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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. 3 hours ago, sinbin said:

    I just got back from Buriram to do my Extension. Low and behold there wasn't an Immigration Officer in there wearing uniform. Khun Arcade, who served me, was wearing jeans and t-shirt. The other 2 men were wearing trousers of sorts plus t-shirts and the two women who work in there were dressed in black civis. The men were also wearing body warmers and there were no indication that they were Thai Immigration Officers. No names available. No picture ID labels around their necks. No plaques on their desks. 


    I think the OP has a form of Stockholm Syndrome. Get over it they're just people, the same as us all. 


    Only have to wear uniforms on Mondays probably. My new immigration office also doesn't wear uniforms. Will wear the odd vest that says police,  about the closest they will get to some form of uniform. The younger ones may do it as it's all new and exciting for them. 


    They once pulled out their own personal chairs and served both the Mrs and I a cool glass of water as they recognised her. I was in flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt. So the flip flops got the preferential treatment in that case haha.


    The Mrs, also a government official, will make me wear pants, shoes and shirt to apply for my work permit, but immigration for her is just whatever I feel like on the day in Isaan - so thongs (flip flops) and shorts/t-shirt.

  2. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    It was a proper dog catcher's truck.  Cages along the side.  2 guys darting the animals.  Thai government writing on the side.  Sorry, don't read Thai.  But it was in NaJomtien.  My friend had help with the dog problems where he lives in Pratumnak also.

    I would still be of the opinion they are doing it illegally but the police just turn a blind eye to it. 

  3. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    You obviously didn't read my post where I said I know of dogs being taken out of several different areas.  Done by government workers in a government truck.

    What areas are these done by government trucks? I was under the impression that was made illegal. If that is the case the truck is working illegally (not a stretch of the imagination), however, will most likely not help the OP.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


    That would only lessen their credibility.


    They look like government officials, act like government officials and will be government officials once the Immigration Bureau is separated from the RTP.

    It is because they are government officials. All police who pass the test are government officials, have the same ID as other officials and receive the same benefits as government officials. 

  5. As much as I trust the Mrs and her family (never have been asked for money, gave us 2 cars to use daily which the father pays off and their pickup when need it, send lunch and dinner to the house everyday, got me an easy job, give the Mrs money to improve the house), I would never buy a house that I am not legally entitled to. It works for many people I am sure, and that is fantastic. But for me, if I was going to buy a house then the Mrs would move to my country, find a job and we would both pay off the house as we are both entitled to it. Seeing as the Mrs could get a loan to buy her own home that I am not entitled to, my money goes into the kids, dogs, luxuries etc to make life happier/easier. 


    I don't mean that in a negative way like all girls are out to take everything from you, it is just who knows what can happen around the corner. It is a risk many are happy to take and good for them, just something I would not do. 

  6. From my experience of going to a couple Immigration Offices in Isaan, all they care about is you have the relevant papers in order and if at least one of the couple has a basic understanding of the system so they do not need to spoon feed everything. 

    They would rather serve a guy in flip flops and shorts that takes a couple of minutes as everything is already done for them, than a guy dressed in a suit who has no papers in order and is constantly arguing with his Mrs about the process. 

  7. I asked about such a case. Legally, if Tessaban consider it a nuisance, they can remove the dogs if they are soi, actually even if they are owned the dogs then fall into their responsibility as it moves into nuisance law. However, I doubt many officers will care about a pretty standard issue. What you can do, is get signatures to make them care so to speak. So if everyone in the immediate area is sick of it as well and all sign, it will force the Tessaban to act (as the Mayor doesn't want to potentially lose all those votes). 


    Although, whereas in the past the dog was sent to a vet and put to sleep, some do gooders forced the laws to be changed. So now many Tessabans sack the dog and dump it in another Tessaban creating further issues re population control. 

