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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You really need to read my post again and stop the false accusations and strawman fallacies. Regards your latest opinion of my logic, well yours is there for all to see.
  2. You've made your position clear i.e. you find it perfectly acceptable to use bigoted, insulting terms against religions that you do not like, in this case Evangelical Christians. I'm a Christian....lol Where is it reported that he was an Evangelical Christian? He was a freak who murdered and had no idea of the meaning of real Christianity or the Evangelical faction. As for calling me a bigot.....lol You need to do some reading, posted plenty already here's some more instead of making unsubstantiated claims. Terror on the Beach and The Love-Thrill Murders all featured acid-befuddled commune-dwellers on killing sprees: sometimes they were satanists, sometimes they were Jesus freaks, but there was always a Manson-like figure guiding the murderous action. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/nov/20/charles-manson-pop-culture-dark-obsession-guns-n-roses-mad-men
  3. What we do know at this time is that she didn't even leave her property, she was still inside the doorway with her phone in hand when he shot her.
  4. More strawman. Who used the N word? Charles Manson was another Jesus freak who then turned nazi and Satanist. Only this one in the topic actually committed cold blooded murder.
  5. There isn't, Its used all the time, plenty of examples around: A Local Preacher and a Jailhouse Jesus Freak Brought Me to Faith in Prison Jesus Freaks: A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge Jesus Freaks: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus, the Ultimate Jesus Freaks
  6. India beats Putin in race to moon’s south pole "India is now on the moon," declared India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi via videolink from a summit of global leaders in South Africa. The landing follows Russia's dramatic failure to make it there first earlier this week as its Luna-25 probe, launched suddenly this month in an attempt to beat India, crash-landed on Sunday. https://www.politico.eu/article/india-modi-beats-putin-race-moon-south-pole-chandrayaan-mission/
  7. Finally, I wondered why it was taking so long even after complaints................ X took two days to suspend account of suspect in Pride flag killing X has suspended an account that posted numerous anti-gay and antisemitic posts and was used by the man accused of killing store owner Lauri Carleton over her display of a Pride Flag. But the account had remained live two days after law enforcement publicly confirmed its existence on the platform formerly known as Twitter. The social media company finally suspended the account Wednesday evening. Alejandra Caraballo with the Cyberlaw Clinic at Harvard Law School posted on X Wednesday that she reported the account’s content, but received a reply from the company indicating: “After reviewing the available information, we want to let you know [the account] hasn’t broken our safety policies.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/23/tech/x-account-pride-flag-killing-suspect/index.html
  8. Wagner Soldiers Send Chilling Warning After Reports of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Death Wagner soldiers reportedly in Belarus have responded to reports of their leader Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death in a plane crash over Russia with a grim warning: “There’s a lot of talk right now about what the Wagner Group will do. We can tell you one thing. We are getting started, get ready for us,” the soldiers said in a translated video. https://www.thedailybeast.com/wagner-soldiers-send-chilling-warning-after-yevgeny-prigozhin-death-reports
  9. Just Tucker trying to stay in the news and sow new conspiracy theories.
  10. Indeed, Luntz adopted the phrase "climate change" because the Republican party was losing the battle to win votes on environmental issues. So instead they changed tact to deliberately become skeptical and create mistrust on the available science. A leaked memo detailed the plan. From the article. "The scientific debate is closing [against us] but not yet closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the science," Mr Luntz writes in the memo, obtained by the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based campaigning organisation. The phrase "global warming" should be abandoned in favour of "climate change", Mr Luntz says, and the party should describe its policies as "conservationist" instead of "environmentalist", because "most people" think environmentalists are "extremists" who indulge in "some pretty bizarre behaviour... that turns off many voters". Words such as "common sense" should be used, with pro-business arguments avoided wherever possible. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2003/mar/04/usnews.climatechange
  11. Actually global weather is changing not just local, which recent reports of record low temperatures are you referring to? If you come up with those links do you think it could be as a result of warming temperatures disrupting the polar vortex?
