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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. 45 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    I have a great life here. No bitterness. This is a forum. When someone seems to feel the need to almost weekly make a post about getting free healthcare because of his wife's job, I wonder what the h*&^ll the guy thinks that is such a great accomplishment.

    Who said it was an accomplishment? Your interpretation? Again, that is an issue on your end, not mine. 

    The discussion was about how young farang can manage to live in Thailand? That is a key factor for many young farang that I know. So the healthcare is completely relevant.

    Weekly? If we talk weekly, you have literally just mentioned your CV once again (which is not relevant to the discussion). 

    What I find odd is that you place great importance on a CV, always talking about yours even though it isn't relevant to anything and making up other members CV to compare it to. Insecurity or a lame attempt at a put down to others?

    However, every time the CV of my wife comes up, whether it be a social thread or members are asking for advice re government issues (and are appreciative of the advice), you go all negative and jump in when it has nothing to do with you. 

    Why is it that if CVs are so important to you,  you have major psychological issues with good CVs? Even though we have found hypocrisy in your posts and it is questioned, you claim you are not a hypocrite. Now you claim you are not bitter. You say you are not bored....so really what is left? Sexism? Is that why you feel the need to jump into my posts that involve my wife? You cannot handle a woman having a great CV? Oh, please tell me it is not haha.  

    Anyway, I was just filling in time with this last part (sorry for the length). Time to go home for my 'dinner' responsibilities as you like to call them :). You were entertaining for a while, but seem even more bitter now, as you keep feeling the need to butt in every time I make a comment. Gave me a good chuckle for a while. Enjoy your trolling. At least I hope it is trolling (as I do love a good troll).

  2. 1 minute ago, SoulWater said:

    "The Mrs is set for a 45k monthly pension when retire so financial security is not an issue for her."

    And you believe that? :) what was her job In Thailand?

    She is a government official. Passed the test early. Her dad took early retirement at 50 and receives 32k from memory. The current status of her position vs age is greater than his, so yeah I do, and I have seen the relevant figures. If you want I will PM them to you later on. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Out of interest, what do you do in Thailand? Just wondering how a westerner so young manages to stay in Thailand?

    Maybe married into a good family who look after him? Maybe has his own money back home and works a legal job here to pay for what he needs to? Maybe got lucky in life and has retired. It is his life so it really doesn't matter how he gets by. 

    I moved here in my mid 20s, license got switched over to a Thai license, vehicles were provided for me, found a legal job, did some extra outside work, don't have to pay any insurance as I receive free healthcare (something most Thais don't even get), don't have to pay the wife or family anything as they have jobs, and the government pays half the Mrs home loan so don't have to pay for a house I am not entitled to. My legal job goes towards the children and dogs. The Mrs is set for a 45k monthly pension when retire so financial security is not an issue for her. So she chooses someone she wants, not someone she desperately needs. I know quite a few Thai/farang around my age in similar positions. 

    It is 2017 now, Thai women have more opportunities than they did before re study/work, so are not forced to marry grandpas for financial security. As much as members on this forum like to think that they choose grandpas because they are so hot they are tired of young alpha men chasing them (as another member wrote not long ago which gave me a good laugh). 

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Fake. The young French guy in the photo is seen being able to totally assimilate into a Thai cultural lifestyle with what seems to be with absolutely no problems.


    The reality; at his age he would not to be able to legally work within that Thai community and any Farlangs working at jobs usually reserved for poor Thais, such as farming etc, would be resented and probably experience much prejudice as a foreigner seen encroaching on the Thais turf. These Thai women marry Farlangs mostly for reasons of financial security and that young guy would have problems supporting himself let alone a Thai wife having high expectations of him. The majority of Farlang husbands in that region will be old men 50 and over that have accumulated life savings and assets over their lifetimes including now having pension incomes coming in from abroad. The young Frenchman probably has photos taken portraying himself doing his bit for a poor third world community as a do gooder and then returns to France with his Thai wife/girlfriend.

    He doesn't look that young, as long as he is what, 22 (and educated), he would be able to find at least the most basic legal job in the country. 

  5. 4 hours ago, sappersrest said:

    Hi just putting out a bit of info so it may be of some help to others.

