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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. 1 minute ago, jeab1980 said:

    Now you being silly do you go back to your home and tell everyone you paid for  sex? Or tell your next neibour you had big poo yesterday. Dont  be silly girls who work in bar are not shunned or thought any less of at home. We know at least 6 in village no one call she names or not talk to she. When they come home they are welcomed by friends and family. They dont Come home and tell people about fat farang thry Slept with or how much same as you dont . Your genralizations that most people in village look down on girls is very very wrong and if that happens in your village shame on them must be a very his village (not). 


    Just look at social media in Thailand...what stories go around on Thai facebook pages? Usually stories about bar girls being 'second class citizens'. Like i said, the day that changes I will be happy as the world has taken a step in the right direction. But dont give me this crap that when they come back to the village they are welcomed like when another girl comes back when university is on holidays. It is just not the case. The girl is gossiped about non- stop by the village.

  2. 16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Considering our little conversation hasn't been about research per se I don't know why you keep on about it, but never mind.

    I don't think I've been on a lot about Nana, so I don't get that either, but never mind.

    I said I did my research based on my own observation, nothing about U Tube, other than beautiful girls with fat ugly men, though that's entertainment, not research, but never mind.


    the common belief in Thai among middle class to high society is that if the farang moves for you then it is on you to support him to compromise on giving up such a comfortable life. That seems to be the general consensus i have heard and that is why that belief is told to my wife from many people in those class brackets.

    In that case we should all be marrying hi so Chinese/ Thai girls. BTW, how many million baht was your sin sod?


    My point, if you missed it, is that everyone has morals, even bargirls.


    You might also have missed my opinion that marrying a Thai woman is a gamble, and better to just have girlfriends.


    I think you would find that when you ask someone for research to make a claim, as you did, then you also have to back up your own claims with, guess what, research. Naturally, when you ask for research and don't also provide relevant research then the other person will talk about, guess what, research!  As for the Nana discussion, you also constantly refer to 'relevance' but then talk about Nana. So please, if you want to continue the discussion on your terms, do not ask for research if you cannot also provide it, and do not talk about 'relevance' when your quotes have no relevance themselves. I hope that finally cleared it all up for you.


    Why do middle class or high society have to be of a certain heritage? I know many rich Thai and I know extremely poor Chinese/Thai. I know full Thai families who were extremely poor, got scholarships just to go to 'government' schools, and now are very successful. 


    Yes, if my family lived in the middles ages my Sin Sord would have been very high. Respected, high position family, wife no previous marriages/children, highly educated, very respected job. But as I have said many times, grow a pair, put your cards on the table and tell the family how it will be before you married. I always said i would not do Sin Sord as it is purely a class thing (keeping rich/powerful families together separate from the poor). I do not agree, like most farang don't. They recognised my point so we did a 'Christian' ceremony instead. With the big wedding later that night in the hotel. Sin Sord in the 20-30 age bracket generally is still only a factor for half of the girls I have mixed with. Why? Because in the past the number one reason for farang/Thai relationships ending was Sin Sord. So now families are slowly changing that element. As what is more important? The daughters happiness or 'face'. I guess the idea goes back to morals/education/circumstances again lol.

  3. 1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

    You are very wrong families are not embaRast at all. Where you hear that??


    So what you are saying is that a 'prostitute' is happy to go back home and happily talk about her job to the rest of the family/village she grew up in? Or her family is happy to strike up a conversation with the neighbours about her daughters work? I wish I could agree, the day that happens the day the world is a better and more accepting place, but it just isn't the case. It isn't even the case in more open Western countries, it is definitely not the case in a closed off traditional country. Most people in villages still look down on many girls for having tattoos or short skirts even (as said earlier, I wish it wasn't the case, but the reality of it is the case). 


    Just because girls will openly admit they're prostitutes to paying customers or to the girls they hang around with at work (also prostitutes), doesn't mean that honesty translates to going back to the communities they grew up in. It is usually 'i sell watches' or 'i work as a cashier' etc etc. Admitting their real job to one close person, which naturally goes around the village within an hour. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:


    I have posted numerous studies from both the Thai government and Western governments on specific issues, and you know that. Just because you dont accept research and prefer to watch YouTube is your choice. But, please dont say I do not post research to back up my claims. You continue to ask for research but to this point have not referenced one of your claims with a study that would be accepted by any educational institute in the world. 