  12. A collection of Trump's mugs................ More to come, including the big man
  13. Great news, one more wanted war criminal meets his fate and according to some reports it was due to Russian air defense missiles. A post by Grey Zone, a Wagner-connected social media channel, claimed Russian anti-aircraft defences had shot down the plane. It said that residents heard “two bursts of characteristic air defence fire” before the crash. “This is confirmed by inversion traces in the sky in one of the videos,” it added. Mash, a news outlet on social media app Telegram, said locals had heard two loud bangs before the crash. https://www.ft.com/content/812c9da3-80f2-4fe1-8fad-0b4441d1977a https://archive.ph/31e8g
  14. Also from the above: Carleton was holding a phone when she was shot and never exited her store, according to the acquaintance.
  15. When was his last vacation at Delaware? When he was asked the question about the Hawaii fires while he was riding his bike to his house from the beach at Delaware, that was on the Sunday, he was back at the Whitehouse the following day on Monday. So a weekend away is a vacation?
  16. No its doesn't work for everyone, Africa is huge and millions live off live grid in rural areas, solar is the way. Solar power is the only answer to light up rural Africa
  17. This is about long term planning, from your first link where you had the heading, "Unfortunately your energy bills will be unaffordable." It also states this: Is Renewable Energy Cheaper in the Long-run? New research shows that, in the long-run, renewable energy is more cost effective than non-renewable energy. Company Lazard considered costs over the lifespan of energy projects and found wind and utility-scale solar can be the least expensive energy generating sources. As of 2017, the cost (before tax credits that would further drop the costs) of wind power was $30-60 per megawatt-hour (a measure of energy). Large-scale solar costs are $43-53/MWh. For comparison: energy from the most efficient type of natural gas plants costs $42-78/MWh. Coal power costs at least $60/MWh. Its already in motion anyway. South Africa's agreed plan: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is in line with the government’s goal to transition South Africa toward a low-carbon, resilient economy and society by 2050, as outlined in the Just Transition Framework for South Africa, championed by the Presidential Climate Change Commission (PCC) and endorsed by the cabinet in August 2022. In addition, according to the IRP 2019, by 2030, South Africa plans to retire 12 GW of coal plants and add 18 GW of new wind and solar PV to meet energy needs. While the framework is relevant across all of South Africa’s policy development, it should play a critical role in guiding the implementation of the historic Just Energy Transition Partnership (JET-P) that was announced at COP26 in November 2021, in which five developed countries (France, Germany, the U.K., the U.S. and the E.U.) agreed to channel $8.5 billon to support a just and equitable transition in South Africa.
  18. Naa, she was not a legend or icon to me, maybe to her friends though
  19. May be it happens that's why I said they would deserve real sympathy.
  20. Read the article, I watched about 2 mins the video, that was enough for me, not the type of humour I like and no I didn't know about her, never heard of her before, what's that got to do with my post you just responded to.
  21. Where do you think developing countries get their funds from? The World Bank. Factsheet: Eskom Just Energy Transition Project in South Africa The Eskom Just Energy Transition Project (EJETP) is a $497 million project approved by the World Bank Group in November 2022 at the request of the Government of South Africa. It will support its public energy utility, Eskom, to decommission the 56-year-old Komati coal-fired power plant, repurpose the project area with renewable energy and batteries, and create opportunities for workers and communities. If successful, the project could provide a blueprint for a just energy transition in South Africa and beyond. And also those countries that stop providing for coal plants they instead provide for renewables. "By bringing together richer donor countries with poorer nations that receive international financial support, the COP26 deal aims to build a consensus among nations to stop backing polluting projects and instead support clean energy both to curb emissions and to avoid building stranded assets."
  22. For those unknown to us and who didn't affect our lives I agree entirely. Its just plain respect. This seems a bit odd. an 80 year old who died of malnutrition had no family support or community concern. I would say they deserve real sympathy and disgust along with RIP
  23. I never asked you to but I certainly feel for his/her friends and family as I would for any 35 year old who died, its far too young.
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