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Posts posted by returnofthailand

  1. in 50 years I have met very rich guys... millionaires. and I still meet some sometimes.

    none of them told me "I'm happy"

    instead they all complain about how much they pay tax, or how much they need to pay to maintain their backyard or how expensive it is to pay Council tax for their million dollars house and bla bla....

    I have no much, and I am HAPPY !

  2. some of you make me laugh with your poor lifestyle.

    I give you an example : you need hot shower because the ac is too cold.

    why not get rid of your ac? no need of hot shower anymore and you save 6000 bahts a month that could be spend for proper food than your expensive American junk food.

    once you start saving, you will realize it s like domino . you start to save everywhere and your lifestyle become better and better. works like magic.

    another example :if you get rid of your junk, you don't need place to rent resulting more money saved for a better life because what count at the end? you or your junk?

  3. what is living for you? I mean for you only. not money you give around. once you stomach is filled, what you need more? TV? I have free TV. internet? I got Internet for free from Internet coffee I get from my balcony. if you look around, many things are free, you just need to borrow and live like a man in an RV.

    people living with your money doesn't count. believe me or not, I was even at under 7000 bahts/month and my life was better than most of you can imagine. a fantastic life.

    I have nice condo in high rise building, TV, fan, fresh air, lot of food,... I m sure if I cut food expenses and go all fruits and vegetables I would be at around 6000 bahts per month and still have a kick ass life in Thailand.

    if I grow my own food and get water from rain and filter it I would spend 4000 baht per month only.

  4. my condo is 3000 bahts a month but if a farang ask me to rent it, I will charge 13000 bahts because it has nice Seaview and I know he will not ask a thai for a cheaper condo.

    you don't impress me with your hot shower and ac.

    I have free ac thank to Sea breeze and I have hot water thanks to the sun.

    as for food, I have fresh food on my table everyday. lot of fruits and vegetables.

    I use public transport and I fly brand new plane for 750 bahts per trip. I have very good scooter that burn less than 2l/100km.

    as I have just received a new visa, this month I will spend around 8000 bahts all included.

  5. I live with less than 15k and I live like a guy who spend 50k.

    i buy my clothes and everything on second hand market , dentist cost me 10x less and I send Thai people to take care of everything for me. I save so much that now I get really bored with saving.

    I can save 60k and send home and invest on the stock market . but I make more than that. I save millions and millions of baht, it s just simply amazing.

  6. just come to Thailand for 30 days, then book a flight to udon and we will explain you the rest. don't worry.

    from udon take bus in front of shopping mall and go to nong Kai bridge.

    get tuck tuck to Thai embassy for a Tourist visa and return next day. you will be good for 90 days. repeat process every 90 days.

    easier done than said!

  7. I dont know the exact price of cigarette as I m not a smoker & Not a drinker . I save another 3k on health insurance every month , and I got compound interest. after a life, probably a few millions baht saved. I save sooooo much... it s just unebelievabke. people back in farang land want come to Thailand now and live the 5 stars life like I have but they are scared to get all these things for so little. they prefer to pay tax and live a miserable life surrounded by junks.

    I have saved a few million baht by not buying gadgets like apple phone, tablets, video games, etc,... when I was younger. instead I buy everything second hand. money saved bring me more money and so on. it's just incredible. I win everywhere, but you know that already.

    I m on a tourist visa, I just have saved over 500'000 baht( plus compound interest that will bring me 30 to 50 percent more) by not going elite visa. with the money saved I can buy flight ticket hotel, food, or just a few condo to my name ... just awesome! imagine a country filled with guys like me?

    do you know the secret of success? it s not how much you make, but how much you save.

  8. who say 2 percent? , I talk about 5 to 7 percent.

    i didn't leave my room, I have extra hotel for free now to make tourist visa. today I ate a pad Thai in a shopping mall. free ac and free toilet.

    no money is little money. little money become big money.

    I have always believed that we can have more for less by reducing unnecessary things like air con, cars, and big houses. and get rid of your money grabbing wife too if you can. I saved 2 millions dollars by not getting married.

  9. I have never gotten sick from street vendor food. I can't say the same about farang restaurants.

    right and I think it come that street food vendor cook only a dish and it s fresh every day . restaurants have the tendency to save the unsold food in fridge and resell it even after the date of consumption plus workers don't always clean hands as everything is hidden from customers.
  10. I think nobody understand how elections work in the USA. I don't understand anything...

    electors, what is that? . I though people vote.

    you vote but nobody care for who you vote at the end and you call yourself a democracy....

    let me laugh ! I could be the next president if pay enough your electors.

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