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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. & another one, in Louisiana Mass shooting inside Baton Rouge club left 12 people injured https://www.wdsu.com/article/mass-shooting-baton-rouge-club-12-people-injured/42610747
  2. ? Not sure I'm following you, whats that got to do with around 50,000 Wagner in Ukraine? Or the Wagner committing atrocities in Africa?
  3. Are they fighting in Ukraine and are they recruited from Russian prisons as the most of Wagner has been recently?
  4. Seems like you don't keep up. This was stated just a few days into the invasion: On March 3, the Russian Defense Ministry referred to all foreign volunteers in Ukraine as “mercenaries,” none of whom “can be considered as combatants in accordance with international humanitarian law or enjoy the status of prisoners of war… At best they can expect to be prosecuted as criminals.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/15/ukraine-war-foreign-fighters-legion-volunteers-legal-status/ Lets also not forget its not just Wagner but additionally Putin announced in March that he will approve up to 16,000 fighters from the Middle East.
  5. No that's what the police called it, from your same article. The firearm wrested from the suspect was “a magazine-fed semiautomatic assault pistol” that had “an extended large capacity magazine attached to it,” the sheriff said, adding later that he believed the weapon was illegal to own in the state of California.
  6. Did you ask the Ukraine people about that? They do not agree with you. 86% support the action against the Russian terrorists. No this is all because of Putin, not Zelensky.
  7. A shooting in a state with among the strictest gun laws in America. Also one of the lowest for gun related deaths as a result. This is an unfortunate incident but the stats tell a different story. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm
  8. Yes more weapons to Ukraine will solve this. Its just plane logic and no need to have a commanding knowledge of the strategy of war as the experts can also tell us. By now anyone following this of course knows the logistics, training and maintenance required. That's precisely why the US is not supplying Abraham tanks because of the turbine engines, the specialist knowledge needed and they are gas guzzlers. Ukraine Needs These 3 Weapons 'to Win War With Russia' https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-needs-these-3-weapons-win-war-russia-1765337 NATO chief: More weapons to Ukraine only way to negotiated peace https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/nato-chief-more-weapons-to-ukraine-only-way-to-negotiated-peace/2791096 Time Is on Ukraine’s Side, Not Russia’s The Ukrainians will win if they keep getting better weapons. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/russia-ukraine-weapon-production-nato-supply/672719/
  9. Maybe enough pressure was applied Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spent several days trying to persuade the Germans to ship them, or at least allow Poland and other nations that use the tanks to re-export them. But by the time the meeting with scores of allies ended, the German defense minister, Boris Pistorius, reported that no agreement had been reached, although he said they would make a decision “as soon as possible.” He and Mr. Austin tried to focus on the unity of the effort to confront Russia, rather than the obvious rift over arms. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/20/us/politics/nato-alliance-ukraine.html https://archive.ph/gzPKR
  10. The reckoning comes: Finnish expert says: "Finland must consider extremely carefully the extent to which it should continue to purchase defense materials from Germany." "Finland cannot take the risk [to] be tied to a country that humbles itself in front of the enemy." https://twitter.com/EHunterChristie/status/1616775716145696769?cxt=HHwWgsC8pdS8-O8sAAAA
  11. Also known as blackmail. Besides which you posted an older report and "Scholz’s spokesman, Steffen Hebestreit, denied reports that Germany had insisted it would only deliver Leopard tanks if the U.S. sends its own Abrams tanks." German caution on Ukraine arms is rooted in political culture On Friday, Germany inched closer to a decision to deliver the tanks, ordering a review of its Leopard stocks in preparation for a possible green light. There was still no commitment, however. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius rejected the suggestion that Germany was standing in the way but said, “we have to balance all the pros and contras before we decide things like that, just like that.” https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/21/german-caution-on-ukraine-arms-is-rooted-in-political-culture.html
  12. Sometimes its even easier. Don't take a police quote and add your own meaning to it when the meaning was already clear.
  13. Yes mean? I mean nothing. I qave a direct quote. It does not say the demonstration was not peaceful. Don't put words in my mouth or try to create strawman
  14. Why not accept what the police already said? "The local Aachen police force said Ms Thunberg was part of a group of protesters that "stormed" towards the edge of the open-cast mine, described by officers as "steep and extremely dangerous". The force said the activist was not arrested but was instead carried along with other protesters for identification. She was released after a brief detention, police confirmed." Link previously provided
  15. I responded to a post in kind, once. Get your facts correct, the poster below is the one who used the term first perhaps have a word with him. Link to where I have used it before?
  16. Finally. 5 posts later an admission when presented with facts. After derailing the topic.
  17. Here is your original point with its unsubstantiated claim. That is false
  18. Considering this is about Greta challenging all those old men and the scientists acknowledging her work has helped yes. Does it help her online haters or trolls as I linked to? She does not care about them.
  19. From your link: The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate As I stated, it is not a person. You've yet to provide a link to your claim, you can't.
  20. Your claim: "The "Duchy of Cornwall " is a person , it inst a place" Provide a statement from a credible link to prove your claim. I have already provided 2 credible links to counter it. The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate
  21. The Duke of Cornwall is a person, the Duchy of Cornwall is as stated in the link I provided: https://duchyofcornwall.org/about-the-duchy/ The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate established by Edward III in 1337 to provide independence to his son and heir, Prince Edward. A charter ruled that each future Duke of Cornwall would be the eldest surviving son of the Monarch and heir to the throne. The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate https://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/features/duchy-cornwall#:~:text=The Duchy of Cornwall is,Duke of Cornwall%2C since 1969. Feel free to to be specific and provide a link to your claim. "The "Duchy of Cornwall " is a person , it inst a place"
  22. Of course not, the trolls and haters think they're being smart, they just embarrass themselves. Greta Thunberg Was Asked About "Haters". Her Response Won Applause Greta Thunberg's response won her a round of applause at Davos 2020. Instead, the 17-year-old climate change activist, speaking during a panel discussion with other young climate activists, said that there are things people need to know more about. "I would like to say something that I think people need to know more than how I deal with haters," said the Swedish teenager, who has faced relentless online trolling and bullying for her stance on climate change. She and other panelists were asked about haters by the panel host. https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/greta-thunberg-was-asked-about-haters-her-response-won-applause-2167556
  23. Attenborough says we should all be grateful to Thunberg for waking up the world to climate change Greta Thunberg Has a Fan in David Attenborough: "She Is There Because of Her Passion" Haters will hate Greta's focus is the task at hand, never stopped her when she was 16, it won't stop her at 20 Greta Thunberg is angry, and not just about climate change. "The haters are as active as ever", the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist posted on social media on Thursday, "going after me, my looks, my clothes, my behaviour and my differences". Anything, she says, rather than talk about the climate crisis. It hasn't stopped her from campaigning. On Friday, she led another of her climate strikes, heading up a huge demonstration in Montreal, demanding international aviation does more to cut its carbon footprint. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-49855980
  24. Your words "idol' but more than one: Climate scientists say Greta Thunberg's efforts are building real momentum "She is getting people to listen, which we have failed to do," one climatologist said. https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/climate-scientists-say-greta-thunberg-s-efforts-are-building-real-ncna1059321
  25. https://duchyofcornwall.org/about-the-duchy Ditto same reply + all other areas of the Duchy so this is zero to do with the Duchy of Cornwall
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