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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. From what I can see there are different levels of the Thai language...for example I used to work with two people who both had PhD's in the chemistry and maths field, however, they could not pass the 'Thai language' part to become a government official. They could pass the English part though lol. So sure we can learn the odd word here and there but i think it is truly difficult to grasp the language as a whole. Plus, most people who claim to speak Thai, generally cant. I showed my wife a video of a westerner who advertised teaching Thai to other westerners. She couldn't understand his accent without hearing it 3 times (she did pass the government test and scored the second highest Thai language score in all of Thailand so it's not as if shes an idiot with the Thai language)...and really, do us westerners need to learn it? I think most people can go through every day life pretty comfortably without it. From what i have heard, Thai conversations can be pretty dull, especially Thai meetings. So does the effort of learning it (some people aren't actually physically wired to be able to learn it - another variable), really reward you enough to bother going through it? Just living here without any effort is enough for you to get by. Speaking Thai does not improve the meaningfulness of a relationship unless the Thai person cannot speak your language. If that is the case, then I cant see the point of the relationship to begin with. ***Not to mention all the cultural/religious/political clashes that could potentially come about.

  2. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


    While I agree that being kind and pleasant is always the right thing to do, it's no substitute for being able to communicate in the local language.  No amount of super duper niceness is going to make a Thai girl suddenly fluent in English.  And if for nothing else, I'd say being able to speak Thai is pretty darn important if you want to have a meaningful relationship with a typical Thai female. 


    We are talking as if no Thai women can speak English...yeah, if you go to the sticks to find a Thai women who is dead poor, sure, she may not have much grasp of the English language as she has never had opportunity. However, if you look for a highly educated Thai woman then the chances improve dramatically. 

  3. 1 minute ago, redwinecheese said:

    can you explain more please:post-4641-1156694083:

    Just a general comment...people will talk to you if you're a polite and friendly person when it matters. Whatever the culture. The comment was more in relation to the fact the poster seemed to think you had to speak a language to get by here. Usually, in Thailand, to get by you need one of two things...money or contacts. If you have money then the language is irrelevant. If you have contacts then it is because you have moved into a professional circle. Meaning someone probably speaks English, and then they and their circles bother to hang out with you if you're not rude lol. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Learning Thai is one of the most useful things that I have ever done in my life and I did not put a lot of effort in it - my Thai is far from great. However, beggars AND parasites completely leave me alone after a few words. I get charged reasonable prices most of the time without much bargaining and young beautiful girls don't seem to mind spending time with me as we can chit-chat. If you don't want to learn Thai, that is up to you, but you are really missing out on a lot.

    All of those things are just as easily achieved if you don't speak Thai also...as long as you're half decent looking and not too rude. 

  5. My puppy had demodectic mange, we tried all of the different options in Thai but nothing worked. So my dad sent over some Bravecto (before it was here in Thai) and it cured the mange in a month. The vet couldn't believe his eyes when took skin samples under the microscope. I think in terms of side effects, Bravecto has similar numbers to other drugs out there. Many times dogs that were severely ill or died were due to other reasons, but Bravecto was a convenient excuse. My vet friends swear by it. If it is just fleas and ticks and youre concerned use a softer drug...but for something like mite, Bravecto is the only drug that will work in all cases (others will work in some cases). 

  6. People can comprehend your ONE vs ONE comparison...what they cannot comprehend is its relevance. As the end result is tourist win out big time over old whiny expats when it comes to economic value. Your comparison is only relevant if their is equal number of tourists vs expats (which is extremely far from the case). It seems you have thought long and hard of a comparison that will fit into your argument about expats being valuable, but it just hasn't cut it. It is so far fetched to the actual discussion that no one has comprehended why it was mentioned, not the actual maths or concept of it. And continuously referring to TAT figures in the hope of some sort of credibility doesn't cut it either. As the figures you are producing still show that overall tourists are economically more valued than expats by the government. Why? Because the Thai govt look at the bigger picture, that is revenue over a period of time, not individual cases over a day. It would be like saying you have the choice of receiving one baht per day from one person for a year (365 baht)....or you can receive 5 baht for 7 days from 30 people (1050 baht). And when those 30 people leave, it all starts over with the next lot of 30 people. Look at the end numbers, not imaginary beginning numbers in hope to sound more valuable than we actually are lol.


