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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. 6 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    If you want Honesty then this Op has the perfect right to post here what he wants related to Thailand, and you have the perfect right not to read that or comment on it, if you so chose. You are not a judge or in power to decide what he can say or not.


    You lack experience in Thai Women and even a Bar Girl. A Bar Girl does not even like this name. It is one we use. She prefers "Working Girl" and calling her a Prostitute is a total insult to her. I understand why. Do You?


    All Thai Women demand to be treated with respect. The only defense I can offer you is that if the Op does not treat this Thai Girl with respect, she may be dishing out what he is giving her now. Thai Girls will do that.


    Respect is highly valued in Thailand for both men and women. Above money even! Or should I say money gets respect? I am not sure! But I do think it is the most prized here.  


    Is it really related to Thailand though? Not really. He should be posting this in a relationship advice forum, not a Thai forum. As i said, you cant seriously be trying to tell me that every single woman in Thailand has the exact same personality no matter what their job is are you? What shapes personality? Family, lifestyle, education, work, life experience. So please stop trying to imply you know every single Thai person because you have paid to be with some of them. The very fact youre paying clearly shows you dont even get to see their true personality. Does a policeman show his true personality at work? Does a doctor? Does a teacher? No. So why do you claim a bar girl does?


    As for the name, didnt you yourself use the term 'bar girl' numerous times? And now youre trying to give us all a lecture on what to call them? I am fully aware of the women's right movements and definitions relating around 'working girls', however, in a place like Thailand where it is illegal, by strict definition you cannot call them 'working girls'. You can only describe their illegal job, 'a girl in a bar'. I personally think the job should me made legal and respect any girl that can do the long hours, physical exertion on a daily basis.


    Respect isnt so highly valued in Thailand in this context. Face is valued. They are not the same thing. Money gets face, not respect. Yes, respect is highly regarded in more official contexts, above money also. However, this situation does not warrant any respect. 


    Lack experience? I clearly stated that I have many Thai friends. Mostly back home, but since moving here also. I also stated I have limited interaction with 'bar girls'. But even you must also, as by definition they are 'working girls', which means you only see them for set times. To say that you understand 'working girls', must also mean that you can group every air hostess personality as well through the limited contact you have with them too...they are 'working girls' also. As for the experience with Thai women, I already made my point. I think forming real, genuine friendships that last years and not one hour gives me a better insight into how Thai women are (all being different). Especially when you see their real personality and not their 'work' personality. 


    I would love to hear your dot points describing every Thai woman in the country and abroad though...you claim to be an expert, so lets hear it. Describe in your next post how every Thai woman is. Lets see how many of the dot points match up with my friends personalities. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    This is such an idiotic comment that you must be a troll. Official statistics show that Thailand has the second highest road deaths in the world, and Thailand only counts those who die at the scene and not in hospital afterwards. There is no proper tuition, no meaningful driving test before a license is issued, a me-first mentality.


    Also Thailand statistics from memory are all false. I think the World Health Organisation came in and found the actual number was twice the amount of the 'official' number. 

  3. On 12/17/2016 at 2:42 AM, godblessemall said:

    I think they target specific people such as soldiers, monks, teachers & other Govt officials. I don't think foreigners are in danger unless just catching a stray bullet or bomb.


    Not entirely true. I went down into the 'red zone' in Yala. Mid meal, the Muslim people i were with tapped me on the shoulder and said we are leaving. They said something to a group of 12 men on the next table. Apparently, I wasn't too liked and things were being discussed. Also the night market was considered off limits for me and that week public vans. A few places I went into the owners closed the curtains instantly to avoid attention, one other place refused to serve me, but another was more than accommodating lol. On the outskirts down south is pretty okay, but in full Muslim territory, unless with other Muslims I would give the same advice foreign countries give, 'do not travel'. 

  4. 23 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I totally agree respect goes both ways here. But I am wondering what you read in the Ops Post that I didn't, as I didn't see how he was disrespectful of her.  Would you care to explain?


    I gather the Op came here and brought this subject up as he doesn't have much experience with Thai Girls and wanted to know if this is normal behavior from them. I have a lot of experience with Thai Girls and I told him this isn't normal behavior. If you to have a lot of experience with Thai Girls, and you let them treat you this way, then by all means mention that here, as I would wonder why.


    If this Girl Friend is playing some mind game and trying to pursue something more serious, then she is behaving in a manner which is the exact opposite to that, so I don't buy your story. I do agree they are both mature adults and should be able to talk about this openly. but then he may have wanted some advice first before he does that. Plenty of people post here with insignificant troubles. We are not Professional Marriage Counselors  but rather a Discussion Board. 


