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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I edited while you were responding. does not matter how big you make it
  2. What offends me? Like I said in my first post: Israel has every right to ban Al Jazeera from its own country. Just as the EU banned RT News
  3. Yes, when someone edits a post after its already been replied to its dishonest
  4. Really, there you go interjecting again and I had just replied to him
  5. Since when is this about what I believe? It is about the evidence supplied = facts
  6. This topic is about Israel banning Al Jazeera from Israel, not Gaza or West Bank
  7. Actually you edited once I had already replied, very dishonest
  8. I'm sure you have a point to make somewhere but thats nothing to do with my post
  9. Good for them, a bit late in the day though, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain & Egypt had already banned Al Jazeera. Egypt accused Al Jazeera of being a mouthpiece for the Islamist group, banning the broadcaster and arresting a number of its journalists. In 2017, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain launched a boycott of Qatar over charges it supported terrorism, an accusation Qatar denied https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/egypt-frees-last-al-jazeera-journalists-it-had-detained-2024-03-22/ https://archive.ph/24Le0
  10. Yes I did post that link, just one of others I posted, hence why I said "there's a mountain of evidence without any input from ISGAP" Besides which I would be very surprised if Israel did not donate some money to a anti-semitism NGO
  11. Now a barrage of rockets and mortar shells on KEREM SHALOM from Rafah. 10 people wounded, one in grave condition. Remember Kerem shalom? From which most humanitarian aid to Gaza enters? Will we hear condemnations from the Intl community on this or will we only hear when/if it affects the flow of humanitarian aid?
  12. Yet there's a mountain of evidence without any input from ISGAP. You obviously failed to read the links provided (National Students for Justice in Palestine) Besides NSJP, some Columbia students also engaged with Samidoun, a Vancouver-based “Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network” which both Israel and Germany have banned over links to terrorism. Several of the group’s activists spoke at “Resistance 101,” a training session for pro-Palestinian Columbia students — some of whom were subsequently suspended — that was held online in March after being twice barred from the campus.
  13. It was paid well before and continues to be paid now. But yes as you know a different topic discussed to death months ago. Nothing to do with Qatar funding US colleges
  14. Indeed with Qatar who also funds Hamas being a major one although I'm sure Qatar will deny being anti Israel Qatar’s ties to US universities scrutinised amid rise in antisemitism Qatar has emerged as the largest foreign donor to US universities, contributing $5.1bn since 1986 In the wake of October 7, scrutiny of Qatar’s relationship with Hamas and the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood has intensified. Texas A&M University last month announced that it would close the satellite campus it established in Doha in 2003. The university cited “regional instability” for its decision, but it has also faced unwanted publicity since October 7 about its patron’s ties to Hamas. https://www.ft.com/content/d0a16f75-8b05-4ff9-b5f1-d473d7f5a704 https://archive.ph/9OV5F
  15. Here's a better challenge, quote me where I claimed they were. As for right wing, I go where the facts are be that there or from left such as Fetterman: Senator Fetterman Slams Campus Protests as "Pup Tents for Hamas"
  16. Facts hurting you then? How about this class that was given to students at Columbia its sister college, Barnard, Charlotte Kates. Radical anti-Israel activists told Columbia students, “There is nothing wrong with being a fighter in Hamas” — weeks before the campus exploded in pro-Palestinian protests.
  17. You don't want little Hamas pups then https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1785077896534503759
  18. "Death to Israel" "Death to America" I know a couple of leading rogue nations who could be channeling their influence here. From NYPD Chief: This morning, @nyuniversity & @TheNewSchool requested @nypdnews to clear protesting students on their grounds. “Options” were afforded to the student protesters, with some leaving and 56 choosing arrest. There were no incidents, nor injuries to report. Once again the NYPD was extremely professional in their response! However, as we have been stating for the past 2 weeks, there is an underlying radical indoctrination of some of these students. Vulnerable and young people being influenced by professional agitators. Who is funding and leading this movement? We found numerous disturbing pieces of literature in both encampments but wanted to highlight this most disturbing one, clearly stating: “Death to America !” Watch this:
  19. Some further clarification for those who still don't get this: According to the Journal’s report, activists at Columbia University — whose encampment launched the anti-Israel activities on other campuses — had “for weeks and months” consulted with and received training from outside groups, including the National Students for Justice in Palestine, whose Columbia chapter was suspended by the university administration early in the war. NSJP’s main sponsor, the Journal reported, is the Westchester Peace Action Committee (WESPAC) — which the Anti-Defamation League antisemitism watchdog says has funded groups that “have repeatedly propagated antisemitism or called for violence against Israel.” Besides NSJP, some Columbia students also engaged with Samidoun, a Vancouver-based “Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network” which both Israel and Germany have banned over links to terrorism. Several of the group’s activists spoke at “Resistance 101,” a training session for pro-Palestinian Columbia students — some of whom were subsequently suspended — that was held online in March after being twice barred from the campus.
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