    As for the 'only one'. If you read the comment, the common belief in Thai among middle class to high society is that if the farang moves for you then it is on you to support him to compromise on giving up such a comfortable life. That seems to be the general consensus i have heard and that is why that belief is told to my wife from many people in those class brackets. I am sure the OP does want a normal woman. A normal woman does split everything in half. Not ask for money like all post here suggest. So i am sure the OP is curious to know this, rather than just reading negative comments from grandpas because they married 20 year olds from the sticks (as you say). The guy is young so he has the chance to meet many kinds of women. I am sure if the grandpas were a choice for the more educated/richer girls they would definitely choose them.


    You speak of all girls have morals, and then suddenly those morals just disappear if something happens? Generally, if you married someone then you have some deep history with the person and if it was to end you would still respect the person (as long as nothing was done to harm them), but it has just ended due to reasons beyond your control. Like i continually say, meet some girls with morals, not in the bars, and youll realise the country has many decent women. But please tell me what relevance your continual Nana comments have that trump the relevance of my experience of moving to Thai and finding a wife (the very definition of the OP).

    Your language suggest Thai people are not generous. Isnt that what they're famous for? I knew 100 or so Thai back in Melbourne as i was deeply involved in the Thai community (spent 4 of my 7 days around Thai people). 80% would pay for my meals (other 20% half half) or for petrol if we had to go somewhere, would even give my dad presents on his birthday after meeting him a handful of times. It is the same here, i have been to many shops where i didnt have to pay for the things i needed. The three times ive been to a Thai bar i have had drinks sent to me from complete strangers. I really dont understand how you have formed this opinion of Thai people. Go out in the world and experience Thailand. Not every single person, whether in Thai or any other country, is so greedy like you suggest. Basic morals usually come from education and family (i am sure even you can find relevant research re that). So to the OP, move to Thailand, youll find similar societal trait, if not better traits here than back home.  

  5. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    YOU said "so will happily share half the house (they paid for) indeed if there is a termination to the relationship". Try being more specific if you don't mean share as in live in it together.

    BTW, if she wants to divorce you or if you leave her good luck with getting half the money from the sale ( if indeed she wanted to sell it ). It would go against human nature to reward the one no longer wanted or loved.

    Quite frankly I find it hard to believe that your Thai family would voluntarily give you money if the relationship doesn't work out.


    Surely a girl who has some sort of morals is defined as a 'good' girl by definition.

    You think there are girls in Thailand devoid of "morals"? 55555555555

    In my long experience of the human condition in the health field, I find everyone ( except psychopaths/ sociopaths and monsters ) has "morals", though perhaps not as some would like them.


    i generally do associate research to my claims

    I don't recall much in the way of "claims" in your posts, other than "claiming" only "good girls" have morals.

    I had a look back at what I wrote and I can't find anything asking for "research". Please point out where I did so.

    Whatever I say about Thailand comes from my own research over very many years. I find the published stuff about Thailand by western media is normally 90% BS, though there is some by long time residents that is spot on.


    Isn't the whole topic about finding  a girlfriend/wife in Thai? So the details about her are actually much more relevant than your details about Nana.

    Indeed the topic is about finding a GF/ wife in LOS, but I think you took the only one prepared to take in a farang and support HIM without expecting anything in the financial sense. The OP is going to be looking among the 'normal" women of Thailand that do want the farang to financially support them and their family.


    I have posted numerous studies from both the Thai government and Western governments on specific issues, and you know that. Just because you dont accept research and prefer to watch YouTube is your choice. But, please dont say I do not post research to back up my claims. You continue to ask for research but to this point have not referenced one of your claims with a study that would be accepted by any educational institute in the world. 


    As for the 'only one'. If you read the comment, the common belief in Thai among middle class to high society is that if the farang moves for you then it is on you to support him to compromise on giving up such a comfortable life. That seems to be the general consensus i have heard and that is why that belief is told to my wife from many people in those class brackets. I am sure the OP does want a normal woman. A normal woman does split everything in half. Not ask for money like all post here suggest. So i am sure the OP is curious to know this, rather than just reading negative comments from grandpas because they married 20 year olds from the sticks (as you say). The guy is young so he has the chance to meet many kinds of women. I am sure if the grandpas were a choice for the more educated/richer girls they would definitely choose them.


