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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Another small player, big players don't sell small amounts on the street. We had a guy in the village used to buy a bit of weed ,roll up three and sell two to cover the cost. They sent three cars and one from Laos to get him. This guy slept on his mothers couch didn't ever own a motorcycle, another stellar bust.
  2. In Canada I had to show ID to change two $5 for a $10. They say they 're preventing money laundering but that's BS.
  3. A vipers nest of CIA and other US operatives.
  4. Lighten up it's not important. Didn't Hong Kong have a football team that called themselves "the foreign devils"?
  5. Sounds like what they were saying about Japanese cars in the seventies. By the time they woke up everyone was driving Toyotas and Hondas. Same is happening now with Chinese cars now.
  6. The US likes to talk about democracy but they are one of the least democratic countries as you can buy your way in at the top if you have lots of cash. That is one of the reasons they dislike China as the Chinese government keeps the rich at arms length and out of politics.
  7. It depends on how far you are away from the store because the most expensive item will be the fuel you use going to the store.
  8. It's not that China wants them back ,it's that Thailand does not want them. Look at the mess Europe is in with Muslim fanatics hiding behind human rights laws.
  9. Stop giving money to the Zelenski and his gang they were the ones to piss the Russians off ,they should be the ones facing the consequences of their actions. Then you could lower a lot of prices in the UK, when the price of energy goes up in the EU because they can't get Russian gas UK producers raise their prices to match.
  10. What the Labour MP's don't understand is people had had enough of the Torries and wanted them out so they were only elected for this reason rather than for their policies. They are failing badly at gaining popular support. Old Churchill was not a nice guy but he was what was needed to beat Hitler so he deserves respect for this. You can't rewrite history.
  11. That happens often here, I am the last in a whole line of vehicles and someone has to pull out in front of me to gain two seconds.
  12. Old Churchill had them figured out. Look up some of his quotes all from experience.
  13. What needs to be reduced is the difference between the interest they pay and the interest they charge. They can up the rate they pay or reduce the interest they charge either way is good for the people.
  14. Every public service tends to get loaded up with too many drones. The more people managers hire under them the higher they rise.They definitely need a purge but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Some perform essential services that need to continue.
  15. France promising big money at the "rub and tug" I wonder?
  16. Grey haired men control women's bodies in the US till they are 18 in most other countries it's 16. Private jets to private islands, I can't believe that those young women were naive enough to believe that they would not be required to share some skin.
  17. Couldn't have had many friends or family if he could go on a six day bender with only 6000. They like to eat lots when they drink so that 6000 would soon be licked up.
  18. I had that done ,you could see it on a TV monitor. They pump your bladder full of water so they can get a good look and when they pull the camera out you really have to run to the WC
  19. The system is definitely broke when you cannot get rid of these bastards.
  20. The US is wasting their money, Thailand traditionally sits on the fence till a winner becomes obvious. They got it wrong backing the nippers in WWII but they will be more careful next time. So for now they are keeping their options open.
  21. China is ahead on everything , why would they need American technology?
  22. Talk about threats from China and Russia while being occupied by the USA.
  23. I don't think Americans understand what communism is about, no private land ownership all farming and business run by the government. The chance of that happening is zero. All they know is that communism is bad so any thing they perceive as being bad they call communist. Evan China has abandoned its Marxist principals since Deng Xio Ping, they have a stock market and house ownership but the US still likes to talk about the CCP.
  24. True but they have gone home the Yanks haven't.
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