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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. Oh I forgot, already incredibly low chances of needing a gun, but they are actually even lower. If we add in the fact that a lot of violence/murders are committed by someone you know in the actual household then that would further decrease the reason for having a gun as you're providing the murder weapon in the house to the person most likely to kill you. Especially as you don't 'lock' it. 


    You like guns, I get that. I like guns. But they aren't actually of any use to the circumstances that have been put forward so far. Even 'trained' police on the beat in disciplined forces make up incredibly low shooting stats. Where I'm from the Special Operation Groups are called in for things like armed robberies as they are usually ex SASR and have the familiarity with guns that is actually required. Normal police carry guns, but only use them in emergencies and try and call in SOG if they can. Yet, a part time shooter who has probably below a 0.00001% chance of being a target, and who doesn't have the confidence to use certain weapons, thinks he has some sort of a hope because he has a license???? Come on. No need for guns in your instance. 

  2. Look at it from another angle. What areas are guns actually justified? That is the risks of them being readily available (school shootings, accidental shootings, mass shootings) are overcome by actually needing the gun in self defence. How many areas realistically? Chances of events occurring are pretty low aren't they. 


    I live in a family of politics (Thai isn't known for its safe politics), we will have actual police drive bys all day outside our house during election times. My dogs I feel are more than sufficient. 


    My Mrs worked in the red zones of an actual insurgency for 18 months wearing an officials uniform all day (target). Didn't feel the need for a gun in her down time or room.


    What kind of paranoid, scared people feel they need guns so much it counters the thousands of innocent people who lose their lives to them every year. Cars have an actual purpose for the majority of people, guns do not. 


    Delusional. Enjoy the guns, until you accidently shoot someone/yourself as you are so nervous around the very situations you claim you need them for or the very gun itself.

  3. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    I lock my doors when I'm in the house. Breaking in alerts me that a bad person means to do me harm. I can get my gun from where it is located in a secure but not locked place, and be ready to use it by the time the bad person has entered the house.


    BTW, like millions of others I am trained to use weapons, and a shotgun, which is what I'd use does not have to be aimed precisely to immobilise an intruder. It can even have non lethal substances in the shells if I don't want to kill.

    A hand gun would not be my choice of weapon in a home invasion, as few are going to be cool enough to use one accurately in a chaotic situation, and I certainly wouldn't be, plus the chance of a bullet exiting the house and hitting some innocent outside.

    My Mrs is trained and licensed to use weapons. In the scheme of things it means literally jack all unless you are using them on a frequent basis (the hand gun comment implies you do not). Your house must be a fortress or a fire hazard if you think a gun is sufficient in these circumstances. 

  4. 1 minute ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


    LOL Those dogs wont do shit. Some poison in a hotdog and they are done man its how the Thais do it. 


    As to everything else. I dont even have any idea where you dreamt up all that. A non gun owner trying to school the other non gun owners on why owning a gun is "pointless" has got to be one of the most laughable propositions I've seen today. 


    Thousands of homeowners in the US have successfully thwarted/killed/protected their property from home invaders with their household firearms.  From little old ladies, single moms, you name it. 


    Only the stupidest retard burglars would assume that household firearms would be locked in a safe all the time and completely inaccessible lmao. 


    Come on you have to see how ridiculous all that is. 

    The dogs are LGDs. I have owned 4 now that wouldn't accept a steak from a stranger that had been accepted onto the land by me at a BBQ or drink water on land that wasn't their own. They will protect a tomato with the same intensity if that is what they are bonded with. Rather than show your ignorance, actually research them. Sub types temporarily replaced GS during WW2 as stock was being stolen (no issues after that). I guess no poison in those days...oh wait. 

    That may well be, but thousands of Americans have also accidentally killed each other or themselves, and have also been victims of home invasions where the gun did literally nothing. So if that is the best you can come up with then keep watching the movies :).

  5. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If I live in a high crime area where I have a high probability of being home invaded, and injured/ murdered, you better believe I NEED a gun.

    You would apparently prefer that I were killed than defend myself against people far more capable of defeating me if unarmed.

    NEED vs WANT...you said NEED so lets clarify the need.

    For a gun to be of any actual use to you in that situation you would NEED to have the gun on you at all times and be constantly scanning/listening around your property. So that would mean not sleeping, not showering, not resting, no noise, no focusing on any task (even using computer/phone) and not having any guests (especially children) over. Not to mention it would mean you are highly trained and familiar with not only the weapon, but your movements and surroundings. This isn't the movies lol. 