    You speak of all girls have morals, and then suddenly those morals just disappear if something happens? Generally, if you married someone then you have some deep history with the person and if it was to end you would still respect the person (as long as nothing was done to harm them), but it has just ended due to reasons beyond your control. Like i continually say, meet some girls with morals, not in the bars, and youll realise the country has many decent women. But please tell me what relevance your continual Nana comments have that trump the relevance of my experience of moving to Thai and finding a wife (the very definition of the OP).

  6. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Research from Min. Health only gives you stats, but it doesn't say anything about Thai girls giving it away for free with their Thai "boyfriends".


    Re women and old unattractive men. Check out U Tube for VDOs of beautiful women and their very ugly and fat "boyfriends". definitely not "love" and not one a celebrity. 

    BTW, any farang with a full wallet is a "celebrity" to a poor girl from the sticks.


    Of course a 20 year old pretty Thai girl will so happily sleep with a 60 year old who she has no idea who he is if he has the readies. 60 isn't even old these days. My wife's cousin married a 70 year old, and I'm sure she wasn't covering her eyes when they did it.


    Certainly I don't believe they are all substance abusers. You write as one that knows nothing about bargirls except what you read. Try meeting some of them and getting to know them well enough for them to tell you their story. None of the ones I knew drank excessively, or took illegal drugs.

    Of course some do, just like in any strata of society. Some are really messed up, but no study has found that just being a bar girl CAUSES them to get messed up. Most would be messed up before working in the bars or would have got messed up anyway.


    That is why they are wrongly looked down on by fellow country people

    Of all the BS stories out there, that, IMO, is the greatest of BS stories. I never met one that wasn't welcome to go home and live their life.


    Do you just try and fool yourself that these girls actually enjoy being with you because they tell you they do? That they aren't substance abusers?

    Apart from the fact you know nothing about me and are not in a position to judge me, no I didn't fool myself about anything, and yes, some did, but they didn't tell me that for the years we were going out together- it was obvious. If they didn't enjoy themselves, they wouldn't have been around longer than a day.

    No, they were not substance abusers. i'd have picked that up after a week if they were.


    Always take anything from an NGO with a very large pinch and preferably a whole container of salt. They depend on the propaganda they put out to keep themselves in the lifestyle to which they aspire, as they rely on donations for their income. No one is going to give Empower money if they were saying all the girls are really happy, but give us money anyway. Of course they will claim all the girls hate their life and are messed up druggies. That's how they get suckers people to donate money.

    Which is why one should go and meet some real bargirls. It's OK, it's not compulsory to have sex with them. 


    I think the study I showed you where 30% of girls in the job identified the job as making them take drugs. You know the old so common story of the innocent girl moving to the city, living an incredibly physically demanding job of having to stay up, work, drink, no rest...she wonders how people do it. That's where drugs come into it. Like i said, if 8 out of 10 girls in the most developed countries in the world do it that have the services to help, then clearly you would just believe anything the handful of bar girls you have met would tell you.


    Isn't that my point, and you just proved my point. That they do it for one reason and one reason only, for money. Not that they all 'enjoy' sex so much that they will do an old guy like you originally claimed. And please dont suggest that 'YouTube' videos are any sort of credible research. Or by 'readies' do you seriously mean motivation to have sex, not money. If that's is your true belief you have spent too many years in the bar scene. You do know they say the same things to the fattest, rudest and ugliest of men as they say to you dont you. It is the definition of their job. They dont actually enjoy or believe it.


    So what you are saying is that girls happily go back to their village and are happy to talk about their work? That is just not true. Everyone in the village knows they are a prostitute, however, the girl and her family are deeply embarrassed by it so spin a story they sell jewelry in Patayya. And then people wonder how they could fix their house so much on the 300 baht a day from a normal sales job lol. A family down the road from me is exactly like that. The whole village knew she was a prostitute, but when the Australian payer visits he spins the story she sold watches. She spun a different story to the rest of the village. Please, be realistic.


