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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Which part of it is fake news then? Norway, Western Europe's largest petroleum producer, this year boosted its gas exports to take advantage of record prices and help Europe replace some of the volumes lost when Russia curbed supplies. "Norway delivers as much gas as possible to Germany," Stoere told a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Germany also receives natural gas via pipelines from Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium. Over the weekend, Germany expects to sign contracts for the delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the United Arab Emirates. France's energy regulator CRE said natural gas exports to Germany could start in October. Construction on one of Germany's new LNG terminals is also set to begin this week. BERLIN, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Germany is building up its liquefied natural gas (LNG) capacities and its terminals will be able to supply European neighbours as well from 2023, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz during a trip to Athens on Thursday. Germany will begin operation of two temporary terminals for the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by early 2023
  2. Agreed, from Oct Pope Francis has for the first time directly appealed to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to stop the “spiral of violence and death” in Ukraine, saying he is haunted by “rivers of blood and tears”. The head of the Catholic Church also condemned the annexation of four regions of Ukraine, saying it risked nuclear escalation and urged Putin to think of his own people during an address dedicated to Ukraine in St Peter’s Square. “I strongly deplore the grave situation that has been created in the last few days, with more actions that are contrary to the principles of international law,” Francis said in a clear reference to the annexation. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/10/2/pope-francis-begs-putin-to-stop-spiral-of-violence-and-death
  3. Kanye West the almighty Kanye is not happy with Elon Musk: “The issue I have is Elon won’t reinstate Alex Jones. Alex Jones is a christian. But you have a person who doesn’t believe that Christ is Lord going to buy an American media outlet & picking & choosing who can be on the platform. Jesus is Lord.”
  4. You're an avid Musk fan obviously and want to see his new business venture succeed right? Musk said for it to survive he's relying on subscriptions from users. Have you added the blue tick to your profile and now paying $8 per month for its service or still surfing away for free?
  5. However: In 2020, the decline in revenue was due to an advertising slump caused by the outbreak of the global coronavirus pandemic and before that net was not doing to badly at all. 2Q 2022 it slid after the Musk rumours of the takeover. https://www.statista.com/statistics/299119/twitter-net-income-quarterly/
  6. As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, there are no "fears about misinformation". The fear is losing control of the (normally false) narratives benefitting the democrat party. How do you know? You've already seen the statements by some of the larger outlets that used to advertise on twitter. The smaller ones also expressing the same caution. Here's direct feedback from one of the smaller companies that used to have a spend of $750k per month on twitter advertising. He decided to stay for a couple of weeks when Elon took over as he thought with half the big players having stopped he would get more exposure. He was wrong and has now pulled the plug. I told my team to pause our $750K/month Twitter ads budget last week - Performance fell significantly. CPMs didn’t drop but our engagement went way down, maybe it’s a shift in users on the platform, maybe it’s ad serving related. - Serious brand safety issues, our organic social and CS teams got dozens of screenshots of our ads next to awful content, replies to our posts with hardcore antisemitism and adult spam remained up for days even when flagged. - Ads UI is very buggy and login with SSO and 2FA broken, one of my campaign managers logged in last week and found all our paused creatives from the past 6 years had been reactivated, campaign changes don’t save, these things cost us real money. https://www.teamblind.com/post/i-told-my-team-to-pause-our-750kmonth-twitter-ads-budget-last-week-4dnbo1Ft
  7. Well it won't be Elon Musk, he tweeted he's voting for Desantis if he runs............lol
  8. Musk has sacked Twitter’s entire Brussels office—and that’s put him on a collision course with new EU laws Elon Musk’s plans to turn Twitter Inc. into a free speech haven could run into its biggest political obstacles in the European Union, where he has to contend with its new Digital Services Act, which forces companies to take down illegal content. EU leaders know Musk himself was a controversial speaker on Twitter — he was taken to court for defamation after he called a British caver a “pedo guy” (Musk won), the US SEC sued him for tweets about taking Tesla Inc. private (Musk settled), he tweeted a Nazi meme (then deleted it), and posted misinformation about an attack on US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband (also deleted.) https://fortune.com/2022/11/24/elon-musk-sacks-twitter-brussels-staff-collision-course-eu-laws-gdpr/
  9. You a parrot? if you can't be bothered to read the thread where this has already been gone over multiple times then I can't be bothered to have another debate with you about it
  10. Yes they are in mass shootings read the thread not going to bother repeating multiple posts already discussing that with links
  11. June 2022 US Gallup poll: 55% would like to ban on the manufacture, possession and sale of semi-automatic guns, known as assault rifles. 44% no would not 1% no opinion https://news.gallup.com/poll/1645/guns.aspx