    What does 'improve their chances of finding a partner' mean? Your implication surely must be that there is an increase chance of finding a partner as they live in a poor country so they will be desirable for their money. Or are you somehow implying that Thai girls only go for foreign men, and that the native women back home also only went for foreign men. As if money isn't your implication, then their chances of finding a partner are exactly as they were back home. And if money is the implication, then I don't understand the difference between your post and other posters comment...seems you did just put a suit on it. I don't understand the difference between a girl being in a relationship with you for your money and being with a hooker other than a hooker is a shorter period of time...I don't think maturity comes into it, more language and definitions of relationships.

  7. If she cannot afford a lawyer, then I find it highly unlikely she will have the funds in her account anyway lol...I think from memory it can get messy if there is computer stuff involved. Like if the defamation occurred on public websites of social media...that's when jail time (2 years) or big fines (hundreds of thousands) come into play. Regardless of it being a civil case as it can turn into a criminal case (especially if revenge is the motive).

    As i said, could be wrong, is a vague memory of some defamation through Facebook that happened to someone i know. That was the advice from the lawyer at the time, but luckily the person who posted the stuff was smart enough to say sorry at the time (which is all my person really wanted).


    I think justice is an interesting one...probably who you know and how much they can be bothered pushing the matter. 

  8. On 2/3/2017 at 3:18 PM, chiang mai said:

    But the only spend numbers you can use for tourists is TAT's own average of 5,400 baht per person per day for 9 days.


    TAT says 35 million tourists, estimates vary regarding long term expat residents from 2.5 million to 7 million, take your pick.


    I don't dispute TAT numbers on how much people spend per day, the government doesn't also...however, didn't the army say they want to change the focus from many 'budget' style holidays (the 5,400 per day), to small rich holiday groups (that spend ridiculous amounts in short stays). The reasoning the military put for this change of focus is to 'bolster the tourism industry longer term'. 

    In terms of the expat issue, the numbers are subjective. From what I can see, the Immigration Department (the only dept who would know the exact figures), will not even release the number. Some organisations estimates put it at between 500,000 to 1,000,000 (according to Asia Correspondence). Clearly TAT say another figure as it is another organisation. Immigration do note, however, that many expats do not stay long term, and end up leaving due to boredom and depression, which they say are caused by lack of money in many instances. 

    So if we take only 5% of all this as true, then the government, it seems, have weighed up the pros and cons of this, and decided that these small rich groups are more worthwhile than old whiny expats. Which is evident in visas being tightened up a tiny bit. 

  9. 6 hours ago, chiang mai said:

    TAT's own figures show that the average tourist length of stay is five days and that their average spend is 5, 400 baht per day, that means every tourist who visits Thailand spends on average 27,000 baht.


    Whiny old expats on the other hand spend a minimum of 40,000 baht per month or 480,000 baht per year, of which a minimum of 33,600 is spent on sales tax (7%).


    Ergo, whiny old expats spend more every year in tax than the average tourist spends in total.


    Just because you don't care about whiny old expats doesn't mean the governement doesn't.


    How many tourists vs whiny old expats though? That would be the figures to compare, not individual cases. You could have one whiny expat who spends 1 million a year or you could have 20 tourists that spend 100,000 during their short stay...Isn't that why the Kingdom is focusing on smaller, high spending groups of Chinese tourists....rather than large groups of people on a budget. 

  10. I don't think it matters about foreigners or not. A close Thai friend of the wife and mine mother just died. Being pretty well off she left behind a fair bit of gold (as many Thai do see it as an investment). The son, being very close, cannot bring himself to sell it. His sister sold it the very next day. Moral of the story, if your wife is not much chop morally, then don't buy gold (as doesn't matter if you're Thai or foreign, immoral acts will win out). If selling for a practical reason then it is a completely different story. 

