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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Your data point is noted, however I cannot study that as its not published with peer review anywhere
  2. Well its scientifically proven right back to the original strain that its transmissible by inhalation of air carrying very small fine droplets and aerosol particles. The question is how much more Omicron is than others.
  3. Another baiting post I suspect, but if we look at factual evidence through scientific studies the mrna vaccines are more effective for any strain of covid. That cannot be disputed by anyone. AZ not too far behind. An outliner. apparently Johnson and Johnson worked well in South Africa though which is good news: Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Demonstrates 85 Percent Effectiveness against Hospitalization in South Africa when Omicron was Dominant
  4. Also not so good if you're not retired and work in an industry that relies on tourism and expats coming over for long stays. In my case not so good because of school for my daughter as its bound to be closed again soon. They are back on Wed from the xmas holidays but with Omicron now in Phuket how long that will last is questionable.
  5. ooops, not just Pattaya Omicron in Patong: 11 cases confirmed on Soi Bangla PHUKET: Proactive screening has identified 11 Thai women working in the Soi Bangla area of Patong as infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19. https://www.thephuketnews.com/omicron-in-patong-11-cases-confirmed-on-soi-bangla-82578.php
  6. Plenty of studies issued already on Omicron, probably more is such a short space of time than any other variant in the same time span. However I agree with your last sentence> "Only misguided gamblers will wait for studies before action."
  7. Sinovac dose, Pfizer booster dose is less effective against Omicron NEW YORK: A two-dose injection of Sinovac-type COVID-19 vaccine followed by a booster dose of Pfizer-BioNTech showed a lower immune response against Omicron, compared to other variants. The study was conducted by a group of researchers from Yale University, the Ministry of Health of the Dominican Republic as well as several other institutions. One of the researchers, Akiko Iwasaki, said in a tweet on Twitter that the CoronaVac vaccine recipients may need two more booster doses to achieve a level of protection against Omicron. https://asianewstoday.com/sinovac-dose-pfizer-booster-dose-is-less-effective-against-omicron/
  8. I certainly do not dispute it could be more airborne than delta but as I said there is no evidence provided by a study to confirm that as yet. What has been evidenced so far is that it takes a much smaller viral load to get infected because of its duplication in your air track. Months ago, the spread of Delta was reported by the U.S. CDC to be more like chickenpox (varicella) virus in terms of airborne spread (droplet nuclei). Is Omicron even more airborne, moving it closer toward somewhere between chickenpox and measles virus? How long can Omicron stay suspended in the air compared with Delta or Alpha or the original virus found in 2019 in Wuhan or the early 2020 D614G virus?
  9. Pattaya and Banglamung cases rise, 81 percent of recently randomly tested infections are Omicron in the area says Chonburi’s top doctor The Chonburi Provincial Public Health Deputy Director Doctor Wichai Tanasophon spoke with the associated Thai press this morning, January 2nd, 2022, regarding rapidly rising Covid-19 numbers in Banglamung and Pattaya and stated the following: “Many confirmed Covid -19 cases were found in Banglamung recently. Since December 22nd the infection rate has rapidly increased and continues to increase.” https://thepattayanews.com/2022/01/02/pattaya-and-banglamung-cases-rise-81-percent-of-recently-randomly-tested-infections-are-omicron-in-the-area-says-chonburis-top-doctor/
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