    My father-in-law has a gun on him in a case and sometimes a vest with a police escort (mostly during election times as he is a target). I see him shower and sleep and think what is the point of the gun? Even in a home invasion the gun being in a case would be too slow to get out. For those 6 hours he sleeps and 5 minutes he showers someone could easily gain access to him as the gun is definitely out of reach. For him, it is second nature due to his Army days rather than being of any actual use. I have made sure it is put away when my children are there (so again, it is utterly useless). My Mrs driver used to have a gun on him, but it was physically on him (not in a case), and was only ever to be used if confronted by militants in the South during field work.    

    However, on the most part, 'responsible' gun owners who have actual lives have their guns locked in a safe, do sleep and do shower. The gun as a form of defence is useless to them if a home invasion was to occur. Hence, why I have two dogs with stopping powers of .45 calibre bullets as I do want to sleep, watch TV, shower and have children. If people have both the fire power and skill to conduct a home invasion where I live, no gun I have in my home locked in a cute little safe would be saving me. 

  6. 49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't think anyone is saying that "because it happened to me it must happen to every single other person', and why shouldn't people put their story out there?

    In the name of research, I think every case of a farang getting done by their Thai partner should be put out there as a warning. More stories, not less.


    If happy farangs want to put out their stories as well, excellent. The more information out there the better.

    Why would anyone not want information out there for others to read?

    Numerous comments not only on this forum, but on this thread have implied this. My comment you quoted that I was replying to was about this exact issue. 

    I will clarify it for a second time seeing as you didn't understand again. If people are putting distorted views of processes purely due to irrational feelings they have from circumstances that could have been easily avoided if they had of 'researched' the place they were moving to then that is not useful for anyone. Like I said, I have had to post actual government policies before just to show what people are saying is complete garbage. How is that of any benefit or better to anyone? False information.

  7. 12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    No one is saying it happens to "every" farang, just a lot of them.

    Whatever, you seem to disagree that stories like this should be put out there so men can find out what may happen to them. On the one hand you want men to do research, and on the other you apparently don't want information available for them to research. That is obviously contradictory.


    I never said any of that, so please don't put words in my mouth. I said everyday negative and distorted views that are so distorted that government policies need to be posted and people still don't believe them are not helpful. The fact people feel the need to say watch yourself shows they think it will happen to everyone eventually. 


    Thinking that because it happened to me it must happen to every single other person is overly negative. There is a difference between actual 'research' and listening to such cases as 'research'. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I would say those farang have a lack of knowledge, experience, planning and are moronic.

    You write like a lovely, compassionate, understanding person, not.

    It's not mental retardation that causes men to lose their minds over a lovely young thing in a foreign land, but naivete, and desperation to have a better relationship with a female than apparently many of us can find among the females in our own lands. 

    I for one had given up on western women as potential partners in life, and also chose to try Thai. I'm not alone by far in that.


    I hope more stories like this get out in the foreign media, as warning for those coming after us. The more the better.

    So a lack of knowledge and experience. Just like I said. If people are too lazy or distracted to research what they need to research then that should not result in a generalised negative thought process that the same thing will happen to every farang. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The Amphoe paid me 5,000 baht, gave me a free marriage certificate and put me in the system to receive free health care on the day rather than waiting months. Positive story. The only time I have had my license taken off me for an alleged traffic offence I received it back from the police station without having to pay.



    Given there is no "free" health care for farangs, or, far as I know, Thais ( have to pay 30 baht ), and marriage certificates, throwing things like that into any post on TVF is going to remove any belief that you are telling the truth with anything else.

    I'm not saying it isn't true, for some reason unknown to me, but unless an explanation is forthcoming, I just don't believe it.

    I know of at least one other farang who has received a free marriage certificate. I know many Thai. All you have to do is promote your province.

    Every year every province runs the program. I was called and asked to participate by tye Governor's office. 


    Regarding free health care, there is whole topics on this forum dedicated to what farang get it and what don't. 

  10. Yes, like I said earlier, if many people complain it will add weight. However, it is not necessary for action to be taken. 


    Why do you feel the need to comment like a know it all when you have no understanding of the system? Judging by your comments in the whole thread you care more about the rental agreement than the actual issue anyway. No knowledge, no interest. How bored are you? Lol 

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  11. 2 hours ago, nontabury said:

    During my 30yrs experience of Iiving in Thailand, I have come across many Instances were Thai officials have shown themselves to be completely corrupt.

    Do you not think that the Thai people are aware of this corruption?

    It’s infiltrated all walks of life here, and unfortunately I don’ t see any improvement within the next 50 yrs. 

     This is not hatred, towards these officials, it’s just being realistic.

    only a fool would think otherwise. Always best to be on your guard.

    Again, this is about expats. Not Thai people. I'm not sure why you keep bringing them up. 


