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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Wrong, it was a published article not as study, when they got independent peer reviews to check the data that's when they decided to withdraw it.
  2. Its a robust peer reviewed study I posted not an article. Try some morgue stats in the link below and feel free to back up your false claims that Africa only has around 6 percent covid vaccinated? Waiting for a chuckle..........lol Morgue Data Reveal Africa’s High COVID-19 Death Toll “This is an example of what it means to be a resource-poor country,” Gill says. “We tend to think of this just in terms of health and disease, but it also reflects the ability of poorer countries to map the impact of diseases on its populations. Rather than an ‘African paradox,’ the far simpler explanation is that COVID-19 has affected African countries just as the virus has everywhere else, but has gone undocumented.” https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2022/morgue-data-reveals-true-covid-19-death-toll-in-africa/
  3. Elon Musk warned of EU sanctions after banning journalists from platforms Officials in Brussels have warned Twitter owner Elon Musk the company could face sanctions “soon” after booting a series of journalists covering the billionaire off its platform. European Commissioner Vera Jourova said that the suspensions were “worrying” and that EU law protects media freedom. “News about arbitrary suspension of journalists on Twitter is worrying,” Ms Jourova said. https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-warned-eu-sanctions-113743920.html Germany says Twitter journalists ban 'unacceptable' The German Foreign Office tweeted screenshots on Friday of the accounts of journalists suspended by Twitter, telling the social media platform that suspending their accounts was unacceptable. "Press freedom cannot be switched on and off on a whim," the ministry wrote on its official Twitter page. "The journalists below can no longer follow us, comment and criticize. We have a problem with that, @Twitter." https://www.dw.com/en/germany-says-twitter-journalists-ban-unacceptable/a-64118704
  4. I'll give you an opportunity to prove your claims with some credible links, in the meantime here's a couple you may wish to read: Number of administered coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine doses per 100 people in Africa as of November 3, 2022, by country https://www.statista.com/statistics/1221298/covid-19-vaccination-rate-in-african-countries/ Underestimated COVID-19 mortality in WHO African region https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(22)00425-9/fulltext
  5. Covid-19 vaccines have saved more than 3 million lives in US, study says, but the fight isn’t over The Covid-19 vaccines have kept more than 18.5 million people in the US out of the hospital and saved more than 3.2 million lives, a new study says – and that estimate is most likely a conservative one, the researchers say. The US is nearing the second anniversary of its first Covid-19 vaccinations, and although the coronavirus is still causing thousands of illnesses and deaths, the vaccines have made living with the virus more manageable. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/13/health/covid-19-vaccines-study/index.html
  6. Another day, another opportunity for Russia to prove its a terrorist state. Russia launches 'massive missile attack' on Ukraine Air raid sirens have been sounded across the country warning of a fresh devastating barrage of Russian strikes on critical energy facilities and infrastructure. Russia has launched a "massive missile attack" on Ukraine, officials said, knocking out power and forcing people to take cover in shelters across the country amid reports of fatalities. Authorities on social media reported explosions in the capital Kyiv, southern Kryvyi Rih and northeastern Kharkiv on Friday as air raid sirens were sounded across the country warning of a fresh devastating barrage of Russian strikes on critical energy facilities and infrastructure. https://news.sky.com/story/russia-launches-massive-missile-attack-on-ukraine-12769133 Russia launches another major missile attack on Ukraine Ukrainian authorities reported explosions in at least three cities Friday, saying Russia has launched a major missile attack on energy facilities and infrastructure. Local authorities on social media reported explosions in the capital, Kyiv, southern Kryvyi Rih and northeastern Kharkiv as air raid alarms sounded across the country, warning of a new barrage of the Russian strikes that have occurred intermittently since mid-October. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-5d3e5ee5e93b6402d5214b3cf094fa1c
  7. Which is the most important aspect of these vaccines now that Omicron and its off shoots variants have arrived. Along with t cell responses: Cross reactive T cells hold up against Omicron Overall, these observations could explain why vaccines or previous infection still provide robust protection against severe disease with Omicron, even when levels of neutralizing antibodies are insufficient to prevent infection, and indicate that viral evolution is not driven by T cell escape. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-022-00690-8
  8. Who know's, the beauty of twitter polls is that they are useless for ALL questions................duh https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593893237873201152
  9. 57% of people. You know that how? Did all the bots and troll armies suddenly disappear, you know, the ones Musk said has an effect on polls?
