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Posts posted by returnofthailand

  1. I don't steal toilet paper and not steal food from KFC or Mac Donald.

    I can get a 6 rolls of paper for 19 bahts at Tesco.

    no need to be jealous, I m just smart and I m willing to share with you my 5stars life style while spending like a cheap Charlie.

    I save so much and I got so much that you will get bored with my lines.

    just today by example (and this a very tiny example) I have saved 500'000 bahts. all this money is now invested in compound interest that will bring me thousand and thousand of bahts in a few years.

    how? I got tourist visa instead of elite visa. all my hotels are paid, even my food is now free for years to come.

    is that not a sweet life ?

  2. just a few farangs when I was there, just a few, I mean one farang and I only.

    so few people that a lady sitting at a table take your application for tourist visa.

    no question asked but you will get 1 entry only. I thought she was controlling my documents before going to the window, but no, she put my application in a box and gave me a number and told me I have to pay 1000 bahts next day at 13.30.

    the waiting line of 2 hours is over. took me 30 seconds only.

    other things I have noticed, there are nobody near the embassy, and all restaurants close very early. before we were hanging at the restaurant tables, drinking beers and chat. but now, it s a dead place.

    price is now 600 for a basic room. before 500 bahts .

    and be sure to write down the address where you will stay in Thailand, if no address, you will be refused a visa . they didn't ask for booked hotel.

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  3. you should leave and never look back.

    you will win so much that you will get bored with winning

    look at me. it s win, win and win.

    Who are you talking to and what are you talking about??
    I am eu citizen who left Europe. I save so much that you will get bored with saving .

    if UK leave Europe, they will save 50 millions a day. compound interest, it s billion.

  4. I like Trump because he is lot of fun. but this guy has nothing to offer.

    you can not just say you want decrease tax, renegotiate agreement with China, give money to veterans... something will have to go. bye bye your saving, bye bye your house, bye bye your 401k...

    if this guy is elected, we are all doomed and the future will be very dark. so be careful what you wish for.

    nobody like Hillary, but she is better than Trump. more pragmatic.

  5. the people who have been duped in these new farang ghetto bunkers are the real losers. these buildings are not built for Thailand temperature.

    old buildings instead are the best and this is where you should live , they look old but in the long term you are the winners as you don't need ac. even if u decide to use air con you will need less electricity as the walls have much better isolation than the new building with thin walls.

    I know a farang who built a thai house where you sleep on second floor. he doesn't use any ac. a very smart guy.

    as for mosquitos, all my windows have a mesh screen. very comfortable with good air circulation. I save 5000 bahts a month on my electricity bill that can be used toward my stock auctions or a few holidays in Europe. (why not both?)

    I save so much in Thailand that I' m going to get bored with saving.

  6. what I didn't say is I have a special room in a high rise building, but especially built for thai people with lot of ventilation.

    I mean these buildings have holes everywhere letting pass fresh air so we don't need any ac.

    it s just amazing, it works. it s called wind catcher and I save thousand of bahts every months by not having power hungry ac.

    this is what I m talking about guys , be smart and spend smart. this is why I always let locals to find the best deal for me. I tell you guys, I win so much, that you will get bored with my winning stories. with me it s win win and only win.

    with the extra 251 bahts a day (read 3-4post above) i can even pay dentist, travel, fuel for my beautiful scooter ...

    and I have even too much left . I save so much money that sometimes I ask myself why you spend so much money for so little when I spend so little money for so much?

  7. I had 3, 2 dead, they didn't want to eat.

    died after 4 days. I was depressed when the last one ate immediately and start to fly after a week.

  8. guys, I win so much that you will get bored with winning like me.

    it cost me 200 dollars to get a visa and 100 for a run to Lao. that was the time when I could get a 2 entries visa.

    14000 bahts /month. few trip around. this is what I spend usually.

    nice room at 3000 (don't rent where farang rent, you are ripped off) let Thai gf deal with rent.

    Street food are same as in restaurant but you don't know it , the extra you pay is for seats and a/c and maintain toilet.

    tomorrow I go food court eat Pad Thai. 50 bahts.

    what s wrong with that? free ac and free toilet.

  9. I seriously cant believe the op, even back on 2004 I found the minimum someone could survive decently in Thailand is at least 25K per month or 300K per year, I am sure the op is living in nakhon nowhere with a simple room without furniture, air-con or fridge eating fried rice everyday and riding 5 baht buses !!!, nowadays you need to spend at least 30K per month in Bangkok or 25K elsewhere.

    I live in Pattaya not far from the beach and I have all I want. I eat fresh fruits for 5x less than in Europe. eat chicken and chichkebab... most of my food is bought on the street and it s very good. probably better than you food cooked in Chinese toilets. or sushi traveling in front of people who cough...

    condo was 4100 last month, all included.

    I should have asked the question like this: "what would you do if you go back in your farang and suddenly everything is 10x cheaper?"

    would you eat 10x more and buy 10 cars, rent a flat that is 10x bigger?

    if you have a normal lifestyle, I can tell you it's hard to spend more. it has nothing to do being a cheap Charlie.

