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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Russia has always sided with Hamas, no change going on there: This from last year: The reasons and goals behind relations between Hamas and Russia
  2. You can say it till your blue in the face but you provide nothing to demonstrate it.
  3. You keep making claims but never show evidence Western leaders are showing unified support for Israel in its war against Hamas https://www.npr.org/2023/10/19/1207028384/western-leaders-are-showing-unified-support-for-israel-in-its-war-against-hamas
  4. That's not a new provision, its always been there.
  5. The government sentiments I'm seeing over the west have not changed and have in fact clearly doubled down their support for Israel, albeit with the added provision to keep within humanitarian laws.
  6. Hamas has over reached itself, it buying time now, that's why it released 2 hostages.
  7. Nope.....555. Reading what apologists write is interesting, gives a perspective of those who deflect the atrocities carried out on the 7th Oct
  8. Your sounding more and more like a Hamas apologist snowflake to me, why on earth would I care if you put me on ignore
  9. I'm reading your posts, quite simple.
  10. I'd rather they left harms way, but that's just me, Hamas would probably agree with you.
  11. Couldn't bring yourself to not add the disqualifier "if true"
  12. A reminder of what these barbarians did to some of their innocent victims. They were not given the opportunity to evacuate and get out of harms way as the IDF is doing to the civilians in Gaza. ‘But what these barbarians did to these people is beyond words. ‘There is evidence of mass rape of so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children. EXCLUSIVE: Israeli morgue worker says horrors inflicted on Hamas's victims are 'worse than the Holocaust' including decapitated pregnant woman and her beheaded unborn child https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12653435/Israeli-morgue-worker-says-horrors-inflicted-Hamass-victims-worse-Holocaust-including-decapitated-pregnant-woman-beheaded-unborn-child.html
  13. No that's why I answered your post with this......555
  14. The poster was talking about IDF finishing off Hamas not killing thousands of innocents. Comprehension a problem for you?
  15. Your question: One question one answer, No
  16. Interesting video capturing some of the 550 failed rocket launches that Hamas unleashes on Israel only to land back in Gaza Tel Aviv: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Saturday said that one-fifth of the rockets fired by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have misfired in the last 24 hours, landing inside Gaza and killing civilians, The Jerusalem Post reported. IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said this amounts to more than 550 rockets. "They are killing their own people," he said. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/israel-hamas-war-idf-says-one-fifth-rockets-fired-by-hamas-palestinian-islamic-jihad-misfired-24-hours-4503341
  17. Go away with your lame deflection on your nonsense post to me.....🍴
  18. You say you don't support Hamas, my question to you is, why then when this poster stated they should be finished off dead or alive did you post a sick emoji? Surely a terrorist group such as Hamas which have carried out atrocities every bit as bad as ISIS should be totally eliminated. Nothing sickening about that.
  19. Ah so can't resist the urge then gets upset because they had the audacity to respond to one of their posts...555
  20. Weird how you know they reply if you have them on ignore and even weirder you should feel the need to mention it.
  21. Sunak saying what should be said, supporting who should be supported unlike the Scottish minister <deleted>. https://twitter.com/RishiSunak/status/1715007906343489640
  22. Did you also note that Iran was not on the list? They are Hamas's puppet masters and key decision makers as to how this plays out. The meeting is taking place now in Cairo with them trying to set out a road map with no key decision makers there.
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