  10. Musk just had a twitter poll. Its ended with final results, he didn't like the result so say's he's going to do another..............................oh and the journalists did not dox his location in real time https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1603600001057185792
  11. Rubbish, his doxxing is referring to his private jet location. Part of flying private in your own jet is forfeiting location privacy. Its publicly available. Nothing to do with what we're talking about but if your now trying to defelct and using that as a justification then are you also comparing these journalists as being suspended because they did not breach any rules? Nonsense
  12. Only you could come up with such a false equivalent, hypothetical scenario that is already covered adequately here: https://aseannow.com/terms/ Just as a reminder to you, this is not about me, an anonymous user, it is about Elon Musk a public figure with a large security detail including a team of bodyguards. Has publicly available records on their flight data for their own private jet, is courting publicity daily and responsible himself for spreading conspiracy theories on Pelosi, Fauci and Roth. Which in turn led to one of them having to move house, arrests and threats to life and family. So let me ask you now. What evidence do you have these high profile journalists shared his private address?
  13. "Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting," he continued in the post. ????????????
  14. Now in media NYT statement on Twitter suspending the accounts of prominent journalists, including NYT's Ryan Mac, calls the move "questionable and unfortunate." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/15/technology/twitter-suspends-journalist-accounts-elon-musk.html Twitter suspends journalists who have been covering Elon Musk and the company Thursday's suspensions come as Musk has backtracked on his promise that he would run Twitter as a free speech absolutist. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/twitter-suspends-journalists-covering-elon-musk-company-rcna62032
  15. Elon's version of free speech on display yet again: https://twitter.com/Dexerto/status/1603563911889952768
  16. They are in Ukraine skies and they are being given to Ukraine to defend against the ongoing war crimes. Simple enough for you. I won't bother with the nazi rhetoric been through that already many times. You should instead check the “Task Force Rusich” a Russian neo nazi brigade currently in Ukraine The official Telegram channel for “Task Force Rusich” – currently fighting in Ukraine on behalf of the Kremlin and linked to the notorious Wagner Group – last week requested members to forward details relating to border posts and military movements in the three Baltic states, which were formerly part of the Soviet Union. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/11/neo-nazi-russian-militia-appeals-for-intelligence-on-nato-member-states
  17. The letter you are citing makes claims and references a Lancet study. The claims the letter author is making are that: "immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals." Did you go to the study in question? https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00089-7/fulltext At no point in its robust and detailed analysis does it come to those conclusions. COVID-19 vaccines don’t weaken the immune system; Lancet study misrepresented in Virology Journal comment Misleading: The review article by Seneff et al. provided no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines weaken the immune system. On 21 July 2022, Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed that “it’s looking likely that [COVID-19] vaccines suppress the immune system”. To support that assertion, Carlson cited a review article by Seneff et al. and a comment in Virology Journal by cardiologist Kenji Yamamoto. The claim isn’t new; Health Feedback already debunked this claim here, here, and here. Claims like this illustrate how scientific publishing has proven to be an effective vehicle for spreading misinformation, by lending a sheen of credibility to inaccurate and misleading claims and narratives. No scientific evidence supports the claim that COVID-19 vaccination weakens the immune system. On the contrary, vaccination helps our immune system to better defend itself against infection. Large-scale clinical trials and scientific studies found that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their risks. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/covid-19-vaccines-dont-weaken-immune-system-lancet-study-misrepresented-tucker-carlson-hodgetwins/
  18. LOL. Since when has defending your skies from illegal attacks on civilian infrastructure been provocative. Another rule change from the terrorists.
  19. When or if that study get peer reviewed, not all do by a long way, then I will be happy to take onboard its contents along with other peer reviewed studies
  20. ooops, I'm surprised he's not deleted that yet like he does many of his other rants. Screenshot for prosperity.......lol
  21. For the same period excess deaths tell a different story and show a huge decrease. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?time=2022-06-19..latest&country=~AUS
  22. The Lancet study shows 58% infection induced to Feb 2022 agreed. The preprint you linked to shows data to to Nov 2022 however includes also vaccine induced immunity, you know the one you said I should remember about: "Design, setting, participants: Bayesian evidence synthesis of reported COVID-19 data (diagnoses, hospitalizations), vaccinations, and waning patterns for vaccine- and infection-acquired immunity, using a mathematical model of COVID-19 natural history." So its mute as well as not being peer reviewed
  23. I've no need to try again, your making a claim that over 90% have been infected, prove it
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