of the time.
  15. Personally I'd go Option 3...go it alone. You are obviously a sensible level headed Westerner...ignore the lot of them mate.
  16. Police in every country are doing the job the public are not able to perform. Do you expect them to discharge their duties without any protection from angry citizens. Or, would you prefer the Army do this job?
  17. All part of China's 'growth and absorption plan'. HongKong, Taiwan, Laos, Thailand.
  18. Thailand is a super-sized bed.
  19. why isn't 'the big boy' wearing a mask if he is so paranoid. After all they are standing well within the aerosol range of expelled Sars Covi-2 virus.
  20. Not a-pache on that game.
  21. the translation is contradictory...says "Holder cannot leave the issuing area unless it is an Alien ID card". (Which it is because it says so on the front) "ID Card for people without Thai nationality". No grazing buffalo string length mentioned.
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