    My lurcher dog had a very high ALT result two weeks ago 585 after two weeks on samylin this has now dropped to 320. (but he is still taking doxycycline plus 

    Clindamycin these in combination may affect his alt results,doxy for e canis and clindamyacin for babesia )scan shows his liver is perfect

     The better news is my little thai dog a bangow cross has respond well to prednisalone and diet in one week platelet count up 85 000 .but is still on doxy for e canis

    For any who may be interested the diet consisted of.  broccoli soup, mixed veg soup, spinach soup,, and chicken broth cooked with bones etc. obviously removed prior to serving.

    sesame oil sprinkled on the food plus tinned fish.Varied each serving.

    The dry food is Taste of the wild brand ,grain free.


    A  good place to buy samylin is from Miscota  no duty and 2200 baht for 30 sachets.




    Good post. With good diet ecanis should naturally leave the body even without doxy (obviously still treat). The point being many dogs will get these diseases and things like leptospirosis and naturally eliminate the bacteria themselves if healthy.


    Broccoli and spinach really are super foods. I will periodically blend vegetables mixed with organs and give it to the dogs.


    Chicken broth isn't a bad treat in summer also. Can freeze in small containers and give it to them. I generally stop dry food about 12 months and go raw, but a good quality dry food is mostly sufficient. I personally find older type breeds do better on raw. Plus own big dogs so raw helps negate the bloat issue (eat slower). 


    Yay for fish. I dont understand why more people don't feed fish to their dogs. People who do swear by it. My dogs eat a whole fish for breakfast everyday. My Caucasian so far has 19 months of perfect blood/no disease and hasn't been washed for a year... and to be honest, probably won't be washed for the next 10 years - as most livestock guardians who live in the elements/fed right aren't.


    The self cleaning coat is incredible in terms of mud/dirt/odour, but the idea being if washed often then the natural parasite protection of the coat is damaged, leaving them more vulnerable to ticks. 


    A so so diet will get by in farang land but I think a good diet is critical in Thailand.

  6. Do you know how smelly Neem trees are? I was thinking of planting them along the border, but seems they only really will stop insects on the actual tree itself. Possibly reduce numbers in the immediate area as well. Maybe next rain season I will give it a go, less insects around the borders may mean less frogs and less snakes crossing with any luck. Also may make any wandering ticks change their course. 

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah, I heard all of them are relatively useless. 

    Wonder if there are any smelly trees we could put around the perimeter that will keep away insects, which in turn will keep away frogs/toads (if that is how it works). Seems frogs are the main food source, where I am anyway.


    We don't have chickens, but the neighbourhood obviously has them running around everywhere. Any that get in the dogs catch and kill/eat anyway so haven't had any massive snakes. 

  8. Does the human hair trick work or not? Anyone tried it? You supposedly spread human hair around the boundaries of your yard and the snakes will be deterred by it. 


    Anyone have any methods to at least reduce the number of snakes? Other than snake proof fencing, cutting grass, keeping things tidy etc.


    One of our dogs will kill one a month that I physically see (has since she was 6 months old), so probably more that I don't see. Would be good to lower the number of snakes to lessen the chances of her getting bitten. 

  9. I would be checking what the drugs are for and then asking the vet exactly why the dog needs them. If the vet's answer isn't in line with the role of the drugs and symptoms of the dog then I wouldn't bother continuing them. Also check if they are actually approved drugs. 

    If they are just there to help boost the dog then really food should be enough as his bloods/CT weren't too bad anyway. So could be just ripping you off. Vets in Thai you need to put your foot down hard the very first visit. One vet ripped me off, the second I actually take the research papers/ask for very specific tests, and he has never attempted ripping me off and does now go out of his way to help me as he cant get over the fact my dogs don't come back with iffy blood work. He has done over my Thai uncle a few times though lol. 

    Get on the Bravecto to stop any further ticks though. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, meatboy said:

    thanks to WW89 and KICKSTART for your replies.before we had him he did get loose that was about 8yrs.ago so if he did get bit it must have been before we had him.when we got him he was very weak with a high temp.and was put on a drip.

    it is three yrs.of test after test,with many as 99% all showing a very good laboratory analysis report.