  12. After the EU Parliament labeled Russia a state sponsor of terrorism they had a couple of gifts including a replica of the sledge hammer used the the horrific execution of one of its own Wagner soldiers. Putin’s crony dubbed ‘the chef’ sends ‘bloodied sledgehammer’ to EU The Kremlin-linked boss of the brutal Wagner Group claims to have sent a bloodied sledgehammer to the European Parliament. Vladimir Putin’s close confidant Yevgeny Prigozhin was responding to a vote to declare Russia a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ and his mercenaries a ‘terrorist group’. Smeared with artificial blood, the metal weapon bears the logo and the name of the Russian private military company, and was delivered in a violin case. https://metro.co.uk/2022/11/24/vladimir-putins-crony-and-wagner-boss-sends-bloodied-sledgehammer-to-eu-17820439/ They also received a cyber attack The European Parliament’s Website was hit by a Cyberattack claimed by Killnet On November 23rd, the European Parliament was hit by a cyberattack that was orchestrated and claimed by a Pro-Kremlin Group called Killnet. The attack came after Europe declared Russia as “a state sponsor of terrorism”. https://www.thecybersecuritytimes.com/the-european-parliaments-website-was-hit-by-a-cyberattack-claimed-by-killnet/
  13. Can you link to your claim "since october vatican is spooked by nuclear threat, armageddon in Biden's speech" Whats missed from that article. Pope links plight of Ukrainians today to Stalin’s ‘genocide’ VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Wednesday linked the suffering of Ukrainians now to the 1930s “genocide artificially caused by Stalin,” when the Soviet leader was blamed for creating a man-made famine in Ukraine believed to have killed more than 3 million people. Francis’ linking of the plight of Ukrainian civilians today to those killed by starvation 90 years ago, and his willingness to call it a “genocide” caused by Josef Stalin, marked a sharp escalation in papal rhetoric against Russia. https://apnews.com/article/pope-francis-kyiv-religion-famine-vatican-city-64a2f863ec55dbff33cbd528e161e1a4 You've now backtracked to a much earlier message from the Pope dated 26th Aug yet used the narrative "but kiev is not having any of it" You missed all the peace deals Putin refused even a couple of days into the war, you also missed where Zelensky publicity offered not to join NATO for a peace deal but was ignored by Russia, this also has nothing to do with an unproven link to Boris who is off topic anyway
  14. All stats use the US definition The Gun Violence Archive, an online database of gun violence incidents in the U.S., defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people are shot, even if no one was killed (again excluding the shooters). Using this definition, 513 people died in these incidents in 2020. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/
  15. Not suprising more mass shooters are turning to assualt rifles. Their sales are going through the roof. Record 2.8 Million AR-15 And AK-Style Rifles Entered U.S. Circulation In 2020, Gun Group Says https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/07/20/record-28-million-ar-15-and-ak-style-rifles-entered-us-circulation-in-2020-gun-group-says/?sh=4a64916527ca
  16. The article headline had a question mark as did my quote of it that you edited out. A question does not make an assertion. Its also very relevant.
  17. Kanye West asks Donald Trump to be his vice president in 2024 run; Trump has screaming fit, rapper says https://news.yahoo.com/kanye-west-asks-donald-trump-165400425.html
  18. So the USA regime change at UA Fortunately opinions and facts are not the same thing.
  19. Always have time to address someone who accuses me of something that is not true.
  20. That's what I always claimed: "AR-15-style rifles have been the weapon of choice for the killers responsible for the deadliest mass shootings in American history" As evidenced by the gov investigation Show me where I have claimed they are "the AR 15 is the weapon of choice for mass shooters". Are you referring to this post? What makes the AR-15 style rifle the weapon of choice for mass shooters? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ar-15-mass-shootings-60-minutes-2022-05-29/ Note the question mark, what does that mean to you? It is the headline of the article. When you quote me in future do not dishonestly edit my quote by leaving that out and try actually reading the article.
  21. Advertizers dont like dis That's his biggest problem and he knows it. However advertisers don't like the dishonesty in him. Elon Admits His Content Moderation Council Was Always A Sham To Keep Advertisers On The Site Now we’re learning a bit more about Musk’s canceled plans for the “council.” First, in meetings over the weekend he told Twitter employees that the council was always there just as cover for his own decisions, and he’d be the final arbiter of what stays up and what comes down: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/11/23/elon-admits-his-content-moderation-council-was-always-a-charade-to-hopefully-bring-advertisers-back/ Elon Musk Says He Will Make Final Decisions on Twitter Posts, Despite Content Moderation Council Elon Musk admitted to his Twitter staff that the platform’s Content Moderation Council is all for show and that at the end of the day he decides what gets posted. In a video obtained by TMZ, Musk is seen addressing his staff in a Saturday Zoom meeting, where he informs them he has the final say over content shared on Twitter. He added that any evidence to the contrary is “simply not true.” https://sports.yahoo.com/elon-musk-says-final-decisions-153716931.html
  22. Pleasure but not me the investigation of a house committe you need to click the link AR-15-style rifles have been the weapon of choice for the killers responsible for the deadliest mass shootings in American history, including the recent mass murders in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas.6 https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO00/20220727/115024/HHRG-117-GO00-20220727-SD005.pdf Goodnight
  23. No but we do have drunk driving laws to stop it as much as we can. You're now on ignore for the remainder of this OP. Your logic is shot............????
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