  8. Just spread a small rumour around the village about a sin sord amount. We just had a Christian ceremony (I am an atheist), to purely avoid any need or time to have the sin sord ceremony. The family just whispered a figure to the most inclined to gossip and before you knew it everyone was of the opinion I paid sin sord. When in actual fact the family paid for half the wedding themselves. 

    The Grandma is well respected, and is one of the hardest working women I know. But in my community it seems social class trumps family hierarchy. So as the in-laws and Mrs have good jobs and the grandmother is a farmer, what they say trumps what she says. She is a fantastic woman though, I have never given her anything and she would never ask or accept anything, even though she will come and work hard on our land sometimes all she wants is a cool drink. The money she makes from farming (will refuse to live in 'comfortable' housing), she buries to save for family emergencies. 

  9. Tessaban are responsible for dogs that have no owners. As you can imagine, it is quite difficult to determine which dogs have owners and which do not (due to people letting their dogs roam all day/night). 

    Tessaban will most likely not do anything unless the dog causes harm to anyone, or poses a health risk (rabies). They are big on the rabies as it is their responsibility to vaccinate these dogs against rabies. 


    The Amphoe (district office), sometimes will be more inclined to help as an aspect of the office is services to the community. It is why you hear the Amphoe Chief get involved sometimes on the dog attacks that make the news. 

    A lot depends on where you live, as different areas have slightly different laws. But if it is just for barking, then I don't like your chances. 

  10. 4 hours ago, meatboy said:

    he was rescued by my BIL.his owner went away to work and he was left with relatives.

    he was held for ransom for killing chkns,also he went missing running with some soi dogs,caught a bad infection from a dirty bitch.when he came to us we were told he was a yr.old,so he's nearly 7.he had this infection squirting matter up the wall,also he had a very high temp.was very weak and the vet said he was very lucky to survive.we had him neutered a yr.after we got him.he has never forgot how we made him better and although we have had a few bad yrs.with vets he plays a big part in our lives,the wife looks upon him as her BOY as she has never had children.

    he has never showed any nervousness before until that major storm we had last month.

    after yesterday's leaking,he had his dinner,a good drink,6pm.up to bed with me,had one drink at 8pm.went out for a pee,then slept till 5.30am.with not a leak in sight. NO STORM.

    Maybe a bit of post traumatic stress disorder. Would explain him not being his happy self also. If it's just a storm then will be easier to work towards fixing. Use similar stimulus to slowly desensitise the dog. Give rewards for good behaviour. Or just let him choose his go to safe area to ride it out.

  11. How old is he again? Is he desexed? Age and hormones seem to play a big role.


    If exclude those things and environmental factors then only really left with some more serious issues. Like nerve damage, brain issues, other things like Cushing Syndrome etc...types of things that wouldn't necessary show on the standard tests. Hopefully just an environmental or wear and tear issue. 





  12. Is terms of being unhappy, could be weather change? The Caucasian gets a little down when rain season hits every now and then but it also coincides when she goes into heat and sheds so many things happening to her at once. Very common for dogs to feel weather changes in depressive ways, just as many humans do. I only suggest it as he is still eating okay. 

  13. Thai have that Buddhist festival at the moment, is that a factor where you are? So for a couple of weeks where we are there will be fireworks and crackers going off all day and night (annoying for even me let alone a dog). Possibly is it is happening in your area or within hearing distance of your dog (which would be many kms) causing nervousness?


    My dogs do all right with it, they react at the ones as loud as gun shots but that is more of an aggressive reaction to protect. The in laws dog has a lot of difficulties with this every year though. Bloody ridiculous thing to do. Kids just end up blowing their hands off and dogs end up going crazy.

