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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Statement by President von der Leyen on Russian accountability and the use of Russian frozen assets Russia must also pay financially for the devastation that it caused, the damage suffered by Ukraine is estimated at 600 billion euros, Russia and its oligarchs have to compensate Ukraine for the damage and cover the costs for rebuilding the country. And we have the means to make Russia pay, we have blocked 300 billion euros of the Russian Central Bank reserves and we have frozen 19 billion euros of Russian oligarchs' money. In the short term, we could create, with our partners, a structure to manage these funds and invest them. We would then use the proceeds for Ukraine. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_22_7307
  2. Lets get this done!! Important announcement from Ursula von der Leyen European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed creating a special international court to probe Russian actions in Ukraine and using frozen Russian assets to help rebuild the nation.
  3. This article from July 2022 gives a good insight into why the Republicans were opposed to it and why this was such an important bill to pass. Republicans’ Cowardly Excuses for Not Protecting Marriage Equality There is absolutely no reason to believe that fundamental rights of same-sex couples are safe. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/gop-respect-for-marriage-act-obergefell-supreme-court/670985/
  4. Certainly not a big waste of time to those who it affects and who were actively campaigning for this.
  5. Why did 36 vote against it and only 12 for then? Full List of Republicans Who Voted Against Interracial Marriage Law https://www.newsweek.com/senate-passes-respect-marriage-act-1763282
  6. After the European Parliament designated Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism it looks like the US is considering doing the same to the Wagner Group. Quite right to imo, gang of brutal murdering thugs with no accountability for their actions US Is Weighing a Terrorism Label for Russia’s Wagner Group Mercenaries The group’s troops are fighting in Ukraine and in Africa Its founder Yevgeny Prigozhin is a close ally of Putin Labeling Wagner a foreign terrorist organization would allow the US to pursue criminal prosecution against the group and its members, as well as go after its assets around the globe. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-29/russia-s-wagner-group-mercenaries-may-be-labeled-terrorists-by-the-us
  7. What do you disagree with in the Whitehouse statement? "But again, social media companies have a responsibility to prevent their platforms from being used by any user to incite violence especially violence directed at individual communities as we have been seeing and the president has been very clear on calling that out. He’ll continue to do that, and we’re going to continue to monitor the situation," Jean-Pierre concluded. What is your version of free speech?
  8. "A win for truth seekers" Since when does misinformation on covid magically become the truth? Just because you can you post it now on twitter does not make it true. Truth is the product of fact. If something is not factually correct it is still misinformation and can be proven so. Musk has allowed misinformation not truth.
  9. Yet what he actually said was: Jimenez reported that the daylight protests “were largely peaceful,” but the situation quickly changed at night. “What you are seeing now, these images, came and come in stark contrast to what we saw over the course of the daytime hours in Kenosha and into the early evening, which were largely peaceful demonstrations in the face of law enforcement,” Jimenez said.
  10. I'm aware what she did, its all in the article I linked to, he also said if she really wants her account back, she can have it," he said. "For $8," he added, referencing his proposed paid-verification checkmark system for $7.99 a month. I guess he said the same to all the others mentioned in the article that also changed their names in a parody of him.
  11. Twitter suspended comedian Kathy Griffin's account on Sunday evening after she jokingly pretended to be Elon Musk on the platform and mocked him in several tweets. Griffin now joins a range of several celebrities and figures who had their Twitter handles suspended for parodying Musk. A week earlier, the billionaire had declared that "comedy is now legal on Twitter," after buying the platform. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-suspends-kathy-griffins-account-after-she-parodied-elon-musk-2022-11
  12. As we know Musk often self deletes tweets and meme's. He deleted another a few hours ago in reference to apple: Elon Musk shared a tweet, showing that he is willing to 'Go to War' with Apple rather than pay the 30 per cent tax. However, the billionaire seems to have deleted the tweet. Business Today managed to get a screengrab of the tweet. https://www.businesstoday.in/technology/news/story/elon-musk-may-go-to-war-with-apple-as-iphone-maker-threatens-to-withhold-twitter-354500-2022-11-29
  13. Freedom, right to bear arms all paranoid fixations from a socially awkward individual
  14. Targeting civilian infrastructure, power grids, water in Ukraine occupied cities and territories leaving millions without heat is using winter as a war weapon and is also a war crime.
  15. As you can see from vid. The Russian conscipts are getting none of that + you are still missing all the other counties donating winter clothing to Ukraine
  16. Now playing the victim, reminds me of a certain orange man. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1597300125243944961 https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1597285572699074560
  17. Musk getting paranoid, posted a photo of his bedside table.........lol https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1597165510595989504
  18. You missed out 100's of 1000's of uniforms and other winter gear already donated from countless other countries, charities and of course the US. Its not just uniforms needed either, sleeping bags, tents, including heated tents, heaters, generators, basics such as gloves. By the way, Canada donated 500,000 units not 50k. Meanwhile Russians have to buy their own equipment or bring it with them including sleeping bags, they are not supplied with the most basic medical kits, they are told to steal them from cars. No bandages or tourniquets, told to bring tampons instead.
  19. Head of the propaganda RT News tells them to deal with it............ Simonyan to mobilized men who complained about their conditions: "It's war. You're men. Bear with it!" Then she tells story about a Russian doctor in Arctic expedition who cut out his own appendicitis
  20. Separate clip of Russian's suffering the cold Video of a russian soldier checking in on his comrades,... three of whom died overnight from the cold. Need to be logged into twitter to view
  21. Just goes to show how it was not just the Russians who defeated Germany as the other poster stated but a joint effort by the allied forces.
  22. Plan A: Took longer than expected but it certainly has not failed. Have you noted that Russia is running out of missiles, ammunition, equipment for its troops and the economy is in steep decline? Western sanctions catch up with Russia’s wartime economy For months, Putin claimed that the “economic blitzkrieg” against Russia had failed, but Western sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine are digging ever deeper into Russia’s economy, exacerbating equipment shortages for its army and hampering its ability to launch any new ground offensive or build new missiles, economists and Russian business executives said. Even so, a November report by the Central Bank warned that Russia’s GDP would face a sharper contraction of 7.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022, after falling 4.1 percent and 4 percent compared with last year in the previous two quarters, last week, as the Russian economy officially entered into recession, Central Bank Chairwoman Elvira Nabiullina told lawmakers that next year the situation could get darker still. “We really need to look at the situation very soberly and with our eyes open. Things may get worse, we understand that,” she said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/26/russia-war-economy-military-supply/ Plan B The influx of weapons were for defensive measures only, however Ukraine has already taken back more territory than Russia captured since its invasion. Its working and its long haul. Have you missed all the retreats from previously annexed territories that Russia claimed and occupied? Plan C Refer to Plan A and don't forget the help the Russians received in defeating the Germans including the huge amounts of lend lease military equipment from the US
  23. Its not my stuff, its facts, you can see we'll see for just about any future event in the world, very weak response. In future quote my full post and don't take it out of context as it contained the links to directly dispute your unfounded claim.
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