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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Last night’s unprovoked and blatant breach of Pakistan’s sovereignty by Iran is a violation of international law and the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. This illegal act is completely unacceptable and has no justification whatsoever. Pakistan reserves the right to respond to this illegal act. The responsibility for the consequences will lie squarely with Iran. https://mofa.gov.pk/press-releases/statement-by-the-spokesperson-on-last-nights-violation-of-pakistans-sovereignty-by-iran
  2. What sort of disjointed attempt at deflection is that, UN resolutions have nothing to do with the Hamas ideologies which are what I pointed out. If those murdering terrorists listened to UN resolutions they would have already released all hostages with no preconditions, perhaps that's the UN resolutions you need to read. "the resolution also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages"
  3. Hamas does not accept a 2 state solution. Hamas does not recognize Israel. Facts.
  4. Just noticed that extra nonsense in your post, what makes you think it took Israel so long to bring this up, coming on these topics you really need to do a little more research. The agreed ceasefire conditions at the end of Nov with Israel and Hamas for the hostage/prisoner exchange also included a request from Israel for Hamas to allow access to the hostages from the red cross. Of course Hamas did nothing about this particular condition and as the world knows then went onto break the ceasefire agreement having not delivered the promised further female hostages. Including Noa who was forced to undertake two videos recently with the last one confirming the two male hostages were killed. Backing Israeli assertion, US signals Red Cross will visit remaining hostages in Gaza The Red Cross has repeatedly refused to confirm that it has been notified of this clause of the truce, but insists that it will visit the hostages if both parties agree that it should. Hamas has yet to publicly confirm having agreed to such visits, which Israel has repeatedly insisted is part of the deal. https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-signals-red-cross-will-visit-remaining-hostages-in-gaza-backing-israeli-assertion/ But I get it, you will jump on every opportunity you can to criticize Israel in this war against the terrorists.
  5. B.S Conspiracy theories. They <deleted> up and did not take warnings as seriously as they should. But deliberately allowed it to happen is total rubbish.
  6. Simple, they are supposed to be neutral in a situation like this so would be able to facilitate far better. The same reason why the hostage families asked them but got nowhere with their requests: Dec 5th Released Israeli hostages ask Red Cross to visit remaining captives JERUSALEM, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Eight released Israeli hostages wrote a letter to the International Committee of the Red Cross on Monday, asking the humanitarian organization to provide medical assistance and to visit their relatives still being held by Hamas in Gaza. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/released-israeli-hostages-ask-red-cross-visit-remaining-captives-2023-12-04/ Unfortunaltey being neutral was to much to hope for: CNN anchor Jake Tapper interviewed Dor Steinbrecher, the brother of hostage Doron Steinbrecher, a nurse and veterinarian from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, who told him that a Red Cross worker had dismissed a concern from their mother for needed medication, rebuking the family that they should be more concerned about Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/red-cross-worker-told-family-to-care-more-about-gaza-hostages-brother-says
  7. Not sure what that's got to do with the UN or Red Cross I mentioned.
  8. Why did the UN or Red Cross not do this before? How do we know it will reach the hostages.
  9. Really, a Gaza expert? Norman Finkelstein described himself as "an old-fashioned communist", in the sense that he "see[s] no value whatsoever in states."[23] He also thought he was a West Bank expert: Through personal accounts, he compares the plight of the Palestinians living under the Israeli occupation with the horrors of the Nazis.[6]. The book was unfavorably reviewed by Joost Hiltermann, who objected to Finkelstein's "abrasiveness, righteous anger, hyperbole, distortions and unwarranted generalizations", and to his generalizations about West Bank Palestinians: Finkelstein commits the error of assuming that he saw everything there was to see during his trips to the West Bank, and that what he saw represented reality. This leads to absurd observations. He claims, for example, that "many Palestinians are fluent in English" (p. 4), that "many" homes he visited were "equipped with the latest, wide-screen, color models" of television (p. 6), and that "women wore bikinis at the beach" (p. 18).[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Finkelstein
  10. Middle East Observer, funded by Qatar, another Al Jazeera wannabe. Piers must have got that data from the NYT and Washington Post. Its wrong and manipulated as they did not take into account the start of the Iraq war. Iraq war ran from 2003 - 2011. The claims and quote above is that "Israel has dropped almost 30,000 bombs and shells on Gaza in 100 days, eight times more than the US aimed at Irag in six years of war" Why begin in 2004? Because US dropped MORE bombs than Israel! So to push fake narrative one must misrepresent. WSJ is usually reliable & supportive of Israel's actions but here @jmalsin @SaeedShah write in “Ruined Landscape of Gaza” same misrepresentation later cited by Kristof. The truth about US bombing did not support thesis so Iraq war dates were fudged. Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched by US & allies on March 19, 2003 and initial invasion phase ran to May 1. If one seeks to compare US & Israel bombing numbers to draw conclusions one MUST begin with the start of each invasion. Anything else is grossly misleading. But if one looks at data hoping to show excessive Israeli bombing there’s a problem: US dropped 29,199 bombs on Iraq in first 4 weeks while Israel 29,000 in 8 weeks. So more concentrated bombing by US. The solution: Begin the US numbers in 2004, forget war started in 2003! Direct source data here published by US Airforce https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2003/uscentaf_oif_report_30apr2003.pdf Thank you to Honest Reporting for the twitter thread
  11. It came from Qatar, it was coming from Qatar monthly long before Netanyahu helped facilitate its cash transfer with Qatar. Of course this has been discussed numerous times weeks ago. Repetitive and irrelevant.