    Why do they stay around? Because clearly from your language you spend your life paying for them. As soon as that stops, do you think  they will stay around? I guess it goes to that good vs bad. Moral vs immoral. And you believe the spin that they were 'enjoying' themselves lol. I can judge you all i like if what youre saying goes against studies that you refuse to acknowledge, but believe a YouTube video someone made or a story a substance abuser told you.

  7. Cellphone - almost all kids have in class, even in the poorest of schools.

    Uniform - the minute it is one degree below 30, all students bring out non-uniformed jackets.

    Bad words - maybe if you can't understand the Thai bad words you would think they don't say them.

    Fighting/bullying - equal to that of any Western school. I saw one girl bullied literally out of school as the kids found out her mother had HIV so just assumed she must have it too. It is not uncommon to see a few boys going at it in the back of a pick up. 

    Respect - is it respect, or fear of being 'bashed' around by the teachers? 


    They are more independent as they are kind of forced to find their own ways to school at a young age, but that's about it. As for the education aspect, didn't Laos beat them by two places in the ASEAN results? But if your definition of education is barely managing to wear a different uniform each day and copying out the dictionary, rather than demonstrating how to apply learnt knowledge, then sure, Thai is highly educated. 

  8. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I said if Thai girls didn't need the money they would be having it off with Thai men for free. The number of prostitutes in Thailand is not great in comparison to those that are not.


    However, you cant sit here and seriously say that a 20 year old girl is loving being in bed with a a guy 3 times her age and 4 times her weight.

    Depends on the guy, as always. I'm sure there are hundreds of youngish girls willing to jump into bed with Mick Jagger. I know he isn't fat, but you get my point.


    Thai are either similar or become abusers (probably due to their actual lack of enjoyment in the bedroom so need something to get through it.

    If you can't come up with a stat on that, you are wrong. I don't believe for a second that drug abuse is rampant in those precincts. Also, they don't drink more alcohol than anyone else.

    You come across as one that gets his info from Empower, and I don't give that organisation any credit at all when it comes to the propaganda they put out to get donations.

    If the girls don't save, that is down to them. Most BGs would sent money home to their family, and to pay for their children being looked after by their mother.


    A tiny percentage of women would be enjoying the actual sex

    Based on what? I doubt you know any real BGs. Unlike many posters on here I have actually met Thai BGs to talk to.


    But would they? You keep asking me for research which i generally give you.  I gave you the research from the Thai Ministry of Public Health regarding Thai men, so please kindly return the favour and give the research to support your moronic claim.


    Mick Jagger is a celebrity...are you seriously suggesting the celebrity element isnt a factor. That a 20 year old pretty Thai girl will so happily sleep with a 60 year old who she has no idea who he is. I dont even know any 20 year olds that would sleep with Jagger for that matter. I am sure you have the research on it.


    As mentioned earlier not a whole lot of research in Thai other than from NGOs on the matter (which amazingly you refute) . Other, more developed countries, generally it is a 55% substance abuse problem before going into the profession with another 30% increase once in the profession (NIH, 2012). 8 out of 10 girls in a developed country....so in an undeveloped country that does have  problem with drugs, well im sure you can do the math and get back to me...as for the alcohol, the country is a Buddhist country. Most women i know will drink once or twice a year and in that sitting will have one drink or not drink at all. So drinking 5 or 6 every night is substance abuse by definition (thats before we even hit the hard hitting drugs). 


    So you dispute the only organisation that actually does any research as it doesnt fit in with what you believe. Well done. So the interviews done with bar girls in an actual study doesnt count as evidence, but you talking to bar girls does. You dont think they would have just said anything to you to get a few baht? And you believed every word they said by the sounds of it lol. 


    Do you just try and fool yourself that these girls actually enjoy being with you because they tell you they do? That they aren't substance abusers? If you believe that does it make it better than you sleeping with the 'street prostitute' back home? That is what it is seeming like right now. Yes, I am sure many dont want to do the job, I have met through friends some girls who found husbands to escape it. But look at the work, it is based around a substance abuse environment most of the time. That is why they are wrongly looked down on by fellow country people the same way similar girls are wrongfully looked down on by society in other countries. 

  9. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Where do I say that I assume you paid for the house? It is a fact that you can't own the land. It is also a given that if the marriage fails you will have to leave. I am boggled by your opinion that your ex wife would be happy to have you still living in her house should you get divorced. Wouldn't happen back in the west and doesn't happen in LOS, AFAIK. I look forward to your links to articles about such happening in LOS.