    You have come across many officials. I have come across zero in my formal dealings. I know many people who have and I know many people who haven't. Usually the people who haven't say if you follow the correct process of doing things there is no need to pay any corruption.


    However, if someone does not understand the system or their partners don't have the faculties/lazy to follow basic processes then they will just get their husbands to pay to make the official do it for them.


    If we are making it about Thai people, then have a look at the forums that Thai use who have farang husbands. Many comments say why bother following the system, just make him pay for it. That is more of a partner thing, as nearly always will an official let you do it the proper way and if they don't their are many avenues to take the matter down. 


    If things like investing money in someone else's name, well that's the farangs own stupidity and a picking the wrong partner thing again. 


    I would say those farang have a lack of knowledge, experience, planning and are moronic. If they are happy, then great, but those ones don't complain everyday. People with only positive stories don't feel the need to say every person will be like us, we say corruption can SOMETIMES rise it's head (usually out of ignorance) - as we have never experienced it when doing things properly.


    So I don't see the need for negative people and people who haven't planned, to say just wait it will definitely happen to you because it happened to me. Similar to school days, failing doesn't feel so bad if everyone fails. 

  12. 2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    There was a recent topic on here of a noisy late night karaoke being shut down in a matter of days. The difference is it was the management of several buildings who complained to the Amphur not one or two individual rental tenants. When the management of the building itself refuses to take action against a late night nuisance, then maybe there are other variables to consider.



    Completely different factors. The Amphoe usually doesn't deal with cases like this (special occasions). They only deal with cases like this when it becomes public interest (not just one or two people complaining). For example, a dog biting one person the Amphoe will rarely deal with. However, if that dog has bitten many people and the community go to the police and they still don't do anything, the Amphoe will step in as it is troubling for large volumes of people. 


    There may well be other variables, but if the place responds to neighbours annoying them, then highly unlikely those variables exist. 

  13. 1 hour ago, mat999 said:

    Actually I have been away for a while. My wife never got around to going to the City Hall with a Thai friend to interpret, before we went away. There has been a change- a neighbor apparently snapped and went ballistic at the woman who owns it. It has been closed mostly since we got back. I think it was just open and noisy the first night back a few days ago, maybe Saturday. I nearly started shouting at her as it was very obviously the owner who was making the most noise. My wife took an interpreter in the daytime and complained to her and got a predictably bad look, but that was all. The neighor was out again last night at another disturbance, I think he may now be on the ball and standing up for himself. I have a good feeling that the end is nigh for the crazy witch. If not we shall go to City Hall soon.



    Usually these things are easily fixed with a quick confrontation (like back home). Sadly though, it is one of those ridiculous TV unwritten rules that has come about due to absolutely nothing - don't confront people or you will be murdered lol. A moderator even once seriously told me don't stop to check if people need help in a car crash. Just utterly amazing the paranoid fear people have that they will not even provide assistance in any situation. I'm really not sure how they cope with everyday life here. I was asked to help lift a guy down who hung himself not long back, couldn't imagine the response half the people on this forum would have given to not do it in fear of some imaginative repercussion.


    Go to the public health official in the municipality first if you have to. As the tribunal will just tell the municipality to investigate it first anyway. However, tell the municipality officials if you're not happy with their investigation then you will take them to the tribunal. That will at least make sure that their papers are following the law to the letter and are not lazy. 

  14. 1 hour ago, mat999 said:

    Actually I have been away for a while. My wife never got around to going to the City Hall with a Thai friend to interpret, before we went away. There has been a change- a neighbor apparently snapped and went ballistic at the woman who owns it. It has been closed mostly since we got back. I think it was just open and noisy the first night back a few days ago, maybe Saturday. I nearly started shouting at her as it was very obviously the owner who was making the most noise. My wife took an interpreter in the daytime and complained to her and got a predictably bad look, but that was all. The neighor was out again last night at another disturbance, I think he may now be on the ball and standing up for himself. I have a good feeling that the end is nigh for the crazy witch. If not we shall go to City Hall soon.



    Usually these things are easily fixed with a quick confrontation (like back home). Sadly though, it is one of those ridiculous TV unwritten rules that has come about due to absolutely nothing - don't confront people or you will be murdered lol. A moderator even once seriously told me don't stop to check if people need help in a car crash. Just utterly amazing the paranoid fear people have that they will not even provide assistance in any situation. I'm really not sure how they cope with everyday life here. I was asked to help lift a guy down who hung himself not long back, couldn't imagine the response half the people on this forum would have given to not do it in fear of some imaginative repercussion.


    Go to the public health official in the municipality first if you have to. As the tribunal will just tell the municipality to investigate it first anyway. However, tell the municipality officials if you're not happy with their investigation then you will take them to the tribunal. That will at least make sure that their papers are following the law to the letter and are not lazy. 

