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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of our monarchy and my daughter is currently benefiting from taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh awards while here in Thailand. She's also proud.
  2. Since when is a red flag law, or the other measure in the bill virtue signaling? Yes there could be a lot more but as has been stated multiple times its a step in the right direction.
  3. Denazification of occupied Crimea..................... Ukraine war: Crimea oil tank set ablaze by reported drone A drone strike has caused a massive fire at an oil depot in Russian-controlled Crimea, local officials say. Video on social media shows smoke and flames billowing from the facility in Sevastopol, Crimea's main city. Firefighters are at the scene. No-one was hurt in the strike, the Moscow-appointed regional governor said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65434772
  4. You'll need to refer me to where exactly I claimed that first? Small steps in the right direction of firearm controls, raising the age to 21, red flag laws for identifying those who should not have a permit due to mental health of other issues. A 3 day waiting period to collect your firearm. All reasonable measures.
  5. Then again you could read the article and see just how wrong you are. Aside from the red flag law, the bill is not taking away any firearms, it is tightening firearm regulations.
  6. From school books to public records, the censorship continues.............. "Separately, DeSantis in court cases has lately claimed “executive privilege” to block the release of records and to keep staff from testifying – a power typically reserved for presidents"
  7. Election denier loser. Liar and fraud. If found guilty add Rapist to that.
  8. The big "IF" I prefer the one that goes "IF" Trump is found guilty he will have to pay her the requested damages and come out as a loser again. No more Mr Teflon Don
  9. Another massive missile strike throughout Ukraine last night killing innocent people. There are no other words for the Russian actions other than terrorists. Ukraine war: Six people dead as Russian missiles hit cities Russian air strikes have hit cities across Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv, killing at least six people. A woman and her three-year-old daughter were killed in the city of Dnipro, according to the local mayor. Four people died and 17 others were injured in the central city of Uman after missiles hit residential buildings, officials said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65421341
  10. That's for the jury to decide on his so called humour and for the alleged serious offense of rape. Being successful or as I prefer to call him, a "loser" is not an area that the jury will be deciding on.
  11. I would hope its an alarm for all men, many who have also been convicted after more than twenty years. Being a "successful" man should not deny a potential victim justice. Especially when that "successful" man will now have his access hollywood tape revealed in the trial. The tape where he basically admits to sexually assaulting women.
  12. A couple of higher ups now suspended. Air Force suspends leadership for unit of suspected Pentagon document leaker https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/26/politics/air-force-suspension-document-leak/index.html
  13. Indeed, he was not only into guns but according to new court documents he wanted to plan a mass murder. Converting an SUV into a killing machine with guns. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mad.255930/gov.uscourts.mad.255930.19.0_3.pdf
  14. LOL.........you fit perfectly into the title of this topic Far right laments Tucker Carlson's ouster and Loss of its shot on mainstream media..................
  15. Tuck released a short vid on his twitter feed. Oh the irony........finishes it with this beauty: “Where can you still find Americans saying true things?” he said. “There aren’t many places left but there are some and that’s enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon.” https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/apr/27/tucker-carlson-breaks-silence-fox-news-firing-video-twitter Have to say, watching the vid its sounds like he's on a mission to denounce all things US that way it is at the moment from both sides. I feel a podcast on the way....lol That is if he turns down the offer from RT News..........lol Tucker Carlson receives a job offer from Russian state TV after Fox News firing https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/tucker-carlson-russian-state-tv-job-offer-b2327099.html
  16. Plenty of them fall within that group............ MAGA Republican actions fit 'definition of fascism,' White House says https://www.reuters.com/world/us/maga-republican-actions-fit-definition-fascism-white-house-says-2022-08-26/
  17. Yawn..................not going over that again, we've already debated that along with links I provided. However where exactly in that post do I claim Tucker as being pro Russian? Its a statement from the Russian Foreign Minister nobody else................
  18. Tucker Carlson's Russian comrades not too pleased about this either. Here's the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that all time bastion of truth and honesty having his say: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Tuesday criticized Tucker Carlson's ouster from Fox News https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/04/26/curious-news-russian-foreign-minister-criticizes-tucker-carlsons-ouster-from-fox/
  19. Your post and vid can't even get how long ago it was. 27 years not 40. Nothing unusual either in the time, just a couple of days ago a Michigan man is facing felony charges after DNA from a coffee cup linked him to a rape in different states from more than 20 years ago.
  20. Seeing as its very rare to catch it once vaccinated, then it would be even rarer to die once vaccinated. Perhaps that fact that the article does not mention a death gives the clue................ Or was there another reason you decided to bring up such a rare occurrence?
  21. Exactly, if people take the vaccine there will be no deaths. Its not a new problem to Thailand. this article from 2019. Fears grow as measles running rampant in southern Thailand Amid deep-rooted vaccination fears, curable disease makes forceful reappearance with thousands of cases and 22 deaths. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/1/2/fears-grow-as-measles-running-rampant-in-southern-thailand
  22. That rules out Trump & DeSantis then
  23. Phuket, the richest Province in Thailand you mean.............
  24. Bless him, he should be used to it by now. Canned from 3 major Networks. MSNBC, then CNN now Fox.......lol Maybe Alex Jones needs a wingman on his podcast..............
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