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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I mean this: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." If you cant understand that then I cannot help you further
  2. What I mean is a credible link, stop telling me what I mean.
  3. Together with your last post and its personal insults we now have dishonesty. I have not refused to engage with those words, I specifically referred to how that question was answered in a post above. 39% replied it was not from school or from an adult at school. Do you know all the other questions asked yet so you can get your evidence on the claims you made?
  4. yawn....from the article "To answer this and other related questions, we commissioned a study on a nationally representative sample of 1,505 18- to 20-year-old Americans—a demographic that has yet to graduate from, or only recently graduated from, high school" Living in Oppositeworld much No but we have obviously reached the personal insults stage from you
  5. So why did you write "They are assuming they've been to school, yes correct......lol" Because most adults have been to school......why did you think I laughed....lol. Very different from your claim: "You defended the use of the questions specifically citing schools on the grounds that the people being asked were students" Still waiting for a list to all the questions from the study to back up your claims!
  6. Netherlands completes export license for 24 F-16s, jets to reach Ukraine 'soon.' The Dutch defense minister did not disclose the exact date or other delivery details, citing "operational security" concerns. https://kyivindependent.com/netherlands-completes-export-license-for-24-f-16s-jets-to-reach-ukraine-soon/
  7. 1. Quote me where I defended the use of them being asked questions because they were students? 2. If they were such good leading questions why when asked where they heard about the concepts did 39% reply it was not from school or from an adult at school? 3. Why were those who had replied to the negative then put in a sub set for seperate questions? 1. Those who didn’t report being taught any of the five CRT-related concepts serve as the reference group for tests of statistical significance. 2. The “Have not been taught” group serves as the reference category for tests of statistical significance. Or you could just get a list of their questions to back up your claims which are that the study is based on leading questions
  8. Just because someone has been to school, that doesn't mean school is their only, or even, their chief source of information. Deflection, nobody claimed it did and again you are speculating without even knowing the rest of the questions or reading the report study. Like I said at the beginning come back to me when you have the evidence, ie the questions. Not your opinions.
  9. "Thinking about the school you attended..." that's not part of a leading question? Explicitly directing attention to a possible source does not make a question leading? Your defense of these questions is laughable. They are assuming they've been to school, yes correct......lol "1,505 18- to 20-year-old Americans—a demographic that has yet to graduate from, or only recently graduated from, high school." You don't have the questions, the article gives a very small snapshot of the actual report "Manhattan Institute report of all the findings from this study will be published in the coming months; what follows is a preview of some of them. Our analysis here focuses mainly on the results for the sample overall rather than for various subgroups."
  10. What I still understand is that you do not have a list of the questions asked yet you claim they were leading questions. I also understand the few questions that have been published are not leading questions and explanations are also there for a few. In addition I also know the authors are not saying they are leading questions. “Thinking about the school you attended, were you ever taught any of the following concepts in class or did you hear them from adults in the school you attended?” Those who didn’t report being taught any of the five CRT-related concepts serve as the reference group for tests of statistical significance. The “Have not been taught” group serves as the reference category for tests of statistical significance. Although I now see you have reverted to whether its peer reviewed or not.....lol. Since when do surveys/studies of these types get peer reviewed? Can you show me some examples? Its not published in a scientific journal.....lol
  11. The rules of the forum, its to stop people making things up and claiming them as true
  12. Of course it matters, this is not a leading question, they are not claiming they are either, only you. "Specifically, we asked those who reported being taught at least one of the listed concepts in a high school class what, if anything, they were taught about arguments opposing them."
  13. No a link to an explanation as to why. Quite different to an ad hominem attack
  14. Why are you speaking for Bob? If they are true put a credible link to the claims. Its that simple
  15. The words from the article do not claim the study uses leading questions either.....................
  16. You have not seen a list of the questions, you have no evidence....lol.
  17. No thanks, you are making the claim not me and there is nothing in their description that claims they are using leading questions. Just you.
  18. You can point out all you want, but you do not have evidence of the questions list that you claim are leading questions and as you can read I have already quoted one which is not leading.
  19. I will carry on to, I posted an article that mentions a study (among other examples that it links to), you are claiming it uses leading questions for that study but you don't have a list of all the questions.
  20. Yes you keep posting the same thing and still have no list of the actual questions. I also gave an example of one of the questions but I wont repeat it.....lol
  21. Yet you still don't have a list of the questions and claiming they are pointless and disregarding the study when you've not read it...lol
  22. I have no need for a list, I am not making any claims on the questions being leading because I have not seen them, the one I did read and post is not leading.
  23. Tell you what, you made a claim on them being leading questions but you don't have a list of those questions to make a judgement, the one question I pointed out to you is NOT a leading question. When you get the list of all the questions from the Manhattan Institute which did the study get back to me.
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