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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Hate speech is never acceptable. Or are you also ok with calling for murder contracts online or bragging about your terrorist exploits and atrocities. Do you really want free speech?
  2. Over 6 millions Jews murdered can never be over rated
  3. This is not a law try reading the OP before you make ridiculous off topic statements
  4. No it is anti-semitism Video shows man making antisemitic comments and spitting on Jewish man in Manhattan https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/antisemitism-jewish-man-spit-on-in-manhattan-nypd/
  5. You did not give your opinion and why? Typical avoidance, same thing you do with having so many members on ignore. Times of Israel. No money from terrorist supporters. No employment of terrorists or previous contributors who held hostages. Independent, no particular political leanings. Critical of Israeli politics on many issues. High credibility rating on https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/times-of-israel/ Your turn for Al Jaz..................... Here I will start you off with a few. Al Jazeera’s Terrorist Ties and the Controversy Over Its Operations Al Jazeera journalist reportedly moonlights as Hamas commander claims IDF Israeli Forces Rescue Hostages, Held By Al Jazeera & Palestine Chronicle Journalist Exposing What Others Prefer to Hide The Dismal State of Hamas Propoganda by Media
  6. Oh gosh, hilareous for you. Before tripping over laughing you should have taken a step back to see what that tells you about the other topic poll your referring to 😴
  7. State Of Palestine pushing their unverified Hamas figures, eagerly spread by yourself. 😒 https://x.com/IsraelinUSA/status/1806074959661277439
  8. All you are doing is admitting that by sticking to one source only you are being manipulated into one view only. In this case Al Jaz funded by Qatar and Hamas connections. Talk about head buried in sand.
  9. Doctors Without Borders denies IDF accusation that slain employee was a terror operative The medical charity Doctors Without Borders says it has no indication that one of its employees, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, was a terror operative as claimed by the Israel Defense Forces. Israel said yesterday that it killed Fadi al-Wadiya, who it said was a “significant operative” in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group. It said Al-Wadiya was involved in the group’s rocket arsenal, as well as in its electronics and chemistry know-how. Doctors Without Borders, known by its French name Médecins Sans Frontières, says Israel has not provided evidence about its claim. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/doctors-without-borders-denies-idf-accusation-that-slain-employee-was-a-terror-operative/ Well this is awkward.................. https://x.com/HenMazzig/status/1806047584135356536 https://x.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1806050662666686933
  10. The messenger is not important to me, the heart breaking documentary is. Seen it before, no need to watch again though. Very emotional and traumatic. Hamas and its buddies who carried out these atrocities are animals.
  11. From Iuliia Mendel, ex spokesperson to @ZelenskyyUa 80% of Ukrainians believe in Ukraine's victory in the war, 12% do not. 38% believe that it will come in 1-2 years, 15% - that it will take 3 to 5 years, 5% - more than 5 years, 1% - that the victory will happen "unlikely in my lifetime". Also confirmed here: Some 80% of respondents believe in Ukraine's victory in the war against Russia, while 12% do not. These are the findings of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center's sociological service from June 6 to 12, 2024. Additionally, compared to January 2024, there are somewhat more Ukrainians who believe that victory will come by the end of this year (from 20% to 24%). According to the survey, 38% of respondents believe that victory will come in one to two years, 15% think it will take three to five years, 5% believe it will take more than five years, and 1% responded that victory is "unlikely in my lifetime."
  12. Ah the conspiracy theories are all lined up from you. I wont bother to ask for a link to that B.S. I know there's not any.
  13. From the meeting in Washington Yesterday. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III I underscored the high priority of securing the safe release of all hostages held captive by Hamas, including American citizens, and commended Minister Gallant for Israel's support for the comprehensive ceasefire and hostage proposal that it has offered, which President Biden outlined and the United Nations Security Council endorsed. https://x.com/SecDef/status/1805728714820329854
  14. Since when did freedom fighters carry out massacres, torture, rapes, take hostages including babies and taunt families of hostages with sickening videos of their loved ones in tunnels?
  15. Why would you argue against what the father of this 12 year old rape victim is saying? I take on board what he is saying. Not you.
  16. If the dad had his way I am sure he would do it to them. “We want justice done,” the father added. “This incident is a sign of a collective social failure in the fight against antisemitism and extreme violence.” Meanwhile, French prosecutors charged a 19-year-old man and a minor in the Paris region with plotting a terrorist attack on Jewish targets, Agence France-Presse reported on Friday. The man was charged with “terrorist conspiracy” to commit attacks and the “acquisition and possession of arms for a terrorist enterprise,” according to the report. https://www.jns.org/parents-of-paris-antisemitic-gang-rape-victim-speak-out/
  17. From a couple of other links: On X, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal expressed “horror and outrage at this monstrous and despicable act” and affirmed a “determination to fight, unceasingly, without counting the cost, against antisemitism.” In a press conference on Thursday, Attal said, “We’ve seen a form of unbridled antisemitism develop and break free. And I think that political leaders and political parties have a responsibility to put up barriers, to prevent a certain amount of rhetoric from becoming commonplace.” https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/boys-accused-raping-12-year-old-jewish-girl-antisemitism-france-rcna157996 Yet the issues here run deeper than the statements of politicians in France and, indeed, other countries. Antisemitic violence has always exposed the particular vulnerability of Jewish women trapped in these hellish situations. Jewish women were raped and sexually humiliated during the 19th and 20th century pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe, as they were during the Nazi era, too. More recently, the abiding memory of Oct. 7 consists of the rapes of young women by Hamas terrorists, many of them at the Nova dance music festival, where more than 350 revelers were murdered. Meanwhile, other young women were carried off into Gaza by their Hamas captors. The testimonies of those who have been released leave no doubt that sexual violence was part of their experience as hostages. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/op_eds/2024/06/21/a-rape-in-paris/ The girl will of course be in severe trauma from this, emotionally she my never recover fully but I am hoping all the best therapeutic care can be provided along of course with her parents/family love and care to help heal her. To the boys, I would like to see what their parents are like to bring up animals like this.
