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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. That is not inferring that Paul Pelosi is spreading false claims, you do know that right.................lol. It is a question who is spreading the false claims on the Paul case with plenty of examples in the article of who those people are.
  2. Azov are against the terrorist invaders and the Russian Nazi groups, Russian Imperial Legion & Rusich, fighting for Russia in Ukraine. Why would they stop kicking them out?
  3. Didn't officials get in first? Seems they are doing the right thing no? Officials in Memphis have braced for potential civil unrest and have called for peaceful protests ahead of video of the fatal police encounter that’s expected to be publicly released Friday. The local school district also canceled all after-school activities Friday in the “interest of public safety.” Police departments across the country – including in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Nashville and New York – told CNN they were either monitoring events or already had plans in place in case of protests. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/26/us/tyre-nichols-memphis-thursday/index.html
  4. Or a complete and utter humiliating debacle for the Pelosi's. Most likely the case or the vid would have been released long before this morning. Why does the video need to be "kept secret" DePape was charged with attempted murder, burglary, assault and false imprisonment. However feel free to keep up the conspiracy theories after all that's what this OP is about, the false claims.
  5. Deny what? Unfounded claims. Provide some evidence and I'll be more than happy to agree that Antifa was involved. At the moment we have militant extremists who need to be punished but does that mean all left wing militants are now labelled as Antifa? Your latest article again provides nothing but a headline and tweet from someone who was banned for 2 years and just allowed back on twitter:
  6. Is this supposed to be your link to Antifa? There is no evidence provided that they were there. the New York Post report makes an unsubstantiated claim here: Hundreds of far-left activists, including Antifa, had gathered on Saturday evening at the Five Points neighborhood in downtown Atlanta to protest the death of their comrade who died in a shootout with police earlier in the week at an occupation south of the city. The sub link it directs to goes to their other article here where this was suppose to confirm their claim but again absolutely no mention of Antifa: https://nypost.com/2023/01/19/atlanta-activists-call-for-rage-after-man-killed-cop-injured/
  7. Amazing what you can do with figures when you cut profit margins. But the closely-watched automotive gross margin fell to 25.9% from 27.9% in the third quarter and 30.6% in the fourth quarter a year ago. Tesla reports record earnings but tighter profit margins
  8. The demand is so high they even had to slash prices. Tesla Slashes Prices Up To 20 Percent, Sending Shockwaves Through EV Industry https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2023/01/26/tesla-slashes-prices-up-to-20-percent-sending-shockwaves-through-ev-industry/?sh=567359363a28 Still they are keeping their costs low buying up aluminium from Russia Tesla has been buying aluminum from a Russian company since 2020 https://www.cnbc.com/video/2022/03/14/tesla-has-been-buying-aluminum-from-a-russian-company-since-2020.html
  9. Yea he'll have to sell plenty more TESLA shares.........................
  10. Thats not how the judge views it: the federal judge said;“no reasonable jury could find Musk’s tweets on August 7, 2018 accurate or not misleading” If he loses this case it could run into billions for him. Its also not a civil suit but a "shareholder lawsuit"
  11. Tesla’s Autopilot was once groundbreaking technology. But in a recent ranking by Consumer Reports, which tested advanced driver assistance systems from 12 different carmakers, Tesla’s ranked seventh and Ford’s BlueCruise was in the top spot. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/25/business/consumer-reports-ford-bluecruise-tesla/index.html
  12. Correct just re read your first post. Obviously their intel is not good enough
  13. Nobody with a brain cell takes Tucker seriously, not even his own lawyers. You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers Oh wait............................. Talking With Tucker Carlson, the Most Powerful Conservative in America Tuckerism in miniature: he sanitizes and legitimizes right-wing conspiratorial thinking, dodges when you try to nail him down on the specifics, then wraps it all in an argument about censorship and free speech, he has a way of talking about culture and politics that is rooted in defiance: defiance of elites, defiance of the federal government, defiance of scientific consensus and it has won him the loyalty of millions of Americans who are already suspicious of everything he questions. “No one carries more weight in Republican and conservative politics—no one—than Tucker Carlson,” said Jeff Roe, a Republican strategist who managed Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign. “He doesn’t react to the agenda, he drives the agenda. He’s the gold standard for Republican philosophy.” https://time.com/6080432/tucker-carlson-profile/
  14. The orcs would love to intercept but so far failed. Its a tricky but successful process to transfer weapons and when in Ukraine territory the convoys are protected by surface to air missiles along the route. So no need to stop as you suggested nonsensically. About 75 percent of the arms are sent to staging bases in Poland, where Ukrainian troops pick up their cargo and take it back across the border. Admiral Heinz declined to identify two other neighboring countries where shipments are delivered, citing security concerns by those nations. The planners use different border crossings into Ukraine for weapons and for humanitarian assistance https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/27/us/politics/ukraine-weapons-center.html Since Ukraine cannot use its air assets, such as helicopters, to protect the convoys due to Russian air superiority, Ukraine must secure convoys transporting the materiel by positioning soldiers with surface-to-air missiles, like the Stingers the U.S. is providing, in key terrain along the routes leading to the next staging areas. https://theconversation.com/how-weapons-get-to-ukraine-and-whats-needed-to-protect-vulnerable-supply-chains-179285
  15. They've been supplying deliveries much larger than tanks for months, why should they stop? Whats so complicated about it? Have you forgotten HIMARS or self propelled rocket launchers, 100's of them from many countries?
  16. Failing that he may also be located bunkered down in his Palace. The residence is located at44.419°N 38.205°E on Cape Idokopas, near the village of Praskoveyevka. Cape Idokopas (Russian: Мыс Идокопас) is a promontory on the Black Sea coast of Russia near Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin's_Palace#:~:text=The residence is located at,Russia near Gelendzhik%2C Krasnodar Krai.
  17. Well I guess those that accuse the BBC of having a narrative and burying stories when they show the race involved will have to re think their rants.
  18. Correct no point, its real and they don't realize just how ingrained and institutionalized their prejudice against women is. Remarkable.
  19. Yes you did: Exclusive: A majority of respondents to a new poll want the UK to continue its support of Ukraine in opposing the war waged by Vladimir Putin even though they believe measures are worsening the cost of living crisis. https://www.politicshome.com/news/article/majority-of-public-believe-costofliving-crisis-is-price-worth-paying-for-ukraine-support
  20. What alternative reality are you existing on?................Trump wallows in self pity daily. I don't think one day goes by when one of his posts on Truth Social don't contain multiple references to his own victimization and self pity rants. Google search: "trump self pity"
  21. No idea, this is about Tesla not any other stocks, hence why there is that framing. Got it now? I don't belong to the democrat party, more off topic nonsense
  22. A long way to go for share holders to even think about a return on their investment from a year ago. https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NASDAQ-TSLA/
  23. Has that got anything at all to do with this topic? Like I said on the above matter "After more than a year in power, no foreign nation has officially recognized the Taliban government" Now back to your claim, a rumour sourced from a dodgy Russian Telegram channel. The best bit, your fantasy based on the above rumour: Keep dreaming and letting everyone here know your darkest desires, all very creepy.......... What have you achieved? Nothing but derailing the OP. Congratulations on that. If you can't think of anything to discuss on the Abrams Tanks that the US is planning to send, don't bother getting back to me.
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