    I do not and have not claimed that I know anything about your family. Where did I say otherwise?

    The details about your wife are irrelevant to the subject, as is who pays for your insurance.

    Lastly, there is no such thing as a "good girl" in the context that you use. There are girls, period.


    Where did I say she would be happy to have me live in the house? The agreement as it stands is i will pay nothing for the house, however, due to my loss of income by living in Thai as naturally salaries are lower, if anything does happen the house/land will be sold and divided. What part of that means i will be living in the house? You can be as cynical as you like and think it wont happen, but what have I lost even if the agreement didnt stand up? Nothing. Thus, going back to the original topic, you can find a girlfriend/wife in Thailand, and one that is not after your money. Surely a girl who has some sort of morals is defined as a 'good' girl by definition. Maybe you just havent met too many 'good' girls to allow the word in your vocabulary anymore.


    So you have made many sweeping claims without any research attached on numerous topics, and i generally do associate research to my claims (hence why you never reply to the actual relevant convos as research disproves your beliefs). Then you ask for research lol. A bit of consistency would be a good start. Isn't the whole topic about finding  a girlfriend/wife in Thai? So the details about her are actually much more relevant than your details about Nana. Why do you always argue relevance when everything that comes out of your mouth isnt relevant to anything? 

  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Erm. The rellies did NOT "give" YOU land. They still own it ( or your wife owns it ) because you can't. They knew that if it didn't work out for their daughter you would leave and they would keep the house.

    Good for you if it has worked out, but let's keep factual please.


    BTW, I didn't have a problem with the sin sod. I gave it to the MIL for her "face" and got it back again later.


    The assumption being I paid for the house? Also the assumption being that there isn't any documents or payments going into my account for the value of anything i spent on the house (which was a sofa, tv and two sitting toilets - for me) in the case of an end to the relationship. You don't find 'good' girls in any country without crossing your t's and dotting your i's. Literally, all i have bought since moving to Thai was my Caucasian Shepherd (as I love dogs). Yes, lets keep it factual if you wouldn't mind. It is interesting that you think you know more about my own family than i do. In terms of the actual house, well as my wife is educated and boss of her government department at 29, the home loan monthly payments are currently 5,600 a month. The government gives her 3,000 of that so it is 2,600 a month. In 2 years I will apply for PR to make all the legalities a little easier. 


    However, like i said, there are many 'good' girls in Thai. They recognise the life and potential salaries you give up to move here so will happily share half the house (they paid for) indeed if there is a termination to the relationship. She even pays for an insurance policy for me. This idea isn't unheard of, i remember the boss of our district departments wife once saying to her that if he moves here for you then you should even not expect him to work as he has given up so much. I don't take that style of thinking, so naturally i work. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:


    If the gates to paradise are their genitals then they do own them...are you saying that you do not own your penis?


    If your reference is that they value their genitals higher than other regions in the world, then i guess that comes from personal experience. If i was a woman and encountered you i would probably have my genitals under lock and key also....as most Thai would also, other than what you always talk about (the paid sex at Nana). Now, if this 'western PC BS' was your true belief then why are you paying for 'Asian' girls and not getting them for free??? As they supposedly don't have this 'gate of paradise' thinking according to you.

  12. 2 minutes ago, mcfish said:

    There you go again bragging about your hookers. You have serious self esteem issues.
    I say it again slowly .. It takes zero talent to pull a pretty hooker. Stop falling for the your to handsome trick lol

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    You see it a lot. I had a work colleague who traveled to the Philippines a few times a year. He spent his times in bars and naturally got the 'youre so handsome' bla bla, which every guy on the planet would get. When back home, he actually thought the Asians there would do the same. He hated Chinese back home as they were always rich so told him to piss off. The rest did it in a much more polite way. I think this is the supposed 'western PC BS' he speaks of. Thinking he is Gods gift to the women who have little choices in life. And he gets annoyed when this doesnt extend to Western girls or the Asians living in western countries as they have more of a choice than him

  13. 40 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's the mind set that says sex is special, and men are privileged to be able to merely be in her presence in the hope of a bonk, but before the gates to paradise can be encountered, the man must pay and pay and pay, big time. Then when she decides she can do better, he can be dumped like a piece of used lav paper. Just happened to a good friend of mine- married with a kid together, gave her a really good life style. Then he got dumped and she's going for the big payout. I know that guy really well, and no way he mistreated her.