    I don't know how you assessed what type of women she is? All I know from the Ops Post was that the taxi driver thought she was a Bar Girl, and why he talked to her that way. I wonder if this was because she acted like one to him? But then, and as I said, I have been with plenty of Bar Girls in the past and they never acted this way with me. The last time a Taxi Driver tried this with a Beautiful Bar Girl I was with she told him to "F.....take a hike!.  


    If the taxi driver acted in this way and the girl really didn't care either way then couldn't that suggest that she could be a bar girl and the OP is just too embarrassed to say it on here? Who knows? My assessment came from his words, not my apparent 'plenty of experience with Thai girls'. Or maybe she has a good sense of humour? Experience with Thai girls? What does that even mean? I knew 100 or so Thai girls back in my country (so obviously mostly rich to afford to study/live there), and they all had different personalities. The same in Thai, generally, like in all countries. people have different personalities. That is what 'adjectives' are for, to describe people as people are, wait for it, all different lol. Maybe 'bar girls' all have similar personalities, but that isn't their true personality is it? It is just an act they put on for the job. I haven't had the adequate experience to comment on them.


    Again you direct something back to me when the situation I am arguing is against both the OP and yourself. The situation sums up how the two of you may react to situations, not me. As the situation I would never find myself in, because as you agreed with, you either discuss it or walk away. You don't have a little bitch about something so insignificant on a public forum. What will the OP waste our times on next? The fact she didn't want a cup of coffee with her breakfast, and all the 'Thai experienced' farang will come with their two cents. It is a pathetic problem with an equally pathetic way of fixing the problem, lets be honest. 


  5. Tasers that you get along the street markets here arent much chop. Basically the noise/initial shock scares you. If you get past that though you can happily taser yourself for hours without it causing too much discomfort. In terms of an attacker, basically if the initial shock doesnt distract him they will not be of any use. My Mrs has one of the Iphone looking ones, pretty useless thing that doesnt hold its charge. I have one with a torch attached to it. A lot better, but again, unless youre sticking it in the guys eye, not much chop. 

  6. 4 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Respect is Respect My Man!


    Have you ever taken a woman out for a meal then later to a pub or some place else, and she ran off with some other man she so happened to like better at that time, or spent the night talking and flirting with him? Well I haven't! But if it did happen to me you can be sure that is her last date with me. 


    I don't care what name you want to attach to her like Holiday G.F, or Part-time Lover, or whatever. She still needs to show you respect while you are out on a date with her.


    But then there are some guys who let woman take advantage of them and wipe their feet all over them, so I guess if you are that type of person it is up to you. But it seems to me this bothered the OP or otherwise he would not have brought this up here. 


    Respect also goes both ways. We don't know the full story. Maybe this girl has tried pursuing something a little more serious but the guy is continuously just leading her on to get his rocks off, so out of desperation she is trying a new tactic to get his attention. Seems likely, as if this is the type of woman she is, then why does he keep going back to the situation if he sees it as so disrespectful? Again, he hasn't showed her any sort of respect it seems, so there is absolutely no onus on her to show him respect. You cant have your cake and eat it too. If you are both not tied together, and both happy to have fun, and refuse to be together then you cant expect her to put her life on hold for you. It's not even a matter of respect actually, it's a matter of living.  

    I don't understand your comment about taking advantage? Isn't that exactly what is going on with the OP. She did something, he got a bit annoyed, he couldn't express his feelings directly to her so he has come to talk to 'the boys' on a forum? Like, come on, we are all adults aren't we? I am sure if we have insignificant troubles like this with someone we say is 'just a bit of fun', then surely he can discuss that with her face to face cant he? I dont know why you directed the comment at me when the OP and, in theory your support of him, are the people who are letting the women walk all over them lol.


    As for the going out part...I don't recall i have had that happen to me. And you're exactly right, if it did happen you do one of two things....you say what is going on directly to her? Or you leave. Does the guy ask her what she wants for dinner through this forum too? lol. If the communication is that bad no wonder she is talking to other people. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, Jing Joe said:

    I've been  very afraid for my Uni student niece who is being harassed by a motorbike taxi guy in Bkk.

    Like the farmer lady in this article she is also described as    " an attractive single woman " .  Very much so,  and she avoids him..

    Thinking about suggesting she carry a knife.

    Wait and see the outcome of this case.


    It happens. My wife once asked a taxi driver to stop as clearly he didn't know the way to her conference. He got out and threw her bag all over the road. He then called a friend on his phone and said 'we have a girl we can kill'. Why it was more scary was it was around the time the train staff killed that girl, so 'rape' 'murder' was in the media constantly. Luckily, she was able to contact her police friends who were close by at the time...your niece needs to be careful. 