  11. On 1/9/2017 at 2:23 PM, JAFO said:


    ^ Absolutely !!! Stay away from internet dating sites altogether. Come and meet a gal just being out and about. I agree with Panda and a GREAT majority on dating sites are trolling for a big sucker fish.  Don't be one.


    Date a women like you would in your home country but keep in mind that you have to be careful how you joke around. Something you consider a joke in your home country may not be a joke here at all. I have stepped in it a few times over my years here.




    Maybe recently (I wouldn't know), but i made some great friends on that site (all highly educated - Mahidol, Chula etc), and i met my wife from there also. She is also highly educated and now is a government official. Of course, you will get your nutters, but from memory there were a lot of good ones also, some I and my wife are still close friends with...I think it is more what you make of it, if you're looking for fun, you will find a lot of fun, but also the nutters. Usually you can find what you're looking for if you look hard enough, which is the same anywhere. Also just have your 'bullshit glasses' on. 

    Girls out and about (unless meet through work, friends of friends etc), usually place themselves at Western spots on a regular basis, which usually means they have slept with half of the world. Yes, many girls on Internet sites do the same, especially phone apps these days. Which, there is of course nothing wrong with, but it is all personal preference. From what I found from the internet, there were two types, the ones who meet a lot of guys, and the ones who live at home, don't get a chance to travel much and will spend months talking to you before even the discussion of meeting comes up. Also, girls who will tell their families about you (which, seems uncommon in Thai). Then the family will ring the best friend who obviously has formed a friendship with you also (to check if you're any good or not) etc etc. 

    In reference to the OP, Sin Sord is all relative to many factors. Education, family status, job, children or relationships etc. However, if the girl is of any substance to fight it and her family is they will find ways to bypass Sin Sord (as it is one of the major reasons that stops Thai/foreigner relationships from continuing). The reason for doing this is culture versus culture lol. Cultures can be opposite so naturally some compromise needs to be agreed on. The easiest way to do it (without losing face if the family is too worried about that) is marry in a church (whether you're religious or not) in the morning, have the reception at night. Let the guests form own opinions about the rest. 

  12. She will just be the gossip of the office for the day...the fact she has a farang boyfriend (as many Thai have preconceived opinions of farang) probably means the office will be expecting more so are itching for the moment to see what she gets (the assumption being she is close with the people she works with). I think if she isn't close to them, then there is the possibility it could be quiet awkward/showy..I personally cant stand the holiday so my Mrs uses that as an excuse to have a sook to the office complaining about me because she doesn't get anything. Then when I go to the office for lunch or whatever they all tease me about it. 

  13. Not a huge deal, if they aren't doing it in your house then they will be doing it in the random huts spread out over the village...lets just be thankful they did it in the house and not her school at lunchtime. Obviously age is a factor here, but if it wasn't then maybe if Thai just let the boyfriend sleep over in the house (same room) then their daughters wouldn't be running around having fun in public.

  14. On 1/28/2017 at 2:18 AM, rogeroc said:

     You should be embarrassed to have someone provide for you who has so much less earning potential than you ! If it is true of course.


    Embarrassed...why? I also work. Before i was working 7 days a week, and now i have dropped down to 6 days a week with the addition of our child. Legally, as we all know, I am not entitled to the house in the case shit hits the fan. Even though she has said and is quite happy to put it in writing and we continue other monetary arrangements to make it equal. So why would I be embarrassed that I am not putting into the home loan, when legally I am not entitled to any of the house. I naturally put into the interior, landscaping, bills etc, as i do live in the house. The government pays a third of our home loan anyway due to her work. 

    The wife of the head of the district office once said to us, she knows what I gave up to come and live in Thailand (first world to third world), and seeing as you have a good job, you should not expect him to work at all. I, naturally, do not follow that line of thinking, so I work...

