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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. It wasn't supposed to be nice, facts hurt sometimes and will continue to hurt you until you crawl out of your little hole and get some education
  2. Thank you, I couldn't be bothered stating the obvious to a troll. He thinks those that raped, murdered, beheaded and burnt babies, kidnapped hundreds in a day long massacre should remain to do the same thing again. Unless they are eliminated be that by military means or captured and sent to prison they will always be a danger to the innocent civilians of Israel.
  3. Elimination is the only answer. The unemployment rate in Gaza is 47% and more than 80% of its population lives in poverty, according to the United Nations, Hamas, however, has funded an armed force of thousands equipped with rockets and drones and built a vast web of tunnels under Gaza, estimates of its annual military budget range from $100 million to $350 million, according to Israeli and Palestinian sources. As the U.S. House and Senate will be asking in separate hearings Wednesday and Thursday, where does all that cash come from? Since coming to power in the Gaza Strip 17 years ago, Hamas has filled its coffers with hundreds of millions in international aid, overt and covert injections of cash from Iran and other ideological partners, as well as cryptocurrency, taxes, extortion and smuggling, according to current and former U.S. officials and regional experts. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-plagued-poverty-hamas-no-shortage-cash-come-rcna121099
  4. All of it. Until you provide credible links to back up all that nonsense that you spew, you will remain an uneducated dangerous purveyor of medical misinformation. If you want to keep responding to my posts expect the same as my previous replies. Your choice.
  5. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, said in an interview with Al Jazeera television last year that his group had received $70 million in military help from Iran. "We have rockets that are locally manufactured but the long-range rockets came from abroad, from Iran, Syria and others through Egypt," he added. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/how-hamas-secretly-built-mini-army-fight-israel-2023-10-13/
  6. Iranian Foreign Minister making an announcement that he's willing to act to help free the hostages. However he does not call them hostages, he calls them prisoners and also says that 6,000 Palestine prisoners will need to also be released..lol These are the Hamas terrorists puppet masters https://twitter.com/GLNoronha/status/1717678226812670116
  7. I'm always honest. What makes you a troll? Read your post history
  8. Thanks for the fact check, they have not been supplied with US weapons, they may well have bought some via black market or by capturing weapons the U.S. sent to Israel when they attack and manage to return to Gaza. Do you see the difference with what Iran is doing, financing supplying, arming and training militias to attack US interests?
  9. Great, your now a self confessed troll. Thanks for the clarification.
  10. Hamas is apparently using US equipment Evidence to that? Do you see the difference between financing supply, arming and training militias to attack US interests?
  11. You've got the order of incidents the wrong way round: The US was acting in self defense after having suffered a series of Iran backed drone and missile attacks that injured 21 US soldiers and killed a civilian contractor.
  12. No you stated you whole heartedly agree with his post, ie that aside from A&E hospitals would be empty. You then added cancer and chronic disease with no link obviously because its totally false. Good nutrition can certainly help but cannot stop it. As your link above confirms: A chronic illness is a long-term health condition that may not have a cure. Examples of chronic illnesses are: Alzheimer disease and dementia Arthritis Asthma Cancer COPD Crohn disease Cystic fibrosis Diabetes Endometriosis Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Heart disease High blood pressure (hypertension) HIV/AIDS Migraine Mood disorders (bipolar, cyclothymic, and depression) Multiple sclerosis Narcolepsy Parkinson disease
  13. That's all you've got to defend your dishonesty. A spelling mistake. Pathetic
  14. Can you provide a link to evidence for that via a peer reviewed study? Not a food nutritionist. We are looking for facts here remember? Can you also provide a link to how these following diseases would not be around? 1. Polio 2. Tetanus 3. Flu (Influenza) 4. Hepatitis B 5. Hepatitis A 6. Rubella 7. Hib 8. Measles 9. Whooping Cough 10. Pneumococcal Disease
  15. No, the head of a vaccine development company does not need to be a medical doctor but he will have plenty of expert medical opinions that assist him daily.
  16. So if you agree full heartedly why would only the A&E would see people. The rest of the building would be empty?
  17. Why is it so hard to be honest? Ask yourself this very question and re read your posts. Your dishonesty is in black and while, why?
  18. Lacking comprehension skills or just being dishonest again?
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