  8. 12 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    It is obvious that many here have never been with a Bar Girl before. Before I got married I was with plenty of them. Lots of times we would go back to her bar to play pool or something and have a few drinks.


    There were times with others there tried to pick her up while she was with me and even offer more money. I can not think of even one time and from many different Bar Girls that they ever left me for someone else. Out of respect for there customer.


    It was always sorry I am with somebody right now. It was never setting up future dates or exchanging telephone numbers or flirting with somebody else or even sitting with them for a drink. So if a Bar Girl can show this kind of respect for a customer I surely can't see why she can't do this to.  


    I think there is a bit of a difference if she isn't a bar girl though. A bar girl at the end of the day is relying on the customer as that is her income. It is purely a business deal (even though most on here seem to think the girls actually want them). This guy said that she wasn't a bar girl and have known each other for a while with a less than serious relationship it seems. She is aware that she is a 'holiday gf'. She just seems to use that to her advantage, maybe some free travel so she can post on her Facebook to all her friends to see (who knows). Why should she have to show any more respect than a bar girl/customer type situation? They apparently knew each other for a while, he says they do their own things in terms of sleeping around. He cant have it both ways. He cant be a control freak when with her but <deleted> around on her at the same time lol. It is a simple solution, either make the relationship serious or find someone else who fits his needs a little better. 

  9. Just now, lungnorm said:

    Believe what you like. I never said anything that could be remotely construed to mean what you said I mean. I dont take offence as English is clearly not your native tongue. If it is I suggest you go back to school.


    " Dunno about you but I do not have any respect for women who partake in threesomes. "


    Was this not what you said? 

  10. Just now, YeahSiam said:


    I don't remember women not being able to walk outside alone and I'm no spring chicken.

    You said

    Your comment made it sound as if a woman partaking in sexual activity with more than one partner somehow had negative connotations.

    As if "they have enough power already"

    If you don't want to be taken literally, choose your wording more carefully.



    Wasn't your original quote replying to a guy who did have a negative view on women partaking in sexual activity? Therefore, displaying that there still is some sort of imbalance of power in society. Unless, of course the original author of the comment has a disgust of all creatures great and small partaking in sexual activity involving more than two people. So as for my language, I believe your own set conclusions jumped the gun a little bit.

  11. Just now, dotpoom said:

    What I'm trying to figure is.....how could "giving" with a good heart be conscrued as a waste of time....seems a perculiar question to ask?


    I think they felt a bit down that day so felt the need to share their good deeds with the rest of the world...surely 'giving' with a good heart is exactly what it is. Giving without feeling the need to go and tell the world about it.

  12. Just now, YeahSiam said:


    I suppose it would depend on whether or not those doing the back-slapping have a problem with bisexuality.

    How is it giving more "power to women"?

    What an old-fashioned, distinctly parochial attitude.

    Live and let live!


    The fact that they are able to do it means that they have moved past being second class citizens, i.e. gained power in their movements, thus gaining more freedom...wasn't so long ago women couldnt even walk outside without having someone walk by their side. Being able to sleep with another woman/man is a big step. I think history shows it has been a 'power' struggle, due to violent protests to get equal rights. Don't get all hissy  because you take words so literally to fit your own ideologies. Most things that involve violent protests, domination or removal of rights are 'power' based societal issues. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


    So you're perpetuating the time-honoured double standard whereby a man receives a slap on the back for his "prowess" and a woman who enjoys having multiple partners is maligned and ostracised?

    That attitude hails from the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth and is rooted in male insecurity.

    Maybe we should go back to the days when they didn't have the vote, eh?



    Does a man receive a slap on the back for having a threesome with another man? I don't think so. If anything this context is actually giving more power to women. As many see it as 'gay' if guys did it, but it is more socially acceptable if girls do it. Wasn't that the context, two same sex (i.e. man would have to choose another man) and one opposing sex?

  14. 1 hour ago, pumpjack said:


    respect is not  " earned "   respect should be given to everyone no matter.      the fact that this filthy little slimeball done it in front of my face is whats annoying me.       i never would imagine to disrespect any man like this in front of his partner/ gf.       shows you just how much some of these thais hate us with this type of behaviour.     




    I don't think it has anything to do with what country someone is from. I am sure if a girl was openly flirting with a guy in any country the single guy would flirt back to her whether her bf was there or not. Isn't it an issue with the 'relationship/arrangement' the two of you have? Not what the guy did as such. If she doesn't care enough about you to openly flirt with another guy then you're just there to be used and abused for whatever reason or needs she has. Doesn't have to be a 'bar girl', you get your crazy girls who will just sleep in the hope of a relationship or to brag to their friends they know a 'farang'. 