  15. 3 hours ago, nontabury said:

    Perhaps these people are making these remarks, due to their experience and knowledge, of living in Thailand for a length of time. It’s not a question that corruption will SOMETIMES raise it’s head in Thailand. It’s a fact that corruption is very heavily ingrained throughout all levels of Thai society. That’s not to say that all Thais agree with it,or that all Thais are bad people. They simple understand, that they cannot change the system, and therefore keep their heads down, and hope that they they can live their lives in piece.

    My post was about expats as they have a choice (many Thai do not), and also was obviously about expats seeing as this forum is predominantly used by expats.


    Everyone has different experiences in Thailand, however, most people should have a basic idea about how the system works (rather than just paying their way through and then complaining). However, what we don't need, is daily negative comments about experiences that happened years ago as if every person's experience will be exactly the same as theirs. It is called planning. 


    People complain about the Amphoe for example. The Amphoe paid me 5,000 baht, gave me a free marriage certificate and put me in the system to receive free health care on the day rather than waiting months. Positive story. The only time I have had my license taken off me for an alleged traffic offence I received it back from the police station without having to pay. Positive story. I haven't had to pay any money towards any official. If I did, and knew I was going to be bitter about it for the next 5 years to have irrational hatreds towards Thai officials I would find that very worrying and would question what I was doing with my life. 


    Even feel good stories on this forum are tarnished with negative comments due to these irrational hatreds. Twice I have had to post actual government policies to members as they hated the police so much they couldn't believe simple facts due to their generalised and distorted views. 


    I disagree with you and say that is not experience or knowledge, I would say their circumstances have come about for the complete opposite reason, that is, due to very limited experience and knowledge. 

  16. A teacher just died of rabies in Surin. The following kind of adds to what I was explaining happens in rabies areas. This vaccination protocol has happened in my village the last few years due to animal cases being 45 min drive away (same Province). My particular village I don't think has ever actually had a rabies case. The government and people do act, it's just people don't really know or see it unless involved. I know I wouldn't if my family wasn't a part of the process. 


    'Following her death, the Surin Livestock Office declared her village, Phorang, a rabies control zone earlier this week and dispatched a team of officials to vaccinate all dogs and cats in the community. Local residents were also told to quarantine their pet dogs and cats until the office could ascertain the disease was under control'.

  17. Massive age gap, in and out of prison, investing amounts of money into the country that he will later complain about, wife cheating on him, obviously not the smartest guy. The gun is even more moronic. Don't accept a real gun in the house unless you or the wife have the relevant papers for it. 

    The constant moaning about corruption on this forum is incredibly boring (whether it be government/women related).  Yes, Thailand is a developing country. Yes, sometimes corruption will rise its head (like every developing country). But that is the side effect you get for the positives you receive when deciding to live in a developing country. Deal and plan for it it as you wont be able to change it. If you are stupid enough to be taken for a ride then really the blame is on you for not planning properly. In that instance learn from it and move on with life, rather than constantly living in the past and saying the exact same negative comments on every single thread. 

  18. 1 hour ago, AaronC76 said:

    My local vet has quoted me for neutering/spaying my two dogs: 3,800 for the bitch and 3,200 for the boy.

    Does this sound accurate?

    I was told previously it would cost about 800 for the dog!

    They are both big dogs, over 30kg, so I assume the high price must be due to the amount of anesthetic needed during the op?

    Haven't got my prices yet. They would do full bloods before hand so that would account for close to 1,000 of that final figure I guess. 


    I think size is a factor. I have one vet in my city that won't do anything over 30kg. I would be happy with those prices. My female is 50kg and male will be closer to 70kg, get prices in March when I get the female done. Universities, if live close, are probably a lot cheaper. 

  19. People's views are always a little contradictory about these sorts of things. One minute it is I live here and 'it is safer than back home'. The next minute it turns into a paranoia that Thai are jungle people and I don't want to complain about my neighbour, toot my horn or stop to help people in case they turn around and shoot me. What was back home for many people? Iraq?


    Regarding the deep South red zone, I would say the 'do not travel' warnings are justified. However, if have the opportunity to go there with people who can look after you I would recommend it. It is quite a pretty place and the people who aren't fanatics are amazingly warm (even by Thai standards). Plus not many dogs for all those who are scared of the dogs in more travelled areas of the country. 

  20. Just asked my father in law (ex Army officer and now politician). He was just answering without looking into it. He said government official no problem. Politician no problem. Regarding army officer, he said yes that rule exists. However, if have a close family member who was an officer then the rule isn't applicable anymore. He said our son would have no problems becoming an officer (if passed the test), but advised against it anyway lol. 

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