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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I disagree with ban of movement too but choices are not so easy, you cannot predict accidental pregnancies, young women/teens still at school/college who have accidental pregnancies do not have the option to move as just one example.
  2. It is anticipated that up to 50% of states will adopt this law. For the affluent who find it easier to move then its not so much of a problem, for those in poverty, those with ties, especially, family and cultural will find it is very hard. The end of Roe will mean more children living in poverty and some states could ban people traveling to other states for an abortion
  3. Not only are red states curtailing womens rights to abortion we now have posters wanting it stepped up and curtailed even more............jeez
  4. You've already exposed your level of understanding for the act of sex and womens rights. So pointless for us to engage further.
  5. I suggest your judgement on the good faith of your exchanges is flawed. Especially when you resort to personal attacks
  6. Your question to me: "Doesn't the woman in some way consent to this responsibility when she chooses to have sex?" My reply to you for the third time: "When did choosing to have sex also insinuate you want a baby?" Either take it or don't, I really don't care but your instance on not working out the logic of answering my question first says you have no idea and all you are doing is baiting.
  7. Think you better do a search for protests in all the republican states that did an immediate ban. Each one have large protesters
  8. This is not correct, a surgical abortion before 14 weeks involves no needles. This period is known as the first trimester. The vast majority of abortions – around nine-in-ten – occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. In 2019, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester. The last recorded statistics in the US was 2019 In 2019, 56% of legal abortions in clinical settings occurred via some form of surgery, while 44% were medication abortions involving pills, according to the CDC. Any abortions after 14 weeks (second trimester) are normally only for medical reasons and then an injection is made through the abdomen into the fluid around the fetus or the fetus to stop the heartbeat. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/24/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/
  9. The Russian's did not say that though: UKRAINSKA PRAVDA — FRIDAY, 17 JUNE 2022, 18:53 Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is not threatening the world with nuclear weapons, but warns that it is ready to use them in the event of a threat to [Russia’s] sovereignty. So basically if there's an incursion onto their territory. However its ok for Russia to invade other countries that did away with their own nuclear weapons such as Ukraine in the Budapest Memorandum where Russia then promised never to invade Ukraine or attack it.
  10. Belarus being drawn in. They were having military exercises there last week now low and behold, Russia is striking Ukraine from Belarus territory. Ukraine reports 'massive bombardment' from Belarus Ukraine said it came under "massive bombardment" Saturday from neighbouring Belarus, a Russian ally not officially involved in the conflict, the day after announcing a retreat from the strategic city of Severodonetsk. Twenty rockets targeted the village of Desna in the northern Chernigiv region, Ukraine's northern military command said in a statement, adding that infrastructure was hit, but no casualties had yet been reported. "Today's strike is directly linked to Kremlin efforts to pull Belarus as a co-belligerent into the war in Ukraine," the Ukrainian intelligence service said. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220625-massive-bombardment-of-ukraine-originates-from-belarus-border-region
  11. Same reply. When did choosing to have sex also insinuate you want a baby?
  12. when did choosing to have sex also insinuate you want a baby? This is a completely different argument and full of if's and buts, but more than happy to pursue it if you want?
  13. Yes in my opinion it far outways the mans feelings because not only does the woman also have feelings but she also has the physical aspects of the pregnancy for 9 months. But then I've mentioned that already in my posts to you.
  14. Yes I follow quite clearly and my post was also clear. The women has the ultimate decision not the man. Simple as that
  15. Then as my post said, she has the burden of 9 months pregnancy and can make her choice.
  16. If that was the case then the woman probably wouldn't want an abortion in the first place and so has made her decision and kept her rights to that decision but I can't speak for women, only they can as they are the ones who have the burden.
  17. What if that man is abusive, what if the relationship is toxic? What if that man has already left the relationship?
  18. Well its only in republican states that the ban is currently in effect so that could be the reason. The ruling has been posted in this tread and it clearly gives the onus to states to decide themselves, so that's whats happening ending up with many now banning abortions with more still to come after they sort out the details. 'It's now up to the states': Republicans move to ban abortion after Roe falls Red state governors and attorneys general moved swiftly to ban access to the procedure and announced special legislative sessions to restrict abortion in the minutes and hours after the Supreme Court’s decision. Their blue state counterparts quickly issued executive orders and announced new policies to protect abortion and prevent abortion-rights opponents from prosecuting providers and patients for pregnancies terminated legally in their state’s borders. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/states-abortion-laws-supreme-court-00042390
  19. I've no intention of giving you a break................. The truth is its been outlawed in many states with more to come, twist it as much as you want but those are the facts. There's no guarantee that people can get abortions in liberal states, either
  20. Absolutely aside from the awful cases of unwanted children through rape there are so many other genuine reasons for seeking an abortion. Abusive relationships, partners not wanting a child, to young, teenagers who are just not ready for the demands of a baby, have school, university and their careers to consider. Women who are too old even have a genuine reason, health concerns, drug or alcohol issues, the list is long and in my opinion as you rightly stated this will lead to more unwanted children and for many of those children to end up in care or an unwanted environment.
  21. No surprise there with his flip flops, wants to keep his buddies onboard
  22. More threats coming in thick and fast Russian MP Urges Attack on U.S. Embassy in Kyiv for Supplying Ukraine Arms Yury Shvytkin, deputy chairman of the Russian parliament's defense committee, told the Russian news outlet Lenta.ru that delivery to Ukraine's forces of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) showed the U.S. was "moving step by step towards a Third World War." Kyiv said on Thursday that the first batch of the systems had arrived and more multiple launch rocket systems are expected from Western allies. "I think the main decision-making center is the U.S. Embassy. I think that sooner or later this will become a target for the Russian armed forces," https://www.newsweek.com/yury-shvytkin-lenta-russia-ukraine-embassy-1718801
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