    In the western PC world, women are always perfect and right and dominant, and men are always stupid and wrong and merely to be tolerated. Just look at the tv ads they put on back home. In them, men are always idiots and fools and the women so clever and wonderful. They have been indoctrinating little girls since they could understand language and sit in front of a tv.


    Umm, what kind of people are you hanging out with? Normal man/female 'western' relationships based on mutual respect are just that, 'normal'. I think the fact you think the female genitals are some 'gates to paradise' kind of suggests why women don't let you in, you have a smell of desperation it seems. Just look at basic politics, why is it that women are never elected? Look at business or professional work, why is it men are paid more? So this 'perfect, right, dominant' concept is just not evident. I think this sense of 'western PC BS' only occurs in your mind, not society.


    As for leaving the guy for something better, didn't a 'Durex' survey of different countries in the world find out that Thai women cheat more than anyone else, usually in the hope of finding something 'better'. 

    If a guy wrongs in a relationship in Thai the woman can take 100%, where as in the 'west' committing something morally wrong isnt a factor in financial terms. The two things you chose are actually worse here in Asia lol. So please, tell me again, what exactly is this 'western PC BS' you speak of?

  14. All the negativity about Thailand. I mean come on. There are different 'classes' of people no matter what country you live in. They guy is young, not 60 years old. Numerous rich or employed women will go for him....he doesn't need to go for some poor stricken girl and help out her family (seems to be the consensus on the forum). A girl with a good job or incredibly rich Thai is extremely easy to find here. The new generation (his age bracket) are not all about money. They will happily fight their older family members on things like Sin Sord or the farang paying for things etc. I wonder why all these people bitch so much about being 'walking ATM' machines but still live here. The OP is young, not a grandpa looking for an immoral girl, as that's not the only person who will take him. 


    Find a girl, know her for an extended period of time to learn each other. If you have a generalisation of Thai people then just tell her you have no money. The very first thing i did with my in laws was tell them i had no money. What did they do? They gave us land to build on with my wife's homeloan. I knew maybe 100 or so Thai back in my country, and know a lot here obviously too. The majority of families are like this I have found. The families who have some sort of education or employment. People cant moan and complain if they go to a bar to find a wife. Thai has a poverty class, a middle class and the all famous high society. All classes easy to hang out with, but from experience the middle class families are easier to relate too (as I am not high society lol). 

  15. 7 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

    You need to go up to the areas in LA where a lot of Thais live.  They do congregate in certain areas but my memory is fuzzy.  You need to develop some personality requirements so that you can vet the women that you meet.  Don't rush in lustfully and optimistically only to find out later that she's not really the girl that you wanted.  Keep in mind that in the LA area, there is Little Saigon in Garden Grove and Westminster, small Korea Towns around here and there and then there is Monterey Park full of Chinese.  As I remember, there are plenty of Asian girls eager to hook up with a white guy.

    I just noticed that you live near Berkekey.  There are many Asian girls enrolled at UC Berkeley.  Frequent some of the coffee houses near campus and you'll meet some girls.


    So far as going to Thailand to find the girl of your dreams, be aware that there have been many, many posters who came here to work and live and find a Thai girl who found themselves coming to crunch time when they approached the age of sixty without enough resources to get them through 30+ years of retirement.   You really must provide for your retirement.  You don't want to be destitute in your old age.  Money has a way of disappearing over here.  I keep all of mine in America and only bring over what I need.  Good luck?


    That is where finding a 'good' wife is so important. Many countries will not pay out the pension unless you go back and live there for a few years before applying. So the options are either do that or find the 'good' wife. Government officers in Thai are handy for that. Will get a pension each month until they die and get a payout when they retire. Home loans are extremely good as you can work it in a way the government ends up paying a third of your house off so you can save, invest etc. Then all your hospital visits, surgeries, imported drugs are free as you're married to a government person. All your kids medical (until 20)/education (until bachelor is finished) is free so saving on that too. Zero corruption money having to be paid to anyone no matter the issue. Realistically, you're just prodding around the last few decades of life so if the house is paid off with savings all you're really paying for is bills which are like 15% of the wife's pension. In saying all that you're right, not a chance in hell i would have moved to Thai at 26 if i didn't marry a government official (as my life wouldn't have been set up in the later years). 

