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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Being arrested does not mean they've been charged, they are still on active duty while an investigation goes on.
  2. South Africa continuing its crusade as the legal wing of Hamas. Press Release from Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs South Africa continues to act as the legal arm of Hamas in an attempt to undermine Israel’s inherent right to defend itself and its citizens, and to release all of the hostages. The repeated requests for provisional measures made by South Africa in order to assist Hamas are yet another cynical exploitation of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which has already twice rejected the baseless attempts to deny Israel its right and obligation of self-defense. Israel acts and will continue to act in accordance with international law, including by facilitating humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, regardless of any legal proceedings. We call on the ICJ to reject outright the new request of the representatives of Hamas. https://twitter.com/LiorHaiat/status/1765680012353560814
  3. Hamas wants a ceasefire first and then says it will gather the information about which hostages are still alive. That's another of those delusional demands, nobody can believe Hamas. They are able to get numbers daily on deaths they can get the list of hostages still alive now, they do not need to wait for a ceasefire first. Its their way of scuppering the talks. Everyone knows that
  4. That's just an update on the ceasefire which is already covered in this topic https://aseannow.com/topic/1320768-progress-made-in-hostage-talks-after-us-presents-new-proposal-sources-say/page/3/#comment-18747369
  5. You are kidding, no wonder they are quoting senior Hamas officials who are telling lies IRNA is a government-funded and controlled under the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. IRNA has been placed under scrutiny in the past for spreading misinformation about various different events, including COVID-19, Israel, and the attempted assassination of Iraqi PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi.[3] The organization's accuracy has been additionally questioned for citing The Onion, a satirical news website. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Republic_News_Agency
  6. This is just down the road from me, very large operation, dozens of quality cars for rent obviously making plenty of money, I pass it everyday. Serves them right.
  7. Interesting article here on the complexities and dangers of providing humanitarian aid food, etc in war zones. Distribution, crowds turning into mobs, threats from Hamas as they are dressed in civilian clothing. I Have Delivered Aid in War Zones. They Were the Missions We Feared Most | Opinion I watched the aerial footage of the disaster surrounding the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attempt to deliver aid to Northern Gaza last Thursday in horror. While the complete details are unknown and awaiting further IDF investigation. Soldiers always have the right of self-defense. That must never be taken from them. In urban areas, especially those still active war zones, the threats are everywhere. In the case of Gaza where heavy fighting continues, threats can be snipers, rocket propelled grenades. We know Hamas dressed in civilian clothes have been walking up to armored vehicles to place magnet bombs and fire into the crowd during aid distribution. https://www.newsweek.com/i-have-delivered-aid-war-zones-they-were-missions-we-feared-most-opinion-1876536
  8. wow amazing. Well done UK for being the first one which will then be followed by Europe EU moves toward using profits from frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
  9. How does that question to me equate to my post which said Another one that needs to get back on topic jeez
  10. What makes you think me or my family do not pay tax in the UK. Like I said, risk to everything, risk to sending Himars, one was confirmed destroyed, still 38 left. These sorts of risks are calculated. Would you like to get back on topic now.
  11. The danger of course in sequestrating foreign assets from the western banking system for whatever reason is it sends the message to worldwide autocrats that it could happen to them. Yawn, risk to every action. Well done UK
  12. Nice one David! Britain 'prepared to loan Ukraine all frozen Russian central bank assets in UK' Britain is prepared to loan Ukraine all frozen Russian central bank assets in the UK on the basis that Russia will be forced to pay reparations to Ukraine at the end of the war, the UK foreign secretary David Cameron has said. He said the assets would be used as surety for the payment of the reparations. The plan is more radical than proposals discussed in the European Union for Ukraine to be given only the windfall profits from the Russian central bank assets being held by the West. The annual windfall profits are estimated at $4bn. More in the link here
  13. The question arises: what would transpire if Israel were to engage in a genuine war against a nation or multiple nations Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in 6 days. Shows how careful they are being in Gaza because of human shields
  14. You really shouldn't have put that prediction online, you cant get away from it now....lol. Bit like those who occasionally let their veil slip and show their true colours. Its too late. Its online in a post for all to see. Just jesting....:-) Seriously however, the deal has already been etched for a 6 week temp ceasefire as a first stage with the hope that would be extended to a further ceasefire with new talks but those new talks would not happen till the first stage has happened. The first stage is for 40 hostages to be released, which should include all remaining women and some of the other elderly, I think the exchange includes around 400 Palestinian prisoners many of those to be the more hard core convicted ones. So to what is in Hamas's hands. Israel and the US want a hostage list from them to reveal who is still alive and which ones will be released. Obviously in light of the UN report on the sexual abuse of the hostages in Gaza getting the women out first is even more important now. Hamas official says group doesn’t know which hostages are alive, or where they are A Hamas official explained to the BBC on Sunday why the terror group didn’t accede to the Israeli demand to provide the number of hostages still alive: it doesn’t know itself. “Practically it is impossible to know who is still alive because of the Israeli bombardment and blockage. They are in different areas with different groups,” according to Basem Naim, a member of Hamas’s political wing, who spoke with the BBC‘s London-based “Newshour” program from Istanbul. Qatar told Israel on Sunday that ceasefire talks will not be able to advance after Hamas failed to give Israel the number of living captives, which Israel said was a requirement to move forward with a ceasefire agreement. https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/hamas-official-says-group-doesnt-know-which-hostages-are-alive-or-where-they-are-b45o0ej9
  15. The video above only mentions Kamala Harris calling for more aid and a ceasefire, the full speech is below and includes: "Hamas claims it wants a ceasefire, well there is a deal on the table and as we have said, Hamas needs to agree to that deal. Lets get a ceasefire, lets reunite the hostages with their families and lets provide immediate relief to the people of Gaza." Or like Biden said, its in Hamas hands now.
  16. I would expect nothing else from the terrorists. Hamas Denies UN Report Finding Terror Group Committed Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 The UN’s Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Monday issued the long-anticipated report, which said Hamas may today still be abusing women kept as hostages in Gaza. The inquiry was led by Pramila Patten, the team’s special envoy. In response, Hamas accused the UN of pushing a pro-Israel bias. https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/03/05/hamas-denies-un-report-finding-terror-group-committed-sexual-violence-on-oct-7/
  17. Here's the problem, never trust anything in terrorists hands or let them know they hold all the cards. U.S. President Biden says the hostage deal is 'in the hands of Hamas"
  18. Nah, I can read again one of your disgusting posts and yes a screenshot is taken, you have truly reached the bottom. No more debates with you, it makes me feel unclean. There are hostages out there still being held by these animals who you claim are doing things above board and lawful.
  19. as far as I'm concerned whatever Hamas does is lawful and above board Only just noticed this filth. Jeez. No further words needed.
  20. Do you off topic troll and make personals slurs on the other platforms too?
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