    I don't understand that many of the tests like the one I am looking at now dated 4th. nov. 2015.

    blood parasite anaplasma platys ehrlichia canis   along side NOT FOUND.

    then this one dated 29th.march 2017 test done at veterinary medicine khon kaen university only showed hepatozoon canis,which is very rare,but could be hiding in a very small amount of blood and it could not show up in a test for yrs.

    he hid have an imazol injection then a follow up one 14days later.

    what does worry me also is the amount of medication he is on,runs out 1st.dec.these have been on 28days.

    doxy x3 every day.

    ferrous sulfate x2 

    vetrisame x1

    enrofloxacin x1

    ursolin x1

    prednisolone 2x 1/2

    that is 9 tabs.a day.

    If has already had the Imazol injection two times for the month, which I think is standard practice, then not much else you can really do. The injection has a high fail rate for Hepatozoon, basically it is just hope/pleasing people until a new medication is found. 

    What was the actual justification for the rest of the pills? If bloods and CT were pretty good. Doxy for the month fair enough to treat the Anaplasma/Ehrlichia, but what did they say the rest would achieve?


  11. Did he get bitten by another dog? Other than ticks, that is another way he may have got it. 

    From memory, it is the really small ticks that transmit Babesia, and need to be latched on for longer than a day to transmit the disease. There is roughly a 7% chance of the tick getting past your regular parasite treatment, and as it is the small variety of tick, a good chance you wouldn't have even seen it. 


    That is where the stronger parasite controls are better, only a 1-2% chance. 


    The Anaplasma and Ehrlichiosis are simply fixed, so if treated they shouldn't come up in the coming blood test. However, if still use the spot on parasite control don't be surprised if they keep coming up in the future. 

  12. No matter how minor the offence, if it warrants a fine, a ticket/receipt will be given and the police officer will take away the license. You go and pay the fine and get the license back. Something all Thai should know, and something so simple that farang should know - if they don't, then probably should not be driving on the roads. As when it happens to them, it seems they will become overly dramatic, stress about it continuously and not focus on, you know, actual driving. 


    This forum is so on and off. Road deaths, dangerous driving, police corruption are a constant whinge. Police finally do the right thing and an even bigger whinge. 

  13. Living with the in-laws isn't all that bad if you are very straight talking and can compromise with each other. I lived with them for about 6 months or so whilst our house was being built as we had a newborn also. It is initially hard work due to culture shock on both sides so you have to be smart in the way you play it. I even sat them down with a Thai doctor I trusted to make sure farang ways of doing things were incorporated (as we all know Thai will respect doctors). I knew it would be too hard to try and change whole ways of life with just me. The mother took a bit longer than the father (as she is not educated) but now even goes around telling the village you don't have to give pills to kids with a virus, they can get better by themselves. 

    The mother-in-law will temporarily live with us when our second child is born in a couple of months to help out also. The houses are only a minute drive away anyway. However, they are now really good. Mother will cook lunch and dinner everyday for us, help a lot with the kids (both obviously work), will even drive to the market to buy me a pizza with her own money if she hasn't cooked anything if she knows I have had a long day. Took a few months of literally refusing to leave the drive way, but have even managed to teach her that she must wear a seatbelt if in the car with our daughter and she has even started wearing a helmet when on her motorcycle (obviously not with our daughter). Father-in-law works hard, but will always want to take care of our daughter and will even leave work early sometimes to do that. Not uncommon for him to want to pay for vaccines or buy baby related items also. 

    However, I agree that if the mother has not been 'taught' to compromise and seems particularly interested in money then life will be difficult - just one big continual stressful conflict of cultures. My mother and father in law help out as they know we both work. However, they are on a pretty good wicket in terms of their financial income from working hard and setting themselves up. If the OP's  girl friend is middle class, shouldn't be too dissimilar, just need to learn to compromise and break the initial culture shock. Many are just too lazy to go to the extra steps of possibly bringing in outside people so it ends up difficult in terms of the relationship with the family. 

    • Like 1
  14. I used to see it as something like a bar fine. But now I just see it as a ridiculous practice to keep class structures together. The poor will never be able to afford the rich. 


    Even Thai society is slowly starting to move forward, so yes, many do not worry about sin sord anymore. Rural/more cultural areas may worry about the actual ceremony, but should not actually keep the money in 2017 (especially if farang as should compromise on culture).