    Yes, I have much more earning potential in my country...but what is the point of me living there and my family living here in Thai? No Thai actually wants to live overseas if they have a good job here. I used to be a big part of the Thai community in Melbourne, and when my partner came to visit for holiday, they all asked why she isn't living here. She told them her job, and they said we wouldn't be living here also. Most people if have the choice would choose their home country to live. 

    Why wouldn't it be true? What kind of people do you hang out with here? Most of my friends are either government officials or business owners in Thai, and of course I have friends who work all sorts of jobs as cashiers, secretaries etc. The business owners are naturally on a shit load more than me (whether i live Thai or Melbourne). The official's salary is almost equal to that of a farang teacher who works for an agency (the job most foreigners work as here), depending on the official's level (if a high level it is actually a lot more). With that they get the free medical, free education for their kids, low interest, no corruption money...which was handy for us going through a birth/stay in private room, my appendix surgery, my dog bite, various visas/housing papers, and my children's education until they have finished their bachelor.

    If it makes you feel even better when we both retire, I most likely will not be entitled to a pension from my country as I have lived overseas since i was 26, so I will be living off her retirement payout and pension that she is entitled to. Something we are both very aware off and why we are working hard now to set a good life up for our children. 

  15. Whether 'true love' exists is an individual opinion. Is there such a thing as 'love' or is it purely language. Of course, you feel some sort of closeness to some people more than others. Is that just the amount of time you spend with them though or is it love? Regardless of your definitions of 'true love', what can happen is that you find someone that you want to be next to as you feel more comfortable next to them than anyone else. Comes down to your partner being your best friend I guess, a best friend you're physically attracted to also. Could be that they understand you better so the two of you click better. Could even be something as boring as your work schedules fit better (for example, many police officers date other police officers due to shift work not allowing outside work relationships). Every single person has different reasoning/definitions of relationships, and I think to put this banner up of 'true love', will make it incredibly difficult to ever be happy. Very few people tick every single box, and remember we are all a lot more difficult to live with than we think. So just find someone that you can see yourself living with, have patience with, will fight for each other in different situations, show some sort of care in whatever language you show care in, and above all; feel completely comfortable with. 


    If you come to Thailand with the pessimistic thought process that all Thai girls want something off you, then that is exactly the type of girls you'll end up with. Or if you come looking for 'true love' in undesirable places then you also end up with your tail between your legs. Contrary to popular belief you can find many respectable, honest, faithful and hard working Thai girls. Thailand, on the most part has moved past the times where women don't have a choice and must stay at home looking after the kids or on the farm....Things such as education, maternity leave and nurseries do exist in the country. So if you are of the belief there is a 'true love' and it cant be based around money then it can work for you. Some people's language is money, so it can also work for them too if that's there thing....all individual. IF you put yourself in a position where you will get eaten up, then that's just you're own stupid fault and tough luck. My wife provides me with a car and pays 100% of the homeloan as she knows I don't legally own the house.  So you must come to other arrangements to counter the legalities of things that you may miss out on. Respectable, honest, faithful, hard working...all qualities that do exist in Thai.

  16. 20 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    Omg! A foreigner that is smarter than the average idiot. Learning to speak Thai might also help if you plan to live here or spending much time in the country. I don,t think there are any Thais holding a gun to your head. It is idiot foreigners who drive up the prices also.


    I understand how it could be difficult for some. The first few times I ever traveled to Thai I guess I would have had the same complaints. However, if you extensively travel or move to live here, there should be a little understanding of how the place works (whether you speak Thai or not). I guess it also comes back to the people you mix with also, good Thai will fight for you. I remember whilst at a tourist spot with my wife, a bunch of local Thais came into bat for me as the guard was being unreasonable. He was happy to go on a power trip and verbally fight the one farang and his wife, but not a group of 15 random Thai. Also, it is the same with most things in Thai and all over the world, if you hang out with uneducated people, don't expect to have the smoothest of times. Uneducated people generally wont understand their way around systems, whether societal or government systems...Just a bit of the advice for the guys who come to hang around the bars.

