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Posts posted by Veazer

  1. For me I do not see software development in a large scale in Thailand !

    Software development includes debugging which is incompatible with a mai-pen-rai culture ...

    I wouldn't say the two are totally incompatible, but you're correct to note this as a large problem. All too often in Thailand it seems like 'working/usable' is considered to be the same as 'complete'.

    For further evidence, come look at my home's wiring. :o

  2. Afternoon all. Anyone know which brand of DVD players play all region DVDs? Ie, if i order some from the UK/Aus. My LG has a hissy fit when i pop em in.

    To make a player region free, you can often use a combination of keypresses (as in left-left-down-left-up) or different firmware to accomplish this. Check and see if you can find your LG here.

  3. OP again, I managed to use another PC with a floppy drive. I got W2K on OK after reducing the partition from the drive's 90 gig to 50 gig.

    Now my problem is I get the 'blue screen of death' after Windows boots, the message is "INACCESSABLE BOOT DEVICE". Back on the machine with the floppy there is no problem, just on my main desktop.

    The only difference between the two computers is that one is an AMD dual (the one with the problem) and the other is just a standard computer. The nessage goes on about checking for viruses etc but no suggestions waht it might be.

    I am simply plugging and unplugging HD and power. The machine works perfectly when I put the Linux/WinXP drive back on, just the Win2K drive giving the problem...

    Any Ideas??

    Did the system ever boot into windows? If not, you're likely missing the controller for your hard drive. Does it use SATA or a RAID card by chance? If SATA, I think you'll need to use a "SP4 streamline install CD", it's just like the normal Win2K CD except all the SP4 files have already been added. If it's just a RAID controller you'll need to have a floppy with the driver ready to go when you see this screen during the install:


  4. Are you using USB2 drivers (enabled)? Have had to re-install them on my computers in the past. If you only have the old USB 1.1 or whatever it was they will be dog slow.

    USB2 is definitely being used based on transfer speeds, around 2 GB per minute or so. It's the fact that it locks up the system that troubles me.

    I tried rolling back to the MS IDE drivers instead of VIA's but it had no effect.

  5. I've done countless windows installs over the years, but i'm having a weird issue with this one.

    i just installed WinXP+SP2 streamline on the gf's laptop and everything is working well except for extreme unresponsiveness (or freezing) when moving large amounts of data from an external usb HD to the system drive. The windows interface is very slow if not totally frozen, sometimes the cursor even freezes or becomes choppy. The file transfer progress window and animation usually freezes up just after the transfer begins. The transfer speeds themselves are fast and normal, but the system is essentially locked until they finish.

    Moving the same large files from the laptop to the external works perfectly fine, no freezing at all. :o

    I've checked the following:

    • Write caching is enabled (even on the USB drive)
    • DMA is enabled for the system drive (using UDMA-5)
    • Tried 2 different USB drives, same exact issue with both.
    • Tested the USB drives on other similar specced machines, no problems.

    I'm using the latest VIA ide drivers as well for her chipset.

    The system is just a base install + current drivers, Office2K3 & NOD32. (btw, it's not caused by the AV, I've added .VOB and .AVI files to the exception list)

    Her machine is a BenQ R23E with a Sempron 3000+ (1.8 GHz actual) processor & VIA K8-M800/K8-N800 chipset and 768 meg of ram. I'm actually quite impressed with the build quality of this machine, I had low expectations for a cheapo Benq.

    On a side note, what other general computing / windows support forums do TV users like? I've seen some great responses here considering it's a Thai-focused forum but I'd like to see what else people are using. I've found a lot of good solutions to problems at experts-exchange.com, but i'd prefer a free forum.

    Cheers! :D

  6. ...I have just checked and that screen setting is not available so a widescreen monitor will require a new graphics card. I think the best bet might be to take my PC along for the upgrade at the same time...

    It also depends on the driver used, some stock and older drivers don't include the widescreen resolutions but they can be added with 3rd party apps like 'powerstrip'. Most decent ATI and nVidia cards can add custom resolutions, but many integrated video cards cannot. What videocard is your pc using?

  7. Nice Idea Reimar, but in my experience, you get two choices, pay the tax they demand or loose the goods you have purchased.

    The likes of DHL have the invoice attached to the package, then customs make up a figure you owe in tax and that's the end of it. No appeals, no arguments, no compromises.

    Maybe i should get you to order all my goods from now onwards, as it seems you get a special rate from customs :o

    Same here, I tried to show printed pages from websites showing what the duty should be. Nobody cared. The fees just increased as I tried to reason with them. They know they have what you want and they're in control.

