Thailand is not the place to get screw in teeth any more. I remember when they charged 20,000 but they have been jacking up the price for years. Eastern Europe is your best bet, even Mexico has kept their price down.
Different strokes for different folks, I have lived in a village outside Udon Thani for twenty years, suits me fine. Never been to Pattaya and no wish to go.
When my dad was in his eighties he would have every piss planned out whenever we went anywhere.
Now I am in my eighties i find myself doing the same thing. If I have to take Starbucks off my piss list then I will just take a different route.
The USA does not have democracy, sure everybody gets to vote but your vote means nothing when lobbyists backed by big money get to do an end run round the electorate. The problem is most lobbyists are politicians who have passed there "best before" date , they see the lobbying industry as a place to go if they get the boot, so they are loathe to go after ir.
I like to fly business class so checking in is always a breeze I aways get there early enough to put in a couple of hours lounge time. Might as well since I paid for it.
The problem with immigrants is that the politicians that bring them in are not the ones that have to deal with them. Bringing in people with no marketable skills and dumping them onto local authorities is a bad move.
That's why there is a move to get away from the US dollar ,not a good deal when one country controls the printing presses and can grab any countries cash sitting in a US bank if they don't like someone's politics.
Cut the military,over 150 overseas bases, 50,000 people in Okinawa . Is the US that insecure it thinks they need all these. The war has been over 80 years and they still have soldiers in Germany, the Russians went home years ago.
If I croak in LOS please cremate me. You can ship the ashes anywhere you like in a jar cheap by regular mail. I would not like to have my family try to scratch up $30,000.
Sounds like a pitch for gym memberships. I am in my eighties my mental health is just fine. I have never willingly entered a gym or done any exercise in my life, last time was in school over sixty five years ago. Not afraid of physical work so long as it produces something.
I was fifty something when I first grew a beard. Now I am eighty something but the face the beard covered up is still fifty something to me and I like to keep i that way.
I think it's a problem with the site, maybe adds have to be manually removed. The system should automatically delete the ads when the last item is sold. My biggest problem is with the refund system, it goes into some kind of wallet that you need a degree in computer science to figure out.
A few years ago I heard a story from a man who was in Gaza sitting on the roof of a building with a bunch of Arabs drinking tea. He said a helicopter gunship appeared and started shooting rockets into a nearby building. When he asked the Arabs why they were not concerned they told him there was no problem as the Israelis were very good at targeting who they were after and there was never any collateral damage. Seems like things have changed.
Burning sugar isn't a a problem. The fire rips through the sugar real quick and is out by the time you get on your motorcycle to go see the fire. I have never detected any change in air quality , only problem being black embers falling on any washing you have hung up drying.