  18. You claimed the report referred only to Northern Gaza, you were wrong and now deflection.
  19. What are you talking about, there are two reports, from the OP. "Despite these revelations, the truth about the situation in Gaza has not been widely reported. Seth Mandel, writing in Commentary, highlighted the findings of the U.N. report and other analyses that debunk the famine claims. Similarly, Seth Frantzman in The Jerusalem Post cited the work of two Columbia University professors who analyzed the data and refuted the idea that Israel is starving Palestinians. These studies show that food is indeed flowing into Gaza. While there are undoubtedly food distribution problems in Gaza due to the ongoing military conflict initiated by Hamas on October 7, these issues are not caused by a shortage of food. The quantity of supplies being shipped into Gaza from Israel is sufficient to feed its population." UN report: In particular, the FRC highlights several issues contributing to a high level of uncertainty regarding food availability in the Governorates of Gaza and North Gaza in April 2024. FRC concerns over the availability and access analysis provided by FEWS NET include: The FEWS NET food availability analysis excludes the contribution of commercial and/or privately contracted deliveries, potentially between 1,820 with metric tons (MT) of food (low estimate) and 3,850 MT of food (high estimate) in the month of March and about 2,405 MT of food (low estimate) and 4,004 MT of food (high estimate) in the month of April 2024. While the intervals are extremely wide, indicative of a high level of uncertainty, this corresponds to the potential exclusion of about 25-76% coverage of >...........more follows in report Are you sure you read the report? Because its not just about Northern Gaza, only the famine section is. What part of my post do you not get?
  20. Who is saying Palestinians are terrorists? Are Hamas terrorists?
  21. More good news!! European Court Rules Russia Guilty Of Human Rights Abuses In Ukraine The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that Russia committed human rights violations in the Crimean Peninsula since its annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula in 2014. The Strasbourg-based court said in a ruling on June 25 that atrocities committed by Russia include harassment and intimidation of priests and journalists. Moscow has denied the claims in the case, which was brought to the court by Ukraine. It also concerns allegations by Kyiv that Russia has used a pattern of persecution of Ukrainians for their political stance or pro-Ukrainian activities, whether they occurred in Crimea or other parts of Ukraine or in Russia. https://www.rferl.org/a/european-rights-court-rules-russia-guilty-multiple-abuses-in-ukraine/33008390.html Direct link https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/#{"documentcollectionid2":["GRANDCHAMBER","CHAMBER"],"itemid":["001-234982"]}
  22. Excellent news! No paywall link is here: https://archive.ph/TciYY In a press release, the court said judges had found there were "reasonable grounds to believe that the two suspects bear responsibility for missile strikes carried out by the Russian armed forces against the Ukrainian electric infrastructure from at least 10 October 2022 until at least 9 March 2023". The Russian officials were suspected of having committed war crimes and crimes against humanity for directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects in Ukraine.
  23. The evil of the double tap strikes by Russia. No wonder back in 2022 the European Parliament adopted a resolution that they recognise Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state that “uses means of terrorism”. On Wednesday, Parliament adopted a resolution on the latest developments in Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. MEPs highlight that the deliberate attacks and atrocities committed by Russian forces and their proxies against civilians in Ukraine, the destruction of civilian infrastructure and other serious violations of international and humanitarian law amount to acts of terror and constitute war crimes. In light of this, they recognise Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state that “uses means of terrorism”. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20221118IPR55707/european-parliament-declares-russia-to-be-a-state-sponsor-of-terrorism POKROVSK, Donetsk region, Ukraine, June 24 (Reuters) - A Russian double-tap missile attack killed at least five people and wounded 41 others, including four children, in the eastern Ukrainian town of Pokrovsk on Monday, regional officials said. "This is one of the largest enemy attacks on civilians recently," regional governor Vadym Filashkin said on Telegram. Girls aged 9, 11, and 13, and a 12-year-old boy were injured, he added. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-missiles-kill-four-wound-34-eastern-town-pokrovsk-ukraine-says-2024-06-24/ https://archive.ph/3ugRl
  24. Reminder that Hamas is holding a baby and toddler hostage. We will not rest until Kfir, Ariel and all of the hostages are home. https://x.com/Israel/status/1804770983670116437
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