  16. 14 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

    Typically this is a 200bht offense. Least that's what I pay for motorbike.


    Unless you're far from home, so most Thai and I guess farang would prefer to pay the 400, rather than having to travel all that way again to pay the fine and collect your license from the police station. 

  17. 2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    No! Actually I didn't make any assumptions about you. I certainly didn't think you would go up to a Working Girl and call her a Bar Girl, as I feel you never actually even met one in you life to say that to. So why would I think this now?


    If someone puts themselves in a position to be disrespected, then it is them who has to live with that. You are not some High Judge Above High that can put such a tag on a Human Being! The Good Book says: "Judge and be Judged!' In another example" "Who can cast the first stone?".


    So it is not for you to decide who can say what here. Or the Op shouldn't post here. This is up to the Moderators! For the other things you said this has to go to a much higher level. But I do know that it is certainly not up to you to judge other people. I know you will say you never said that or did that, so I will save you the trouble.


    Yes You Did!    


    If you didnt make any assumptions then why did you bring up the whole calling a 'bar girl' to her face thing, it had no relevance to the conversation. Wait, didnt you judge me on using the language 'bar girl', even though you used it yourself...and now youre giving me a lecture on not judging people lol. I am 100% judging the OP. Why would i refuse to accept that? It is a stupid situation that he gets himself into...so instead of complaining about it either talk to the person or post it on a relationship forum as it has no relevance in a Thai forum. As for the moderators, apparently youre not allowed to comment on them so i will not haha

  18. I was told by a copper at a checkpoint that you can use your license for so long (like a few months or so/cant remember) before you either have to get the international or Thai license. The wife talked sense into him so I didnt have to pay anything but he did ask for a payment to begin with. 


    So i got the Thai license. I dont understand why farang refuse to get the Thai license a lot of the time. It's what, like 200 baht. I am from Australia so all i had to do was translate my drivers license (get your wife/friends to do it and then just pay like stuff all baht for the 'official' translation stamp at the translation shop as your wife did the work). Then go there, show them the license, do a reaction and eye test and pay the minimal fee it costs to get it. Whole process took about an hour. 

  19. Better to move to Thai from my experience in terms of finding a good wife. Shit loads of Thai back home, and all are super rich to be able to be there, but at the end of the day why are many rich Thais in 'farangland'? They couldn't get a half decent job here, and just worked the family business, so maybe felt a bit 'insecure' in a way so felt the need to travel. Awesome people still, but in terms of securing a stable future then its all individual preferences. If you can find a girl who has a decent job and family here then really you are moving into a life that is already set up. Already has motorbikes, cars, and a house to move straight into. Kind of the opposite really to the above 'gold digging' comments. The guy may sound like a gold digger in a sense, but usually smart Thai realise what he has given up to move here (going developed world to undeveloped world in a sense).  Also its 2016, there is such a thing as working men and working women. I moved here when i was 26 with barely any money. Now I live in a big house on just under 2 rai of fenced land. I work so financially all im doing is helping out with the bills of the house and food obviously and putting away money for my baby daughter...the most I spend on is my dog, so saving money obviously occurs. It all comes down to if you can handle working here i think. It can be frustrating after coming from more developed countries. I think it would be better to find a girl to move for rather than moving here in the hope of finding someone. 

  20. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Westerners that denigrate Thai bargirls have no clue. They equate Thai bargirls as being the same as western prostitutes that will have a shag or a BJ in a car or behind a dumpster because they are druggies or suchlike.

    Thai bargirls are more like ordinary girls that want to party and go out with men to have sex because, surprise, surprise, surprise, they enjoy sex. Of course, the money is why they are working in a bar in a tourist area, as if they didn't need money they would be having it off with Thai men.

    Many farangs have long term Thai bargirl friends that stay with them every time they visitThailand. It's only if the farang is stupid enough to believe that she wouldn't go with other men when he isn't in Thailand that the situation can get tense.