    Instead to spend, I save the money for my retirement and this is why I like being in Thailand. I got more for less, when in Europe I would worry of losing job, ... not even sure to live on a retirement pension when I reach the 65yo.(maybe pushed to 95 one day because pension' money (SS for US guys here) is melting like an ice cream under the sun )

  10. for the USA, I think there is no way to avoid paying or filing tax.

    the exclusion of 90k is only for people who file tax in another recognized country by the IRS.

    you can not just say that you make money from stocks and keep it quiet because you are exempted of 90k$

    what I understand is a US citizen must file his tax with thailand and then he can claim a discount with the IRS because he has already paid his money to Thailand.

    if he doesn't file with Thailand, he must pay the IRS as he is not exempt of 90k.

    so it will be wiser to file with Thailand as tax is lower in Thailand.

    my situation is different , I am from Europe and I have no residence at all. all my income come from Europe (stocks and bonds). as I don't spend a lot of money, I say nothing. worked for years. I have no children, no wife.. my country has no jurisdiction on me. they don't own me, I m a citizen but I m not their citizen. ... they send me nothing, I don't have to file anything. total freedom.

  11. with bilateral Agreements at least it s bilateral and a country can still refuse, extend, or modify...

    with Europe, UK has to keep it shut and do what Brussel say.

    OK! it's nice to have little stickers on food showing the origin or to ask industries to freeze fishes.

    but where are the jobs for our new generations? where are the damn jobs that Europe need to run the system.. without jobs we are all doomed. and i don't talk about shity little jobs( like assembling ikea furniture on freelancejob application .)

  12. What a stupid post. Yes, many are about money but naturally not all. Before making the move just dot the Is and cross the T's. Who is paying for everything? Does she want to move to your land or is she happy to stay in Thailand? I'm 26, naturally don't have money. My wife and I now both work for the government 5 days a week and together on weekends. The land is hers originally and the homeloan is her name. Until I found work it was all on her salary. So what has she married me for and had our first child for? My lack of funds? She's young and has an amazing job, she doesn't have a shortage of people she can choose from. From my interactions and I guess that Durex survey results I think 40% of thai are who they say they are. To suggest all thai can't feel love is moronic. Get out and meet real, hard working thai and you may just find some love.

    write me back in 7 years. I will give you an address of a good lawyer for your divorce! [emoji1]
  13. when UK will be gone, Europe will beg UK to sign bilateral Agreements.

    don't be scared little British sheep, you have been brain washed.. you will see once you are out of Europe, life will be sweeter and you will ask yourself why you have stayed so long in this ripe off system of Europe.

    Greece is not UK. UK can offer to leave. Greece can not.

  14. I live in Pattaya and my gf found a nice condo with view on land and sea. she got lucky this time. old condo at 4k with bed, furniture. (no ac, no hot water)

    we don't need ac as air is blowing across our room.

    it's even more comfortable than the condo i had in Europe and in the USA.

    water is mild warm as it stay all day in a container on the roof. so no need hot shower.

    I have a king bed, fridge, flat screen TV, second hand motorbike but look like new (bought when Yamaha get rid of their model once a year)

    I have plenty of clothes than the girlfriend bring for me from second hand market and it look like news and cost only 20 to 80 bahts for t-shirt and short respectively . flip flop sandals I buy new for 500 bahts at Tesco.

    insurance don't have. enough cash invested in Europe.

    as for food, I got plenty of Thai and fruit food on my table everyday. gf do market everyday and bring me sometimes excellent chocolate cake, fruits, banana, mango,.... .... i go sometimes to Mac Donald but I don't like so much.

    I get water from public water when you come with your water container and fill it for 1 bahts a liter. 2 container of 6 litters every 3 or 4 days is enough.

    movie? , I download from gf at her work place on a USB stick then plug it in my flat screen TV.

    look at the fuel. now I make 120 km for 60 bahts.

    dentist cost me much less than in Europe . a crone costed me 180$, I know a very good dentist on the dark side of Pattaya.

    hair cut 80 bahts. swimming pool 100 bahts or go beach.

    I mean com'on guys, it's win win win. we win so much here in Thailand , that we get bored to win here.

    back in Europe people ask me what I do and how much I pay in Thailand. after telling about my Luxus life here , I tell them the price of my freedom and they all say "holly crap, you live with less than my health insurance cost me and you get all these things!"

    "yep! "

  15. I have always lived in a studio. even when my parents or else gave me the whole house, I stayed in my room.

    later when I studied, I rented a room.

    then I moved to Thailand and again I live in a 28sqm room.

    the big difference is I spend 5 to 8x less than back in Europe. I spend around 170'000 bahts a year.

    I have developed the syndrome of a cheap Charlie maybe.

    just the idea to go back to Europe and spend so much money for a train or a bus ticket make me sick.

    think about, a bus from Gatwick to Heathrow is around 15£, for this money I can have a hotel room in Thailand or food for 5 days or 6 bus trips from bkk to Pattaya.

    so each time I see people spending so much money in Europe I ask myself why this society need all this money for so little. are they became nut?

    a friend bought a condo in Europe and he is still broke. condo is 1 million euro in a big capital and has a excellent job but still complain.

    I have all you can dream of: condo fridge, TV, scooter, fruits, good food, sea, beautiful gf...

    with 1 month of a salary in Europe I live much better here in Thailand the whole year. at the end, I just have problem to spend money like these people in farangland.

    what about you?

  16. look, I will make UK great again.. I will build a wall to protect citizen from drug coming directly from Germany and East of Europe .

    and I will renegotiate trades with Europe.

    UK will be strong again. and you know why? because we are a great country with courageous people.

    vote Brexit!

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