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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Correct, something that was in place before Musk took over as well and which they are all now complaining led to the laptop and Trump supression. Musk and his team are doing the exact same thing behind the scenes
  2. Well who would have thought.............. https://twitter.com/EliotHiggins/status/1601122459021107200
  3. The aim was to gain time with a ceasefire in order to later come to peace between Russia and Ukraine. https://twitter.com/TaranQ/status/1600939439592968192
  4. Interesting you get that vid from "Grassroots Army" Channel where they have edited out the introduction against the youtube T.O.S. Changed the title and uploaded it to their channel. The original is here where it belongs on the "Russian Media Monitor" monitor Channel. RT owner Margarita Simonyan as usual gets her facts wrong. Here's the latest vid from Russian Media Monitor with Maria Butina, a Russian politician, not a media pundit: Maria Butina says it was Russia's decision to exchange Bout for Brittney Griner and not Paul Whelan
  5. This is from a couple of years ago when the BBC did a fairly detailed article on him. Paul Whelan: The strange case of the ex-marine jailed for spying in Russia Whelan went on to seek out more Russian friends, using the country's social networking service VK among others, a scroll through their profiles, soon after his arrest, revealed almost all to be men - most considerably younger than him. Another man gave his friend a sightseeing tour of his own town that same year. He has no apparent link to the military himself and joked to me via VK that the American "didn't request to see anything suspicious :))" In 2009, he took his own parents to visit Russia, where they've told me they met several of his young friends in military uniform. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53110087
  6. Sounds like good news from the incoming House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul Incoming House Foreign Affairs chairman favors heavily arming Ukraine "100% "I think going with the amount of investment we've had is very small relative to destroying the Russian military," he told CBS News in an interview Friday. "And that's what we've done without one American soldier being attacked, killed or in country. To me, that's a pretty good investment." Asked if he would favor more heavily arming the Ukrainians to bring the war to a faster conclusion, McCaul responded, "100% because the longer you drag this out, the more bloodshed." https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/incoming-house-foreign-affairs-chairman-michael-mccaul-favors-heavily-arming-ukraine/
  7. I would love to see you ask her that to her face...............
  8. Griner is a female and born that way, I bet she's got a good right hand to if you called her that lol
  9. Message from Paul Whelan's brother https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1601345193516466176 https://twitter.com/davidpwhelan/status/1601219405744328706
  10. Pentagon gives Ukraine green light for drone strikes inside Russia The Pentagon has given a tacit endorsement of Ukraine’s long-range attacks on targets inside Russia after President Putin’s multiple missile strikes against Kyiv’s critical infrastructure. Since daily assaults on civilians began in October, the Pentagon has revised its threat assessment of the war in Ukraine. This represents a significant development in the nine-month war between Ukraine and Russia, with Washington now likelier to supply Kyiv with longer-range weapons. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ukraine-drone-warfare-russia-732jsshpx
  11. Exactly, only 4 to be precise and their plans did not only include the coup: "In April, officers arrested four people who had been plotting to kidnap the health minister, Karl Lauterbach, and cause nationwide power outages. The police said that the suspects were linked to the Reichsbürger and anti-vaccine movements. Among the items uncovered was a list containing 18 names of politicians considered enemies, possibly to be deported and executed"
  12. Donald Trump Freeing 5,000 Taliban Members Compared to Biden Griner Deal https://www.newsweek.com/trump-5000-taliban-brittany-griner-biden-prisoner-deal-1765859
  13. He tried a lawsuit with Clinton, never worked Judge hits Trump lawyers with $50,000 fines over tossed Clinton lawsuit "This cannot be attributed to incompetent lawyering. It was a deliberate use of the judicial system to pursue a political agenda." Middlebrooks called their lawsuit a "two-hundred page political manifesto" that "contained factual allegations that were either knowingly false or made in reckless disregard for the truth." https://www.axios.com/2022/11/11/trump-clinton-lawsuit-lawyers-sanctions
  14. Its ok, honestly, Trump agree's with you so you have a backer..............ooooops
  15. Hilarious, MAGA, election deniers and now criminal fraud deniers. Oh the eternal victims you lot are and its not even started yet...........
  16. From the US Senate Committee Risch, Cardin Applaud Committee Passage of Ukraine Genocide Resolution “This resolution condemns the active genocide against the Ukrainian people, calls on the U.S. government to work with our allies to prevent future acts of genocide, and supports investigations to bring these terrible crimes to justice. We must continue to do all we can to support the Ukrainian people in their fight for survival.” https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/rep/release/risch-cardin-applaud-committee-passage-of-ukraine-genocide-resolution
  17. Its a shame Trump never got him out then, he had 2 years to try
  18. How many does it take to kidnap and kill a few government employees in their plot?
  19. You missed that Archewell forms just a small part of their charitable work
  20. Russia has unofficially annexed Belarus already and has been from the start of the year It will also not be a shock-and-awe spectacle like the 2008 invasion of Georgia. Instead, we should be prepared for a slow, stealthy, and methodical operation that will be over before most people even know it is happening. It will be an annexation hiding in plain sight. Think of the old metaphor of a frog in boiling water. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/belarusalert/soft-annexation-inside-the-russian-takeover-of-belarus/ In the space of a month, Vladimir Putin has effectively managed to transform a former Soviet state into an extension of Russian territory, in full view of the United States and Europe, without firing a single shot in the country. This isn’t unfolding in Ukraine but neighboring Belarus https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/02/russia-creeping-annexation-belarus/622878/
  21. Its not PR to the beneficiaries including financial donations of all their charitable work no matter how you try to spin it. Nothing to do with speeches
  22. You got to be kidding me. Just a small list here, plenty more https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/prince-harry-and-meghan-markles-charity-work-through-the-years/
  23. Aside from all the selfless charity work they do you mean, especially Harry?
  24. I'm sure it would have been ok if she had been a white, straight basketball player. Griner being black, lesbian and an activist..............MAGA's worsts nightmare
  25. It would have been preferable for Paul Whelan to come back first but we don't know what was going on behind the scenes, according to the Whitehouse this was the only option there was, that was it. Trump tried for over two years to get an exchange for him and so far Biden has not managed it. At the end of the day a US citizen, despite her failings has been returned home, instead of hate at least celebrate that fact. Paul has just given a statement: Exclusive: Paul Whelan tells CNN he is ‘disappointed’ that more has not been done to secure his release Detained American Paul Whelan expressed his frustration that more has not been done to secure his release in an exclusive CNN interview hours after another detained American, Brittney Griner, was freed. Whelan said he was happy that Griner was released, but told CNN, “I am greatly disappointed that more has not been done to secure my release, especially as the four year anniversary of my arrest is coming up.” “I was arrested for a crime that never occurred,” he said in a phone call from the penal colony where he is being held in a remote part of Russia. “I don’t understand why I’m still sitting here.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/08/politics/paul-whelan-cnn-interview-brittney-griner/index.html
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