    Past research from Thai Ministry of Public Health and other related studies have found that up to 75% of Thai men have engaged in sex with prostitutes. How can you make the claim that if 'sex workers' didnt need the money they would be having it off with Thai men? They are already having it off with Thai men on a more regular basis than with Western men, for guess what, money! A tiny percentage of women would be enjoying the actual sex (as some go into the profession due to their love of sex). However, you cant sit here and seriously say that a 20 year old girl is loving being in bed with a a guy 3 times her age and 4 times her weight. As for the substance abuse, isnt it just at a different time of the spectrum? Western illegal sex workers I think are already abusers before going into the work...and Thai are either similar or become abusers (probably due to their actual lack of enjoyment in the bedroom so need something to get through it. Whatever the substance is i dont think is relevant. Substance abuse is abuse regardless. 


    The ordinary girls who want to go out and party with men are exactly that. They will go out, party, have sex...but not have any financial element attached to it. They are called 'party girls' not 'bar girls'. You have believed a little too much BS i think lol


    In terms of the broader discussion, which isnt relevant to the OP, so I dont know why you stopped to tell me that when youre not in any direction towards relevance yourself lol. Yes, economic reasons are factors as to why girls go into the profession. However, didnt the interview with the EMPOWER organisation in Thai show the girls cant even save their money due to using it for shopping? So it is incredibly complex. Earning better money but spending it...or earning less money and not spending it. What is the real motivation? Not enough research has be done I dont think to answer the question. 

  21. 18 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I am not trying to talk about all Thai Women. I and talking about every person in this world. 


    Just because the guy down the street hauls garbage for a ,living it doesn't mean he wants to be treated by you like the rubbish he is hauling, based only on that you got a higher education than him. I can speak for every sex, skin color, age, and religion that all people like to be treated with respect. Personality has nothing to do with that. That is a fact son!


    Yes I said Bar Girl several times when talking about them to you. But I don't call them that to there face. Or Prostitute! Or even Working Girl! I call them by there first name and like all other people liked to be called by. Doesn't "Hey Tom" sound better then "Hey You...Garbage Man"? 


    I am sure your Thai Friends like to be treated with respect also. I have no doubt about that. If it is you who is not treating them this way then it is you who needs to do a self examination, and not them. 




    So wait...you just assumed I go up to women and say 'bar girl' to their faces? How could you even come up with that assumption? What evidence do you have to suggest I do that from what I have written? And if you dont have evidence then why did you even bring the point of terminology up? 


    Ah so it's not that you know all 'Thai' girls now, it is that you you think every person deserves respect? That is a little more understandable. However, if someone puts themselves in positions where people disrespect them and continuously do this (OP said he has known her for a while), then doenst it reach a point where it is his own stupidity if he gets hurt?

  22. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I think forming real, genuine friendships that last years and not one hour gives me a better insight into how Thai women are (all being different).


    That sentence proves you are not answering the OP and are off topic. This thread isn't about "short time". It is about someone having a long term relationship with a girl that might or probably goes with men for money.

    The going with men for money is irrelevant to the discussion, as it is possible to have a real relationship with someone whatever they do for a living.

    By focusing on the money aspect, you are talking about something completely different from what the OP was asking about


    BTW, of course it's a Thai related subject. There is no equivalent of the Thai bargirl phenomenon anywhere else in the world.


    Wasnt the sentence in a quote that was a reply to another persons comment? Not the OP? So the quote is actually on topic to what the guy was saying. If I wanted to reply specifically to the OP when  i wouldnt have quoted another persons response.


    As for the 'prostitution' aspect...again it was a quote on a topic that he brought up. There is absolutely no use being relevant to the OP as it is such a useless conversation. Better to have it loosely form the basis of a new topic lol. 

  23. 15 hours ago, pumpjack said:

    if you dont like whats posted on the forum then do not reply,  i dont want to listen to your drivel  its of no concern to me what you think. 


    A fair few people have complained at how pathetic the thread is and do not want to see this stuff on a forum people supposedly used for 'real' help when living in a foreign country.


    If it is of no concern then why did you comment on it? I commented as you're filling up my 'newsfeed' with a useless topic that isnt at all relevant to Thailand. Don't want to listen to my 'drivel' but you make how ever many members there are on here listen to your 'actual drivel' lol. Just grow a set and have a discussion with her like a real person would do...dont come and moan/complain on a forum.

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