  14. 1 hour ago, idman said:

    Shorts, singlets, flip flops are all find and dandy at a beach. However, unless you are dining beachside put on a t-shirt at least and wear decent looking shorts. Too many twatpackers and lesser educated tourists insist on dining in nice restaurants while looking like they came right off the strand. Sorry you ja..ckoffs but seeing your hairy armpits, yes ladies you are included, while I am trying to enjoy a nice meal is not acceptable. To add more insult these bozos, both sexes, who have taken it upon themselves to treat their body like it's the Sistine Chapel, aka multiple hideous looking tats. just have to display them wherever they go. Otherwise what was the purpose of shelling out all that money??? Nothing ruins a nice evening out in a good restaurant faster than having to sit near or even see these types come in wearing singlets and shorts to display their stupidity. Don't even get me started on the fad of wearing a cap backwards.

    Surely if they are allowed in wearing such clothes, then it wouldn't exactly be classified as any particular fancy  restaurant. Like fancy clubs, usually the fancy restaurants have dress codes. 


    As long as the majority of the body is covered, which even singlets will do, then it's no big deal. 


    If they were loud and rude disturbing other people, then that would warrant complaint. Their fashion sense though in clearly an average restaurant? Also didn't know shorts determined intelligence. Maybe stereotyping might.

    • Thanks 2
  15. In saying that, don't take what you see on dog forums too seriously. Yes, many cases are legitimate reactions, but a lot of it is other health problems that owners just want to blame on different drugs. 

    Possible for the dog to wear nappies even some of the time - if the leakage happens at certain times of the day?

  16. 4 hours ago, meatboy said:

    once again it concerns me as he has been leaking,now looking up what treaments are available without going to the vets,it seems that a new,very safe med is now available called phenylpropanolamine [PROIN CHEWABLES] 

    I have also come across a cause that maybe coincides with nervous behavour [the affect of LIGHTNING] that has made him very nervous.never before have I seen him like that.

    the vetinary hospital uni.in khon kaen could find nothing wrong with his bladder,kidney's and as the leaking was minimal told the wife not to worry.tues.and wed.there was very little but today we gave him a bath [which he don't like] I wonder did that trigger the leaking.you all know I worry toooooooooooo much but I cant help it.

    what do you think guys and DD.

    I would be wary of the drug, try any natural ways and exercise before giving it to him. I hear parsley is effective for some dogs and recommended by some vets. I think people give 1 table spoon of fresh parsley for every 65 lb of dog. 

    From my understanding Phenylpropanolamine was banned for humans 17 years ago due to it causing things like strokes and bleeding of the brain - primarily for women. Used to be sold as a nasal decongestant - which is what it is used for dogs and also for urinary incontinence.  


    Seems to hit dogs blood pressure quite frequently. But like any drug depends a lot on the breed. Usually in the companies studies Beagles are chose for good reason...they are extremely tolerant to testing - other breeds, not so much. 

    Although there are chances that dogs can overdose/react to it, with special treatment/supportive care (at a vet) the prognosis is excellent if spotted early from one study I saw ages ago. I read some dog forums briefly (not at all science), that claim from personal experience the drug is amazing for 70% of dogs and kills the rest. Beagles did die in the testing of the drug also. Not even Bravecto or Nexgard killed off the Beagles. 


    Look out for these adverse reactions (157 dogs over 6 month period were given the drug): 


    Hypertension (≥160 mmHg)1.


    Body weight loss (≥5%)












    Anxiety/aggressive/behaviour change



    It is hard as your dog is an inside dog. Maybe if you can just restrict the dog to tiled areas, I would just be letting it pee to be honest. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    Several Thai Immigration Offices have posted signs that it's not OK to wear shorts or thongs:



    Several? Or all? Would be interesting to know. 


    The ones I have been to in the past and the one I frequent now, I have not seen any signs, nor have the staff had any issues with my dress. I would say I was overdressed based on the other expats there. 

  18. Walking through shopping centres, down the street or at any function, Thai will always want to take photos of the cute farang baby - or real life doll/future superstar as they seem to think they are. And then want to take a photo of the father. 


    Nearly always will they ask the Mrs if they are allowed, well ask the Mrs if the father will let us go near her. But I am usually fairly frustrated having to wait around whilst they make their annoying fun faces at the baby (baby wants to get out of the situation as fast as I do), so maybe you just come across a little too friendly for them to take that right away from you. Usually we get told that many farang do not like Thai getting to close to their kids so that's why we asked first. 

