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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. No I read your posts and will respond as I see fit, however you were the one who responded to my post today and started this string. You can now make this the end of the matter or drag it on, up to you..........
  2. You said good for me. It was not. Who is trolling?
  3. No it was sick that's why it was deleted
  4. I don't take any notice of your perverted opinions and what you say, I've read your deleted posts
  5. Told you not going to waste my time with someone who's done no prior research and then has the front to say researching one tweet was enough. If you wasn't more ammo read the topic from the beginning where you should have started in the first place time waster
  6. Grow up, running from who.............................
  7. The act took place before the war was declared....................jeez Chef get a grip
  8. What happened on the 7th was not a war, it was a terrorist act. It was rape, murder and kidnap: "Hamas fighters mutilate a woman while raping her, and said that one of her attackers then shot her in the head as he continued to rape her. Israel’s police commissioner Yaacov Shabtai told the BBC after the briefing that this was not a one-off testimony." "You heard how they cut part of the body between one rape and another,” The above was not war ^^^^ Pathetic excuses and victim blaming for those that suffered like this
  9. So no basic research on the topic and you want a debate. Waste of time and effort when all the evidence is already posted and yet you claim not to be able to see any of it. Can I suggest you sort out your malware blocker if you want any more debate with me because I'm not here to describe tweets and let you then find the evidence before you get back to me. Bye
  10. Oh please it was victim blaming at its finest and most disgusting. This was nothing to do with war, this was a horrendous terrorist act and a hellish torture of mutilation, rape and being shot in the head while at the same time being raped.
  11. Exactly the rights afforded cease via article 13. Israel are perfectly within their right to conduct this search.
  12. So you avoided completely the very simple question I posed and instead asked me a bizarre question on whether anyone else has made such claims. Perhaps better to start and the beginning of this topic and see the numerous other similar claims and arrests as a consequence by the Met police. This topic did not start at the point you joined, all this has been discussed already perhaps start by some basic research.
  13. Send me a credible link to where it has been debunked, this means a credible source, not someone's dodgy opinion. Specifically debunking it.
  14. My question was did you think it was correct what they were doing? You said you saw the video? Do you think they should have been doing that on remembrance day when there are another 364 days to have chosen? What about the second clip?
  15. It’s also worth noting that the poster than uploaded the harmless looking video along with his own rhetoric, sports an Israeli flag alongside his username. What's that got to do with it? ^^^^ Twitter is reliable enough for the UK Met police to search, identify and arrest those responsible for hate crimes as above and as quoted by the Met in a link I posted much earlier in this topic that you've missed
  16. No problem, you now have this collection of untrusted sources: Israel IDF US BBC Noted, please keep that in mind for future debates
  17. The text is quoted from the vid, stop the inflammatory accusations of me spreading hate. Is this also spreading hate: Muslim protester at the London “Million Man March” shares his view on pogroms and organized violence on Jewish people. "Hitler knew how to deal with these people."
  18. I gave you the US as source...........lol Do you mean you want a link to my claim? If so....................... Israel-Gaza war: US says Hamas has command centre under Al-Shifa hospital https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67414091
  19. "Palestinian and Hamas supporters in UK desecrating shrines and war memorials of british heroes and fallen. They don't respect countries where they are guests. And this proves again they aren't just against Israel!"
  20. Rubbish, here is the topic, do you think this is correct.....................
  21. LOL......that is not the topic "The Met Police WON'T ban Poppy Day pro-Palestine rally"
  22. You made a claim I do not debate on this topic, wrong. If you want me to debate with you on this topic go ahead, start it off, I'm waiting...........................
  23. You ask them, not me, you said you wouldn't believe anything coming out of Israel or IDF well I gave you another source, I'm not going to debate how the US gathers its intelligence as I have no frigging clue....lol
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