    Why should respect be given to everyone? She probably told the guy you're just there, as all Thai are aware of the old 'holiday gf'. So in his eyes straight away the respect you think is a given is taken away, as you just come to his country and use his people. Generally speaking, Thai guys get along with 'farang' pretty good. If it is in a club context they befriend you as they know the girls will flock there...outside that context, like girls, they just want to experience meeting foreign people without sex attached to it. If they do have a problem, then you probably should look at either the girl or yourself and situation, rather than the guy. Stop being a big sook. You don't own the girl...or did you for the hour? lol

  15. Generally the response you get from the people would tell you if it was a waste of time wouldn't it? Rather than asking a group of people (us) who have no idea. If they are legit 'homeless', then I am sure they would be grateful to get any sort of luxury. If they are forced into the labour (as many are), then they probably wont be so grateful as a chocolate bar doesn't help them make the daily earnings they need (to avoid the beatings). I once tried to give a homeless person a can of drink i received off another person rather than bin it (hadn't been opened/still cold), the person took it, but you could clearly see they weren't happy about the fact it wasn't money. 


    It sucks because naturally you feel the need to help, but I think it is best just to leave it. Any sort of giving just aids the trafficking/forced labour industry (which is quite big here). Close to home with me as a little girl was just kidnapped from a local school to be a begger. Luckily the police had been monitoring the couple who took her for a while as they were taking many kids and she was able to be rescued. They just travel to a city 2 hours away, walk into a school and tell the teachers they are an uncle/aunt and take the kid.

  16. On 10/31/2016 at 10:39 AM, Strange said:

    Thais can own guns here, the wife bought one legally here a few years back. They can use them in self defense in their home/property. So yes they can buy them AND use them legally within reason. 


    I forget the entire process but it was a lot of local Amphur trips with family and poo-yai-baan. They look at your character and your assets and see if there are enough to warrant you needing a firearm. 


    Ended up she got a Glock 19 Gen4 for like 85,000 baht. All in with permits and stuff probably over 100k. USA can buy second hand for like $300


    A lot cheaper just to buy ex-police guns if it is only for self defense. From memory, just need the district office to sign the paper work off and police to sign it off. I looked into it recently and total costs were around 40,000 baht. I opted to buy a Caucasian Shepherd instead due to having limited gun experience but a lot of guard dog experience. Although the father in law carries one in his bag wherever he goes....Just have a few bb guns, baseball bats, tasers, fencing, cctv around the house (out of reach to children) and in the car. I got told to just say you use the bb gun for sporting purposes if they find it. I think from memory something ridiculous like 1 in 10 Thais own guns so, of course, they can own them. But naturally it is a crime to use them to cause fear in others. In saying that, a Thai person can even legally kill their husband/wife if catch them cheating. But she/he has to catch them in the actual act.

  17. Just now, Kwasaki said:


    You posted  " locals "  so l commented on l what l see locally.


    My son works away in Bangkok because that's where he gets contracts for his type of work and has to travel many places all over Thailand sometimes.

    I am talking about locals lol...that is why i agreed with the education aspect. However, there is  a time limit. Not many companies/government will hire 30 plus people. I saw it as a common problem with my Thai friends back in Melbourne. They spent years working in Australia, but when tried to get a job back in Thai it was difficult due to age. 


    That's when self-employment can work out better.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Can of worms depends on the person.

    Best job would be educating themselves first as far as able and if prepared to work hard they will get by.

    Self-employment better than working long hours for companies it seems from my observation.


    Also l see a lot of young retired people who just ponce off the family.


    Agree about the education. Also working for company/government has the perks of health insurance for the family. lower interest rates etc etc.
    Self-employment good, but it struggles when the economy struggles. 

  19. Online selling is a good way if you have the contacts/friend list to further free advertise. Face cream back home costs 75 baht at a market. You can sell it for 550 baht. If it is just pocket money then things like that are good. Branded clothes can also be cheaper back home, an interesting enough, I have recently found out dog medication. Particular types of medication go for in excess of 10k here when you can get it for 1.5k back home and have it posted. 

  20. 22 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    What about the brown envelopes?


    Generally, that can only happen if the test is passed. So you cant help someone get in if they don't pass the test. However, if you pass the test but get a low score, that is when other things can get involved. 

  21. 27 minutes ago, goodstuff said:

    Thanks Damo,



    It may sound daft but where do i try to get another birth certificate? The hospital she was born?



    You get it from the Tessaban (Municipality) she was born in.

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