  12. Too many people here relying on Hamas figures for civilian deaths, since when did terrorists not lie through their teeth? Anyway back on topic, Thailand can blame Hamas again for not releasing more Thai hostages. Hamas broke the hostage/prisoner swap ceasefire deal last time after a week despite promising it would keep it going. There is talk that a new one may be in the offering soon, hopefully!! Meanwhile the US says it is hopeful that further talks could lead to the release of more hostages. The US Middle East envoy has been in Qatar to discuss the possibility of such a deal, White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said on Tuesday. The discussions were "very serious and intensive", he added . "We are hopeful it will bear fruit and bear fruit soon." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68000227
  13. What's that got to do with your claim, I am still waiting for you to provide a link to it.
  14. You claimed: That is plain misinformation and as usual you cant back up your claims: Targeting civilians is a war crime. But what if there are civilians in or near a legitimate military target? This is where something in the laws of war called "proportionality" comes into play. As in, the military advantage must be proportionate to the loss of civilian life. In such a case, the U.S. military uses what's called a "collateral damage estimate," or CDE, which determines how many civilians would be killed or wounded when a military target is hit, says Michel Paradis, a human rights lawyer who teaches at Columbia Law School. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/11/1212326333/proportionality-israel-gaza-war-war-crimes
  15. Wrong, that is just not true, its based on proportionality, stop with the misinformation.
  16. Prove it, prove the presence of civilians makes it a war crime with a credible link. Take into account the IHL (International Humanitarian Law) The Lawful Killing of Civilians Under International Humanitarian Law Remember your claim so we are clear: It's a war crime. The presence of civilians makes it a war crime regardless of whether the civilians remained there voluntarily or were held as human shields.
  17. Rule 28. Medical units exclusively assigned to medical purposes must be respected and protected in all circumstances. They lose their protection if they are being used, outside their humanitarian function, to commit acts harmful to the enemy. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule28 Just one example below, many others.............. Gaza hospital chief admits to being Hamas commander, using clinic as military base https://aseannow.com/topic/1314804-gaza-hospital-chief-admits-to-being-hamas-commander-using-clinic-as-military-base/
  18. Horrific details ignored by SA and apologists here but not by Israel in the ICJ case or at home. The Girls I Met in the Tunnels It was in the tunnels that I met other young women. Most of them were just a year or so older than my 17 years. Some still had bloody gunshot wounds that had been left untreated in makeshift bandages. One had a dismembered limb. I heard from them accounts of terrifying and grotesque sexual abuse, often at gunpoint. They told me that when they were sad and cried, their captors took advantage of their helplessness even more, stroking and caressing them, and then shoving and grabbing intimate parts of their bodies. They were treated like playthings. https://www.thefp.com/p/the-girls-i-met-in-the-tunnels
  19. IDF reveals another ‘strategic’ Hamas tunnel under Gaza’s main north-south highway Troops of the 646th Reserve Paratroopers Brigade, elite Yahalom combat engineering unit and other combat engineers discovered and destroyed what the IDF says is a “strategic” Hamas tunnel, located under Salah a-Din road. The tunnel, which is hundreds of meters long and around nine meters deep, crosses Wadi Gaza, also known as Besor Stream, the IDF says. The IDF says the tunnel was used by Hamas gunmen to travel between north and south Gaza undetected. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-reveals-another-strategic-hamas-tunnel-under-gazas-main-north-south-highway/
  20. Biden admin to relist Houthis as specially designated global terrorists – source The Biden administration was expected to announce plans to relist Houthi rebels as specially designated global terrorists, a US official tells Reuters. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/biden-admin-to-relist-houthis-as-specially-designated-global-terrorists-source/
  21. End the Gaza conflict and the Houthi problem ends. Great, then tell your buddies, I can only assume they're buddies of yours as I've never seen you criticize them, to get the hell out of their tunnels, stop hiding like cowards behind the civilians in Gaza, hand over the hostages and give themselves up. I presume you agree with that yes?
  22. No other agency that I can find, no reporters, no NGOs agree with this statement Wrong again, like I have repeated numerous times but you fail to acknowledge, the UN have themselves stated this, here is just one example. This was when Hamas broke the previous week long ceasefire. The WFP lamented the loss of progress made in humanitarian aid work during the seven-day-long ceasefire that ended on Friday. “In that time, we were able to double the number of distribution points outside shelters and deliver food in places that had been impossible to reach, including in some northern areas. WFP reached approximately 250,000 people in just one week,” its statement said. “Tragically, this desperately needed progress is now being lost. The renewed fighting makes the distribution of aid almost impossible and endangers the lives of humanitarian workers. https://thewire.in/world/renewed-fighting-in-gaza-worsen-catastrophic-hunger-crisis-un-wfp
  23. Thats not what the IDF said, thats the article.....come on placeholder, lets have some honesty here
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