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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Back on topic after the trolls have disrupted the thread yet again. How many warnings does Israel have to give before they get the message? Israeli forces reissue call for civilians in Gaza to move south Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari has issued an "urgent plea" to the citizens of northern Gaza and Gaza city to move south "immediately". He adds that Hamas puts their lives in danger by placing weapons in civilian areas, and that Israel will not forget the group's brutal 7 October attacks. "Your window to act is closing," Hagari warns. "Move south for your own safety."
  2. Yes read that and saw the video presentation as well. Its posted a few pages back
  3. Correct: "Targeting hospitals is specifically outlawed under the first Geneva Convention. But even the protection of hospitals is not absolute. If hospitals are “used to commit … acts harmful to the enemy,” then attacks on them may be permitted so long as they follow the rules of proportionality and precaution. "
  4. Keep um coming apologist, I'll remind you of them all later
  5. *bookmarked* into the terrorist supporters folder
  6. Put "WW111" into the search function of this forum and look at all the hits all from you, even in the China topics let alone the Ukraine ones.....lol
  7. Check your post history. You can't remember? WW111
  8. Yea yea. Same same as what you said about Russia Ukraine
  9. UK foreign secretary says calls for ceasefire 'aren't going to help the situation' UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly says that calls for a ceasefire “aren’t going to help the situation”. "Of course we want to see Israel safe, peaceful and secure,” he says in an interview, but there is no indication from Hamas that they would accept or abide by a ceasefire.
  10. Not sure about that.....................old chum Book Calls Jewish People an ‘Invention’ Professor Sand, a scholar of modern France, not Jewish history, candidly states his aim is to undercut the Jews’ claims to the land of Israel by demonstrating that they do not constitute “a people,” with a shared racial or biological past. The book has been extravagantly denounced and praised, often on the basis of whether or not the reader agrees with his politics. Since Professor Sand’s mission is to discredit Jews’ historical claims to the territory, he is keen to show that their ancestry lines do not lead back to ancient Palestine. Professor Sand accuses Zionist historians from the 19th century onward — the very same scholars on whose work he bases his case — of hiding the truth and creating a myth of shared roots to strengthen their nationalist agenda. He explains that he has uncovered no new information, but has “organized the knowledge differently.” In other words, he is doing precisely what he accuses the Zionists of — shaping the material to fit a narrative. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/24/books/24jews.html
  11. He's been outed so many times it's pointless engaging in a debate with him.
  12. Why would I agree with that rubbish claim that the IDF are state sponsored murderers. So as before trolling for amusement.
  13. I don't lock step agreement with every issue, but you provided the links
  14. So confirmation that they don't share your views that the IDF are terrorist's, thanks
  15. useless misinformation from a chef who spends most of his time trolling for amusement on a serious topic
  16. There you go again, Hamas apologist accusing the IDF of being terrorists.
  17. Its not too hard to understand that accusing the IDF of being terrorists is an explicit disregard for the real terrorist acts carried out by Hamas. On anther note, did the IDF kidnap also over 200 babies, children, young people and the elderly?
  18. If you have time you could listen to what the IDF does to minimize civilian casualties, its on a podcast and with an IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus. How the IDF follows the laws of war and takes additional precautions to safeguard civilians. I've not listened to it all, just from 15 mins onwards where they discuss in more detail the actual assessments and warning given. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/the-idf-approach-to-protecting-civilians-in-urban-warfare/
  19. Proof of the pudding and your continued denial to your obvious apologist rhetoric
  20. No, that's just a trolling deflection. Here's just a couple of examples of your apologist rhetoric that makes listening to your opinions worthless to me. It seems Israel has forgotten a very important lesson: Fancy behaving so atrociously that large swathes of the world sees you as Hamas’s equal in depravity, criminality and inhumanity. Murder is what Hamas did. Murder is what the IDF is doing The more you compare the atrocities carried out by Hamas as being the same as Israel the more you expose yourself for what you really are.
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