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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Here's an irrelevant link then: Mother of hostage killed by troops: ‘I wasn’t angry at the IDF for even a minute’ Iris Haim, the mother of Hamas hostage Yotam Haim, who was shot dead by the IDF as he tried to reach freedom after troops mistook him and two others for Hamas operatives, said Monday that she bears no anger toward the military for his death. “When they came to tell us the news… the truth is that I wasn’t angry at the IDF for even a minute, truly not, and my husband wasn’t either,” she told Channel 12 news in an interview. She also invited the soldiers to come and visit the couple’s home so she could express similar sentiments in person. https://www.timesofisrael.com/mother-of-hostage-killed-by-troops-i-wasnt-angry-at-the-idf-for-even-a-minute/
  2. Because being a sick conspiracy theorist is not enough? A sold-out evening headlined by controversial Jewish anti-Israel activist Max Blumenthal went ahead as scheduled on Wednesday evening in Toronto, despite drawing heavy condemnation from Canada’s organized Jewish community. https://www.timesofisrael.com/anti-zionist-max-blumenthal-jeered-at-toronto-event/
  3. Wow its getting really desperate for some to minimize the atrocities both sexual and horrific carried out by Hamas that they have to invite Max Blumenthal founder and editor of the Grayzone onto the the show. Known for its critical coverage of the US and its foreign policy, misleading reporting and sympathetic coverage of authoritarian regimes. Overall, we rate The Grayzone Far-Left Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and consistent one-sided reporting. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-grayzone/ Max Blumenthal other gigs include being a regular contributor to, RT and Sputnik. Way to go Rising The Hill!! Masterclass in Manipulation: Exposing Max Blumenthal's Lies About Israel and October 7 No one who knows Blumenthal or The Grayzone was surprised by this: They have a history of denying war crimes committed by Russia, China and the Assad regime in Syria, so this new episode was almost unavoidable. The Grayzone denied the March 2022 massacre by Russian soldiers in Bucha, Ukraine, and accused the Syrian aid group the White Helmets of war crimes that were actually committed by the Assad regime. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-27/ty-article-opinion/exposing-max-blumenthals-deceptive-claim-israel-is-responsible-for-most-october-7-victims/0000018c-102f-d65f-a7dd-f0ff7b550000 https://archive.ph/3UTdZ
  4. The story you referred to from the NYT was actually posted on here via the Times of Israel. When reading it from there I did not see any attempt to control it, in fact its summary was short summary & neutral. Run that by me again, where are the Jews trying to control Humanity? Which governments do the Jews control aside from Israel and what about the social media control by Jews. All great deflection to something I suppose.......
  5. The reported spit between Hamas leaders over the hostage deal: is it a ruse to get one over the Israelis or are there genuine differences between Sinwar, hiding in his Gazan bunker, and Haniyeh, living in a luxury Doha hotel? Fmr Shin Bet officer Amit Assa, @ShekDaniel discuss
  6. New York Times goes big on a story about how all of 80 unidentified, anonymous and therefore unverifiable employees of the United States government, which employs millions, supposedly signed a protest letter about Gaza along with 700+ from the EU
  7. Whys it a non starter, it is clear proof that these concerns have been around for a long time and not just Israel, read my post. Who writes the books makes no difference, its who delivers the teaching with them.
  8. Who are these usual suspects and which ones don't agree to a 2 state solution? What does being a Zionist have to do with it. Zionists can also want a 2 state solution.
  9. We can all go to Dem senators and Rep STATEMENT FROM SENATOR FETTERMAN ON ISRAEL WASHINGTON, DC – Pennsylvania U.S. Senator John Fetterman on Wednesday released the following statement: “Innocent Israelis were the victims of a terrorist attack that resulted in the largest loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust. Now we know that the tragedy at the Gaza hospital was not caused by Israel. I grieve for every innocent person and brave Israeli soldier killed since Hamas started this war. If not for the horrific attacks by Hamas terrorists, thousands of innocent Israelis and Palestinians would still be alive today. “Now is not the time to talk about a ceasefire. We must support Israel in their efforts to eliminate the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered innocent men, women, and children. Hamas does not want peace, they want to destroy Israel. We can talk about a ceasefire after Hamas is neutralized. https://www.fetterman.senate.gov/press-releases/statement-from-senator-fetterman-on-israel/
  10. Why? "We have to see the key Hamas leaders leave Gaza. Israel has permitted safe passage for terrorists in the past – and the people responsible for October 7 have to go. We have to see the instruments of terrorism still in Gaza being dismantled. In the carnage of the past 100-plus days of conflict, it often goes unreported that Hamas rocket attacks against Israel have continued. And Hamas still wants to launch terrorist atrocities again. It must be put beyond doubt that this cannot happen." You could always go to the topic on the British proposal. https://aseannow.com/topic/1318495-foreign-secretary-david-cameron-writes-on-how-to-solve-the-gaza-crisis
  11. I don't have a proposal, I never offered one up for scrutiny. Do you have one? If so go ahead and post.
  12. ? You are confused, many people pay tax in the UK, this topic however is not about that or a 1 year old twitter vid from Farage
  13. (See for example their rather farcical explanation of the actions of the troops who shot the 3 Israeli hostages or the killing of an American reporter in the West Bank in full view of foreign witnesses) The families of those mistakenly killed had different opinions and were very supportive of the IDF in the aftermath of that very sad incident. Only you could try to bring that up again.
  14. What is it that you fail to understand that I read your proposal and left my views, which have not changed. The same response. We are a million miles away. As far as I am away from Hamas terrorists.
  15. Oh that Chris Hedges who hosts a weekly interview show called 'On Contact,' on RT News, Russia's state funded and controlled propaganda machine.....lol The same Chris Hedges who has long been an entrenched critic of American military action anywhere......
  16. I'm neither ignorant nor trolling. I disagree, a proposal that keeps Hamas in place, does not release the last hostages until there is a 2 state solution and UN peacekeeping force in place with all IDF out of Gaza as well is about as ignorant, bias and Hamas apologist as is possible. Its a total farce. No discussion needed further. Its about the most ridiculous thing I've read. In fact quite disgusting to even suggest. Its a Hamas waving piece of ...........
  17. Its been a major issue not just for Israel for years: September 29, 2021 European Parliament demands changes in UNRWA’s Anti-Israel Curriculum, or lose EUR 20m
  18. Not debating, what made you think that. Showing you facts that you posted you wanted to find and waste your time with remember
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