  8. Hi guys,

    I'm looking for buying a good router (Wireless and QoS) but I just don't have the time to go to Panthip and look around.

    Any good addresses for online shopping in Bangkok? I know tohome.com but they don't have much choice.



    Take a look at Tywais post here.

  9. I would personally go for a Dell in the USA with the "complete care" warranty or whatever it is called now. I foolishly purchased a Dell with just a one year warranty and it died shortly after the waranty expired and there's not much I can do except try to get parts shipped over.

    My ex-boss had the complete care package and they came to his house when anything went wrong, even in Chiang Mai. You should be able to get a 3-4 year home repair warranty for around $300.

  10. I bought a D-Link Wireless Router/ADSL Modem combo a few years back and it could not be used as a standalone router only (no WAN port). When I moved into a new location that only had cable internet and no DSL I had to buy a new router because of this.

    Just something you might want to consider when buying combo devices like these.

    EDIT: typo

  11. ...As a side note, I have to say that I always enjoy the error messages from Microsoft Products. If you are knowledgeable enough to understand the error message then you would not have made the error in the first place. This subject is ripe for a short written or stand-up comedy sketch.

    I'll second that. My biggest gripe is completely pointless popup help. For example, some configuration page will have a checkbox next to some obscure term like "Realtime quadrafold scan gigometer" and the popup help will say "Checking this box will enable the realtime quadrafold scan gigometer". Thanks guys, you just explained how a checkbox works and nothing more!

  12. I was recently shopping around for UMPC as well. I liked the Fujitsu u810 a lot, but the processor is not the best. The transreflective screen is pretty cool, it's rare to have a PC usuable in broad daylight.

    The Sony UX series is the most powerful in terms processor (Core Solo and Core 2 Solo available), but the keyboard was not to my liking and it's overpriced.

    I like the specs of the Asus EEE but the screen is worthless. Very low resolution and washed out colors on the one I tried. With only 480 pixels of vertcal real estate, there's a fair amount of apps that I couldn't even use on it.

    The HP Compaq 2133 shown below is coming and looks very nice. There's rumors going around that $500 Linux version will be offered, but that seems low to me.

    Dynamism.com is a fun place to look around and see what's out there, but their prices are high.


  13. May you try to download the program 3DFTP from HERE and test it. The program is Payware but free for 30 days. It's the fastest FTP I ever used.


    Can it do multithreaded transfers for single files? Their website describes it as multithreaded but then states "Utilize your bandwidth to the max by transferring multiple files simultaneously" which is not the same as using multiple threads on the same file. FileZilla can do multiple files at the same time and it's free...

  14. I highly recommend NOT using an email account tied to an ISP, you're eventually going to change ISPs and lose the account.

    If you use Firefox you can put the photos on a Picasa web album and use the Gmail Skins plugin.

    If the image is on a website, you can usually just copy-and-paste into the email as well. Just make sure you're not copying from a password protect site or the image won't load for the recipient.

  15. Ok guys, well I ordered a Motorola Razr v3i from our local shop. I had a look at the Nokia 5300 but the shopkeeper talked me out of it. So so I just sync it with the Mac tomorrow via isync and its ready to go? I tried to search the internet for answers but I'm more confused than ever.

    Why did he talk you out of it? I've been looking at possibly getting a 5300.

  16. I've used ZenCart for several projects. I think it's fairly decent package, but it definitely has some quirky points and non-intuitive aspects that drove me nuts for a bit.

    If you're willing to look into a package that is still a bit early in its development (currently beta 0.8.16100), I would checkout Magento. I think it's going to mature into a phenomenal e-commerce app.

  17. I've posted about this before.

    Here's the procedure

    Control Panel->Regional & Language Options->Advanced

    Set "Language for non-unicode programs" to Thai.


    The grave accent will now be an option under Text Services->Key Settings.

    Exactly what I wanted Simmo, thanks for that. I don't understand Microsoft's logic behind this at all though, what's the connection between default non-unicode fonts and a language toggle key?

    I've been messing with the registry to try to set the togglekey without changing the non-unicode language but not luck so far.

    It's related to this reg key:

    [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2709399633-792552601-2982033094-1003\Keyboard Layout\Toggle]


    "Language Hotkey"="4"

    4 seems to be used for the grave accent, but it is ignored if the non-unicode font is english. The settings indicate that grave accent is the toggle key but it doesn't work.

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