    It's no surprise that education, family name, career, previous relationships etc are the criteria. Even if people do pay sin sord, which is completely fine as it is their lives after all, if you do it for 'cultural' reasons then surely you should go by the same criteria as a Thai man would. So if a non educated woman, with previously relationship and no real job is asking for big money in Thai terms, then alarm bells should probably ring. But again, some people like to give and that's fine, but you're not giving for sin sord or any cultural reason, you're just giving in general. 


    Personally, I know a few Thai guys in a lot of debt from previous marriages purely due to sin sord. I also know many who cannot commit to marry yet as they don't have sin sord. Families see these issues as stupid these days, hence the gradual shift away from sin sord. 


    I think if a discussion can't even be had to not do sin sord in 2017 it probably rings alarm bells. More and more people are not doing it and their are full proof ways around it in all areas (ie marry in a church). Most working Thai women will tell your it's their responsibility to look after their parents, you have your own parents to look after. 

  15. Khon Kaen Hospital isn't too bad. The clinic doctors are obviously in training so not much better than the doctors in any hospital clinic, but the specialists are pretty good. Quite comfortable if you admit also with doctors on the wards who constantly keep you up to date on what is happening. The after hours clinic is useful also. Specialists there seem to go out of their way though, I had an infection specialist on his way home, come back just to book some tests for me as he knew I didn't live in Khon Kaen.

    Also one test form wasn't completed so the people withdrawing my blood had to call the specialist, and they all remember you being a farang so could give permission over the phone to test for extra things (otherwise would have had to come back another day). Even many months later, the doctors remember you and ask how you are in passing. A couple of others seemed to show real care and took a good 20 minutes to discuss everything, rather than just treating you as another number. 

    On the flip side my province government hospital isn't great (no university attached to it), and priorities are a big thing. For priorities to exist, morals have to be thrown out the window. So basically, if you know someone you will get a queue number between 1-10 and can arrive at 9, and be out by 9:30.

    If you don't know anyone, you arrive early morning and will be waiting til 3pm with hundreds of other people until you get checked out by the doctor. By that time, the check will be all of 2 minutes and you may have to remind the doctor that they need to actually examine you, rather than just read what the nurse wrote down. Also disgusting toilets. So, of course, it can be hard to stay moral in such conditions. 

    Our bigger private hospital is hit and miss. One great baby doctor who even helps us out contacting different specialists/discussing CT results with other hospitals on her days off (who is the family GP now, who also volunteers at the government hospital). Also another totally useless baby doctor works there. Similar with adult doctors, very hit and miss. 

  16. 2 hours ago, sead said:

    A 37 year old woman that let her mother boss around and ask for sinsod. Thats the biggest problem.... her mother is the one whos going to make all decisions. If mother says leave him shes going to do that.

    Who came up with the idea to marry and why do you need to do that. You save yourself alot of problems simple by staying unmarried.

    keep paying her some small salary for family to be taken care of. Go and look for a condo to rent instead of moving in. You dont pay sinsod for a 37 year old woman. She and her family should see this as a jackpot to even get her married at her age! The chances that she already has been married and have grownup kids is really big. And yes, Issan people lie for money. 

    She is a nurse, so possibly an official. If marry then free health cover for OP, she can get her own loans, and get a pension until she dies. 


    Even if not an official, the middle class often will not continue the relationship if it isn't going anywhere, ie no chance of ever marrying in the future. They make their own money, so they see it more as a friends with benefits rather than making it an a real type thing. 


    Her age isn't relevant to sin sord as she is educated, has a job and is middle class. So in terms of a Thai guy, he would still be paying sin sord. My Thai uncle is about to marry a 42 year old official, the parents don't want it so will give it back but they still will go through the ceremony due to her job. 


    He should not pay purely due to a compromise of cultures, give in to some beliefs and not others. Not because people think make ignorant generalisations that Isaan people are girls who all had teen pregnancies. 

  17. 14 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    There is a thaivisa style forum for thai women? I'd love to know the name I can tell my Mrs about it. Please advise.

    There are various forums and also many Facebook pages purely about everything farang for Thai women. I dont know the names as I don't use them, but the Mrs has shown me many/wouldn't be hard to find.


