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Everything posted by tandor

  1. Thanks, but i am not stupid...i am totally aware 'this is Thailand'. I gave an example of how it should be done. Obviously the RTP have to change or implement better regulations. RTP purchase their own weapons and are allowed to carry them whilst 'on duty' only. It comes down to control.
  2. you are only 'on duty' when your work corresponds to your rostered duties...of course if you come across a serious incident where you can assist, then you should do so; however you have no legal right or purpose to be carrying a weapon whilst 'off duty'...in times gone by, side arm after parade according to what duties you were assigned and signed back in plus the rounds counted. Only plain clothes officers were issued a permanent weapon. All too easy to grab a gun when you're under the influence of alcohol/drugs and out of control. How on earth do they expect the average family here to come up with this sort of money is illogical.
  3. ...so you reckon Thailand should just pick up the tab...i call that being ultra irresponsible.
  4. please don't take offence.... It would be good if you could get some documents prepared for those who have to dispose of your body.... all your private stuff can be sorted out later for sure. A simple Stat. Dec. from your next of kin (if you are not legally married here) will enable burial/cremation.
  5. "Don't take your guns to town son, leave your guns at home Bill"...ole song.
  6. ...followed by a croc..followed by a buffalo.
  7. [deleted]
  8. Methinks someone 'spiked' his labmoo with some serrated leaf herb.
  9. ...i bet Anutin is loving this...hovering in the wings, rubbing his little sweaty hands together.
  10. Life Extinct is pronounced at the hospitals' mortuary and a legal document is prepared and signed by a registered medical practitioner. As no doctor attends the scene it could be possible for a body with not so obvious injuries to be still alive, hence the need to get the body to a medical facilty asap as rescue guys here have no medical training. Of course ambulances will have been usually dispatched and they have a medic and nurse who can make that assessment.
  11. ..do they ramps and lifts so we can get in.
  12. ..do they try turning off their phones at night?
  13. ..in the eyes of the sponsor beholder.
  14. ...speculate as you will; but please keep in mind respect for the deceased people and their families.
  15. ...well; you had best call them pronto!
  16. ...he may have been born in Ethiopia and move to Nigeria; would that make it more acceptable...It's a human life we're talking about here. I can assure you race, colour and creed do not ever affect any homicide investigation, in fact makes it more intriguing. RIP.
  17. Let the RTP Detectives do their job...all will be revealed in the fullness of time.
  18. ..i think TAT work out of the same office as the Meteorological Department. ????
  19. ...Come on OP, surely you can find a nicer topic...one that doesn't play into the sick minds/hands of animal abusers You are just giving them even more exposure!
  20. ...don't agree. The Crime Scene gets contaminated here through negligence by the attending officers. The FSD are highly trained in their field. Their Pathologists are world standard. Court evidence is another story. The OP was about a body being found and nothing happening as a result..ok.
  21. ...you a sadly very wrong...all deaths are fully investigated. Thailands' Forensic Science Department and Detectives do a good job. Have some respect for the deceased's family who may read your comments. RIP.
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