  17. Don't live in overly touristy areas. Just live in cities that are developed enough but no tourists come...you'll soon start to think like a Thai person when you travel to tourist spots. Why am I paying 130 baht for a fried rice and not 20 baht (which is what i pay as a 'farang'). If you have made the move to live in Thailand is there a need to live in a touristy area? Heavy traffic, stuff all land, both Thai and Westerners get ripped off each day. If you have made the move for entertainment reasons then that's on you, stop being a sook. Can get similar salary to bigger cities with a quarter of the living costs. Where do Thai's eat when they holiday? Usually 7/11 as they also believe they are getting ripped off, so it isnt an entirely race thing, just a tourist thing. The same in all countries, tourist areas charge more. Just familiarise yourself with prices and tell them this shop does this. If they say bullshit, then just go to that shop and get that price. It is up to them if they want the sale to beat the other shop. Plus if live in a place without tourism, many Thais are so happy to see you they'll give you things on their menu for you to try or drinks for free. As for the National Parks, I was under the impression it was just Khao Yai that you couldn't get in for the same price as Thai unless you have an ID card. 

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  18. 53 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    When someone says '"So what you are saying is that" it actually means that you are trying to twist wording that would lead the reader to conclude that they are saying or in this case writing something that they are not but rather what suits your side of the argument. It's a transparent ploy that rarely works.


    I've never been to a village but I can't imagine a girl on the game telling folk what she goes for a living or having a friend or relative do it for her.


    "How do you do, my name is Lek and I've just got back from Pattaya where I've been working as a prostitute". Or

    "Oh hello,  my name is Nop  I'm a secretary and my friend here is Pui and she's a prostitute". Such statements would cause a few eyebrows to be raised regardless of whatever part of the world you are in.



    Criticising my language by making a sweeping generalisation. Well done. 'Actually' is a pretty definite word in this context, please provide the relevant data to prove the claim. Her initial post was broken English, actually all of her posts have been broken or contradictory in one way or another, so clarification was needed (her posts being the data). However, lets explore your claim. Is it really a twist of words or an expansion that includes variables that the original comment hadn't thought of? I couldn't care less what side of the argument she stands on (I don't know the person), however, for a conversation/debate to exist, more than one idea should be explored/questioned.   


     And you are exactly right, girls do not go back and happily tell the village what they do for a living. They tell a lie. The scenario you gave would be actually easier to do, as you are suggesting the village is full of strangers. The village is actually full of family and childhood friends. Thus, the embarrassment kicks in and it is 'I sell watches in Pattaya'. 

  19. 50 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    I was not just talking to you your not that importanT. You belive what you want i Belive and know you are incorreCt. 

    So to you i Say goodbye. 


    It is interesting out of all the extremely negative comments on here, you took offence to this one. All of these men saying all of these horrible things about 'Thai women', that all Thai girls are prostitutes, how they all are gold diggers...It's a mystery why you didn't take offence to any of that. But when someone makes a claim that common sense dictates is pretty obvious, it hits a nerve. Thus, making my assumption about you (which i only made as you made one about me) probably correct. You were not talking to me but included all the points of our discussion in a general post, rather than a quote...yeah, sure lol. 

  20. 2 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

    Sometimes it's impossible to get other people to see the light. They choose to ignore any sensible suggestions which is against there thoughts. I feel so sad for people who have this iInot listen to anyone. I read a lot on FB iIddon't aseethis bbigotrypeople talk about. But then people have to start getting to be personal name calling to ttry to make posts look good. I am not getting into a name calling match as posters seem to wwant. I know what iIsee iIknow what villages (plural) say but more asonot say about working girls. If ppeople'scan not talk ccivilized to others Isee that as a sign of weakness. 