    Things like general advice/experiences, how much money partner gives each month, which country is best to marry in terms of personality, similar topics and ridiculous generalisations just like this forum lol. 


    There are even pages that women can post photos of their partners or guys they are thinking about entering a relationship with to check if they are really single or not.

  18. Low platelet count can be an indicator the dog is in sub-clinical Ehrlichia/Anaplasma phase (which can last for a long time before it turns chronic or the dog can eliminate it). Elevated liver counts can also be a result of using too much Doxy (up to 40% of treated dogs can have this problem according to the University of Pennsylvania). So similar to what your vets said.

    Coinfections are quite common with Ehrlichia/Anaplasma unfortunately, so makes treating and diagnosing even harder. Especially as many areas in Thai don't have the tests on hand sometimes. Usually sub-clinical phase has no symptoms, so are the symptoms a result of the Hepatozoon or Babesia? Or is the dog in the acute phase of a new Ehrlichia/Anaplasma and the symptoms are a result of that? I would have thought if the dog was in the chronic phase (same symptoms as the acute phase), then the bloods wouldn't be as good as they are. Are the bacteria resistant to antibiotics now (Thailand is known for antibiotic resistant bacteria)? Some dogs will be weaker in terms of this than other dogs. 

    So many variable is probably why it is so hard for your vets (and impossible for us), as the dog has so many diseases that they are not sure what is actually causing what, and at what stage is each disease at so they aren't 100% sure on treatment. All have similar non-specific symptoms. 

    In saying all that, reinfection WILL happen with no proper parasite control. The previous poster had, was it 4 tick diseases already in the one dog with spot ons? Controline or Cleartix I would NOT be using in Thailand, as I just don't think spot ons work to a level sufficient enough to prevent disease. Back home, they are fine, more than fine actually...but they just don't cut it here.


    That is why I kinda got a bit annoyed when I first joined this forum, and I am sure you all got annoyed at me also as I was coming from a whole different approach to what you all had been doing - but I could see what was going to happen in the future if continue down this line. 

    The different members stories of continual uses of spot ons, weekly baths with chemicals, trimming the dogs coat, spraying dangerous/cancer causing agents around the place, crap food, over vaccinating, god knows what else were all setting the dog up to get sick as their immune systems are running on 2 cylinders. A healthy dog should be able to pass Anaplasma/Ehrlichiosis by itself in most cases even without Doxy, but it shouldn't have to if it has proper parasite treatment.   

    Your case is so hard now, and i do feel sorry for the dog, the vets and you. But get on better tick control. Ignore the fear mongering campaigns, as right now the chance of a tick killing your dog is so much higher than the chance of Bravecto or NexGuard killing it. I hate it when people say 'TIT', but in this particular case it is justified. This is Thailand, soft treatments we are used to do not work to the level we need them to here in many places. 

  19. Babesia comes from ticks. A Mahidol University paper written, from memory, a decade ago claimed that Rickettsia and perhaps Babesia would be the two tick borne diseases that will threaten pets and humans in the future in Thai. 

    I think it is a cousin of Malaria. So even when treated it usually comes back. So some pretty chronic diseases the poor boy has, that is why it is important to at least prevent the Ehrlichia/Anaplasma. 

  20. 1 hour ago, meatboy said:

    thanks WW89 my mind is not working at all,we have only found 1 tick on him the past 30months,we were using controlline,but that is not available so its been cleartix the past 4months.we just don't know were to go next.we have had blood tests the past 3yrs.with conflicting results,the last 3 ,13th.oct.4thnov.18th.nov.

    13th.illichia and annaplasma.

    4th.illichia and hepatozoon.

    18th.barbesia,illichia and hepatozoon.

    these tests were done at an animal lab.

    over the past 3yrs.his WBC.and RBC.have been fine its only been his platelet count that have given us concern,but the vets don't seem to be concerned.

    when we found out the water infection was making him sick and not wanting to eat,by his constant licking his pee as soon as he started the medication he has been fine.

    the thing is I have copies of all his blood tests which must be over 20 yet the only worry is the platelet count

    we have had ULTRA SOUND,X-RAYS yet the only worry has been the enlarged spleen which the wife drew attention to, but we were told nothing to worry about,this has gone down on his last check up.

    his next test is 2nd.dec.when all the medication he is on runs out.so we have to wait and see whats next.