    Even if the Mrs posts a photo of the little one on Facebook, she will get messages from people she doesn't know that have seen the picture from friends/family sharing it, asking to post the picture on different baby Facebook groups. Which of course turns into agencies contacting/annoying the crap out of you. I initially allowed two photos, but since she has turned 1, everyone knows not to share her photos in public groups. 

  19. 2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


    If you find trash, including soiled baby pampers, on your lawn (it's happened to me), is it your business?  Or is it not your business because this is Thailand, and you're not a Thai citizen?


    Soiled baby pampers offend the sense of smell, similarly to how loud ingratiating sounds offend hearing. 


    I tried educating a local head monk on this topic, trying to explain to him how each person has various senses (hearing, smell, sight, etc) which detect various inputs (which can be abused or overloaded), .....but all he could say in response; "Thai people like music."   ......as if farang don't appreciated music.   



    We have different perspectives.  You seem to be advocating always taking the ponderous, time-consuming legal avenue, whenever you have a grievance in Thailand.   I'm ok with that in some instances, for example, if there's a property line dispute.   However (for example), if some punk kids are parked in front of my house at 1 am, making loud noise, breaking bottles on ground, ......I'm going to deal with the situation in the immediate moment.


    In the OP, I mentioned the 2 fruit vendors who were disturbing the entire market (blaring v. loud sales pitches), all its vendors and all its customers, well over 100 people.  If I had gone to a municipality to lodge a formal complaint, I would have been laughed out of their offices, or, at best, it would have been a long drawn-out process needing an interpreter, possibly some money paid to officials.   And then what?   Maybe, in a few days or weeks, something would have been done to lessen the market people's annoyance.  .....or maybe nothing. 


    You see the pattern here?   What I'm advocating is:  farang and Thai stand up for what they think is right.   Similar to if you see a young girl getting accosted late at night in an alley.  A Thai would not do anything unless related directly to the victim.  A farang might do something, but would take a chance on getting yelled at, or stabbed, or worse.  Would you take the chance?   I would.    




    By all means attempt communicating to the people first. I nipped people burning off near my house in the butt pretty quickly just from going up to them. Wasn't hard to imply my baby didn't need smoke coming onto our land. Sure, farang perceive them as 'dangerous' rural people, with farm machetes in their hands and I probably lost their votes next election for the family - but doesn't take the balls you seem to be implying it does...so I assumed that was a given for farang lol.


    I was merely pointing out the correct avenues that many Thai take, rather than what we assume - that they do absolutely nothing. Usually they have to see these people everyday, so rather than cause conflict, they go through other means (usually anonymously). Also many times you would probably find people will not listen to other Thai due to various societal factors. Also it is helpful for the many farang on this forum that seem to have this irrational, over exaggerated fear they will be shot or stabbed if going up to someone. 


    The municipalities you describe I would be taking to the tribunal. Government set these tribunals up purely for these cases. Usually cases are heard within 10 days from my knowledge (bigger cities may be longer). The Mrs followed the law to the letter and was still taken there for one nuisance case by Thai folk. She was congratulated for following the law and they extended the framework so all parties could come to an agreement. 


    The Mrs and I have helped two women in the city just this year who were being chased by abusive boyfriends, and she also has called the police on our old landlord who beat up one of the tenants. Anything in our immediate area the dogs deal with before I get a chance to get up lol.


  20. 7 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    For every short sentence I write you seem to respond with 3 or 4 long paragraphs and you talk about me being bored? I just wonder how I've managed to survive quite well almost 14 years in Thailand without your assistance


    .I have many activities that keep me on the Internet a good part of the day but I do enjoy some comic relief. BTW how's your Thai language coming along?

    Not of any relevance to anything so I will save the moderators. Feel free to PM me :)

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