    So one is not allowed to paraphrase what other people say as it is 'name calling'. Then in the exact same sentence you went on and name called me. And then go on to say you wont get into a name calling match when no one has name called you (only you have done the name calling). And after these 5 or 6 sentences all contradicted each other you refused to acknowledge any of the 'relevant' points in the discussion as you couldn't and naturally went to the safe fall back 'i feel so sad for people'. Surely, you are a troll and don't actually hold these views. You actually used the words, 'we can say your a ...', is that not name calling? 

  21. 1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

    Just for information i am female so i Dont have To listen to girl also i am thai. So i Know what i Say in my village and two close by ones what you say does not happen. If happen in your village then glad i Dont Live there must be horrible sounds like a hiso village to me.

    so i Will say again you are wrong. Seem to me from your last post you are ok calling girls names and saying they are sencond Class but you say "you dont Use them"so can we say your a do gooder Or god squad as my husaband Says.


    You clearly refused to read or just flat out ignore, i think it was 3 times i said it, the fact that i hope the day will come in the world where it isn't an embarrassing job. As the world is moving in the right direction. The fact of the matter is it still has a massive stigma attached to it. In Western countries the stigma is very evident even though society is so accepting. In Thai, like i said, the villages still frown upon basic things like bikinis, tattoos, short skirts....so for you to even suggest that the job is accepted is beyond ignorant. It is illegal for heaven's sake, that is how much it is frowned upon by the country. The fact that a Thai person in an open Western country cant even admit she does the job legally to her Thai community kind of speaks volumes. But, of course, a girl doing the job illegally, in a very conservative country is completely okay. I know the country is not renowned for its common sense, but seriously? 


    What names did i call them? My last post i said 'sex worker', which is the technical term for the job in countries, as it is legal. As for the 'second class citizens', i was paraphrasing what Thai people say about the job on social media. Seems your village is the only one that isnt 'horrible'. I am not a 'do gooder', didn't i say one of my close friends was a 'sex worker', again you just completely ignored the information so your point would actually stand up and not sound ridiculous. Maybe do a sex and crime unit at university, or a sex and media unit (criminology/sociology), then come back and tell me if you really believe it. 


    As for the assumption made about me, you have every right to make an assumption, I wont run off to the controllers of the forum and complain. But i will say this, for you to make that assumption using that language and with the moronic stance you hold on this topic, you can only guess what my assumption about you must be...

  22. 1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

    Not going to argue with you you are wrong but if you want to belive what you say up to you.


    So don't argue lol. But seeing as it does happen in the village I live and the continual posts that come up on various 'Thai FB' pages then you can believe whatever the girl tells you if it helps you sleep at night. Thai villages are ultra conservative compared to most places in the world or BKK. Even wearing bikinis is still a big thing, so you can imagine how big sleeping with a few guys a night is. I knew a legal Thai 'sex worker' in Australia. She was a friend. I invited her out to join me with the rest of the Thai community i knew there. She always refused? Why? Because she was embarrassed about her job, she openly admitted that. If she ever wanted to go out she would invite me with her friends who also worked the job so there was no awkward discussions about what work she did. And if the girl truly enjoys the company (as the truebeachlover guy thinks), then when going out she will pay usually or at least go half/half (as most Thai girls do). As she is actually spending her day off with you out of pure enjoyment, not money. If she isn't enjoying the time, you will be paying it seems from the posts on here (I wouldn't know as I don't spend time with 'bar girls', if i know them it is because i have become friends from a different way than using their services). Surely using 'bar girls' is just a quick thing, not a long term thing...maybe i'm wrong on that thing, but not the embarrassment thing. Common sense should prevail.

  23. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    So you married a hi so family but didn't have to pay sin sod, even though they gave you a house etc.

    Pull the other one, it's got bells on. 

    Our conversation is over. Bye bye.


    Add my Facebook if you want...you can see my house, all the events i have to go to represent my family. Why is it all the old men on here don't believe you can marry a decent Thai women. GET OUT OF THE BARS AND MEET SOME GIRLS WHO ARE NOT HOOKERS!!!! 

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