    I think for a Husky, I would get off the spot on and use the more serious drugs - Bravecto (like any treatment, watch for side effects). Huskies don't weigh that much so will only cost 750 baht every 3 months. I have to pay 3,000 for 3 months as Thailand doesn't include the 40-56kg in their range for some reason. Although it isn't great using a strong drug on a sick dog, the only other option is to let the dog keep on getting infected so it is the lesser evil in my eyes. 

    Spot ons are usually low 90s% in terms of effectiveness whereas the stronger drugs are high 90s%.
    5% is nothing back home, but it makes a huge difference here as the % of ticks actually carrying diseases is so much higher. 

    Did the vet have an idea whether it was an acute or chronic stage of Ehrlichia/Anaplasma? Where did you get the test done for Babesia? Both acute and chronic ehrlichia have similar symptoms so it is hard to distinguish. If it is the acute phase then the dog should respond to the treatment - so he must just keep on getting re-infected if tests keep coming back positive. 

    If the chronic phase, well then not much you can do. Can treat the dog but the prognosis is very poor.  

    If has Babesia and Hepatozoon and keeps on getting other infections then symptoms will obviously be worse. Both those diseases are difficult to impossible to get rid of in many dogs.

    If my dog, I would switch to better parasite treatment. Treat him for the ehrlicha/anaplasma, make sure his diet is good to resist the infections or help pass them through naturally and hope for the best. Not much you can do with Hepatozoon/Babesia if it keeps coming back, but it is important not to let other infections arise as his immune system would be battling with hep/babesia. 


    Would be very careful of your contact with the dog, so be careful if search for ticks, fluids etc. Wear gloves when searching, check yourself and home regularly. I had an initial diagnoses of Rickettsia from Khon Kaen hospital in April this year. The infection passed, but to this day I struggle with my health, so got in contact with a Rickettsia research lab back home (who also do work in Thai) who have suggested I test for antibodies based on my current symptoms in discussion with my doctor. That was from getting tick blood all over my hands from looking for ticks on the in laws dog who had tested positive to Ehrlichiosis. 

  21. 11 minutes ago, meatboy said:

    once again we find ourselves wishing we had never set foot in Thailand again,our beloved is not well again.

    a nose bleed at 10pm.not having nowhere to go we were lucky we had some tablets to stop the bleeding,it stopped at 2.30am. then it was to the animal hospital not far away.a blood test revealed ananaplasma,e canis,and a enlarged spleen.so it was a complete new set of medication,besides doxy,heparto,ferrous sulfate and ki.50.ulsanic it was little food till his next test,this was a couple of days before I ended up in hospital with some bad seizure's.on the second night I missed my boy so much I checked out.i was very confused so I didn't now what was happening.

    since the 4th.nov.he has been on vetrisam e.usolin,doxy,prednisolone,enrofloxacin [baytril] ferrous sulfate and up until 9am.this morning he has been a different dog,eating well morning and evening and wanting to play.this morning he had all his breakfast up,so I am not happy at all.

    one thing we did find out after demanding a urine test was,the leaking he had was from an infection and since sunday 12th.the leaking has stopped and the licking. but also the suculfrarate stopped 2days ago,with the vets approval.

    the 3 test results which have been carried out at an animal testing lab have revealed parasites.

    it is eating me up inside as I love my boy SO MUCH. 

    our next move is to have someone to take our boy to THONG -LOR animal hospital.

    What parasite treatment is he on? Can't remember if I have asked that before. Spot on treatments, like your Frontline, I find don't work well in Thai, especially for the bigger dogs (I only use them on puppies less than 6-9 months). 

    So he could just be continually getting re infected, as he returns to the same environment (home). From memory, it was up to a quarter of ticks in some places in Thai that carry diseases. 

    Mine are due for blood tests next month. The CO last time had gone through 14 months of life no infections, so this will be 20 months if come back clean. Although I pushed the Bravecto to 4 months (as it is a strong pesticide) this time round to give her body a break so will be interesting to see if it can be pushed that long or not. 

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