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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. My point is most citizens require very little from their embassy so seeing those small services gradually disappearing makes one wonder are they worthy of greater responsibilities if they shirk the small tasks.
  2. Same everyday for over 70 years. Shredded wheat two slices of toast with marmalade.
  3. While the senior members of western embassy's job might be to shmooze with the local nobs playing golf and attending banquets this attitude seems to permeate to the junior employees making them believe they are above helping ordinary citizens.
  4. This is Biden's war costing US and EU taxpayers a fortune . Trump just wants to end it, Zelensky wants to keep it going to keep the money rolling in.
  5. Back in Canada I have a back yard butchers shop for processing wild meat. I've done a couple of wild boars but I don't like doing them as the fat really clings to the equipment making it take four times as long to clean.
  6. I pulled around the corner to the local 7/11 there were two ambulances with their lights flashing one on each side of the road. When I was heading for the door I saw seven motorcycles tip over due to only applying the front brake on the wet road. They were dropping like flies it was spooky. I am used to driving on snow and ice so I leave a bigger gap between me and the car in front, comes in handy .
  7. The more villains running around the more money the legal profession makes. They are all in it together judges, lawyers the whole system that feeds off the tax payers.
  8. My old passport was a UK passport . I switched to Canada when they came out with a ten year passport.
  9. When you enter on an E-visa they put a stamp in your passport that the motor vehicles people check. If you have a new passport they will want to see the old one that has the number the same as on your old drivers license. I had to have a neighbor break into my house in Canada and send me a scan of my old passport.
  10. Wait till he thinks he can fly, that will be the end of him.
  11. What's new ,if you go third class you will see lots of Lao Khow being guzzled. They won't sell that anyway if selling booze is legalized.
  12. Start by having Thai Airways bring back the senior discount Thai Smile used to have.
  13. Typical lawyer no social conscience just motivated by greed. They like these cases because when the money comes from the government trough they are guaranteed to get paid.
  14. Th deportation process needs to be streamlined. At present it is just another trough for lawyers to feed from.
  15. As long as people believe they can make a fast buck these schemes will prevail. The government needs to hammer home the fact that if something sounds too good to be true then it's a scam. Every time I check my junk mail there is half a dozen of them in there, more often in my business mail . I check one out once in a while, some of them are quite convincing. I think some kind of TV campaign would be the way to go.
  16. The US still hasn't gone home after WWII they are spread over the world like some evil pox pretending others are the threat when they are the biggest. I believe the Russians have more reason to worry about the US than the US has to worry about Russia. There are no Russian missiles on US borders but there are US missiles on Russian borders. This is what the Ukranian war is about also oil a constant source of conflict is in there too somehow.
  17. So blowing five billion on an aircraft carrier is more responsible? All governments piss away money can't always predict the outcome.
  18. How many crimes are committed with legal firearms?
  19. You can get a bottle of Lao Khao from the village shop anytime ,so what's the point of banning the expensive stuff that farangs buy? Doesn't make sense. If someone is on a bender they would not drive all the way to Tesco for a jug of booze.
  20. The question that is asked whenever new casinos are proposed is do they bring in new money or just redistribute existing money?
  21. About jet lag mt cousins old man was a steward all his career. When I asked him the best way to handle jet lag he said take a flight that arrives in the evening then go to bed.
  22. Mules, the money men just write it off as an expense for doing business. And the beat goes on.
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